Early Life Flashcards
Jeremiah 1:5
Before you were born I set you apart
Psalm 13:9
You knit me together in my mothers womb
Luke 1:41
The baby leapt in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit
Gods temple is sacred an you are that temple
Second Vatican council
Abortion is an abominable crime
Abortion accumulates negative karma
No violence towards the baby
Garba Upanishad
We remember our time in the womb
Matthew 22:39
Love thy neighbour as yourself
Exodus 20:13
You shall not murder
You shall not kill an unborn child
Conception marks the start of the foetus’ right to life
Brahman is contained within everything
Laws of manu (and grihastha ashrama)
Encourages having children
Sanctity of life
The inherent holiness of each and every living being due to the fact that we were created by God and he dwells within us
The miracle of life
The fact that God has given a precious human life as a gift to the parents, and they should respect this
Conditions for abortion
1) life or physical health of the mother is at risk
2) her mental health is at risk
3) the mothers existing family will suffer
4) the child will be disabled
Alternatives to abortion
Adoption- a new coupled becomes the child’s legal parents
Fostering- temporary parents care for the child for different amounts of time
Keeping the baby
Luke 18
Children belong in the kingdom of God