Early Fetal Development Flashcards
What is the fertilization age?
The amount of time which has elapsed since fertilizaton
Why is fertilization age difficult to measure?
Time can elapse between intercourse and fertilization
In what instance can an exact fertilization age be established?
What is the gestational age?
The fertilization day + 14 days
How many stages of embryo development are there in the carnegie scale?
What does the Carnegie scale show?
Embryo features not time
Which time measurement can be used for comparing between species?
What window of time does the Carnegie scale show?
0-60 days
How many days post fertilization does the embryogenic stage last?
14 to 16 days
What is the name of the stage 16-50 days post fertilization?
Embryonic stage
What occurs in the embryogenic stage? - 2
a) Established the early embryo from the fertilized oocyte
b) determination of two separate cell populations - he pluripotent cells and extra-embryonic cells
Which two types of cells are developed in the embryogenic stage?
Pluripotent embryonic cells and extra-embryonic
What happens in the embryonic stage of development?
Establishment of germ layers and differentiation of tissue types
When does the embryo to foetus transition occur?
During the first trimester
In what stage is the body plan established?
Embryonic stage
What happens to the organs in the fetal stage?
Migration of some organ systems to their final location
What is meant by fetal viability?
The ability of the foetus to survive outside the womb
What is the time period of the fetal stage?
50-270 days
Which stages of embryo-fetal development are in the first trimester?
Embryogenic and embryonic
What is the name given to the fertilized oocyte?
When the embryo goes from 2 to 8 cells, what is this called?
Cleavage stage embryos
When is the embryo considered a morula?
When it has 16+ cells
What characterizes a blastocyst? - 2
200 to 300 cells
And a fluid filled cavity
What is the embryo dependent on to get through the first few stages of development?
Maternal mRNAs and proteins
At what point do the embryos own genes get transcribed?
The 4 to 8 cell stage
What is the transcription of the embryonic genes called?
Zygotes genome activation
What happens in the zygote genome activation stage? - 2
Increased protein synthesis
Organelle maturation
Which organelles mature during zygote genome activation?
Mitochondria and golgi
What is the maternal to zygote transition?
This is the transition between the embryo being dependent on mothers mRNAs and proteins, to transcribing its own genes
When are maternal mRNA and proteins synthesized and stored?
During oocyte develoment
What is compaction?
When the cells bind tight to each other and pull in
What starts the formation of the first two cell types?
When does compaction occur?
Around the 8 cell stage or later
What happens when the outer cells become pressed against the zona pellucida?
They become pressed against the zona and consequently change shape from rounded to wedge shapes
How do the outer cells connect to each other?
Through desmosomes and tight junctions
What is the name given to the outer layer during blastocyst formation?
What type of cells does the inner cell mass contain?
Pluripotent stem cells
What are trophectoderm cells?
Extra-embryonic cells that contribute to the extra-embryonic structures like the placenta
What is the purpose of zona pellucida?
A hard shell protein to prevent polyspermy and protect the early embryo
What is the blastocoel?
A fluid filled cavity in the center of the blastocyst
How does the blastocoel form?
The trophoblast pumps Na+ ions into the cavity which water then follows with osmosis
What process occurs during day 5-6 in development?
Hatching - this is where the blastocyst breaks free from the zona pellucide
How does the blastocyst escape the zona pellucida?
Enzymatic digestion or cellular contractions - weakens the zona pellucida so much to allow the blastocyst to extrude itself out the shell
Where does the blastocyst implant itself following extrusion from the shell?
The uterine endometrium
What forms in the first stage of the separation of embryonic cell lineages from the morula?
Inner cell mass and the trophectoderm
What events happen from day 7 to 9?
Peri-implantation events
What does the trophectoderm layer separate into?
Syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast
What does the syncytiotrophoblast do? - 2
It invades the uterine endometrium and starts to degrade the capillaries found there
Creates an interface between embryo and maternal blood supply
What does the inner cell mass divide into?
The epiblast and the hypoblast
What is derived from the epiblast?
fetal tissues and organs