Early exploration and colonization Flashcards
Early settlers that came off the Mayflower.
English reformed protestants to purify the church of england from Roamn Catholics.
Conflict W NAs
Settlers in Indian land. More powerful and more tobacco than the Indians which created tension
John Smith
Brought order to the Jamestown colony but was later dismissed
Daughter of Native cheif who married an english settler
Puritan mentality
Depravity, Grace, Covenant, Election
House of Burgesses
The first legislative assembally in the American Colonies
Anne Hutchinson
Believed that only the individual can decide if he/she has grace
Roger Williams
Believed NA’s should be compensated for taking of their land
Biggest threat to puritans. Pacifists, Doctrine of inner light, all equal in the church
King Phillip
tries to remove all English settlers from their land (metacom is referred to as king phillip)
King Phillips war
Metacoms war, between Native americans and english settlers
belief in the benefits of profitable trading
indentured servatude
people sign up for it, make money, then become free
Bacons Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon led virginia settlers against the rule ofGov. William Berkely
james Town
The destination where the first voyage to America arrived.