Early Modern Literature – Poetry Flashcards
Early Modern Period & Renaissance
Early Modern Period
* neutral term
* looking forward: early stage of modernity
* looking back: Classical antiquity revived
* Italian culture and art
1485 Battle of Bosworth Field - End War of the Roses
1603 King James I
The English Reformation
- At the beginning a political rather than a theological act
- Henry wanted to annul his first marriage
- In 1533 England broke with the Pope and Henry became Head of
the Church of England
- literature depended on patronage
- writing poetry was not done for profit → writers received a single payment for their finished
Advantages for the patron:
* regulate literary
* a form of representation
* political power
Italian Sonnet
- Sonetto → “little song”
- Francesco Petrarcha
- Petrarchism: Form of love poetry based on Petrarch’s Canzoniere
Form of the Italian Sonnet
* 14 lines
* octave (two quatrains):
abab – abab (alternating rhyme) or
abba – abba (enclosing rhyme)
* sestet (two tercets):
cde – cde or
cdc – dcd or
cde – dce
The English (Shakespearean Sonnet)
- less strict than the Italian
- 3 quatrains & concluding couplet
- abab – cdcd – efef – gg
Sir Philip Sidney. Astrophel and Stella
- published postum 1591
- speaker, Astrophel writes sonnets → wants to reach his beloved Stella
- studies existing love poems in order to find words
William Shakespeare Sonnets
- Shakespeare Sonnets 1st published 1609
- contains 144 sonnets and a narrative poem