Early Embryology Flashcards
What are the time periods, and the main events summarised in each of the 3 main periods of foetal development
1) Pre-embryonic = Conception to 2 weeks. Fertilised ovum undergoes mitosis, morula forms, blastocyst appearance emerges, impants, germ layers develop
2) Embryonic period = Week 2 to Week 8. Germ layers and the placenta develop. Main body systems form
3) Foetal period = Week 9 to birth. Where further growth and development of organs occur. Locomotor systemes become functional
Define gametogenesis
When male and female germ cells (called oogenesis/spermatogenesis) undergo cytoplasmic and chromosomal changes to form the final oocyte and spermatozoon.
Where does gametogenesis start? and when?
Remember starts during foetal development actually = Primordial germ cells arise from the wall of the yolc sac during the second week of development
Then in the 6th week they migrate into the body of the embryo and occupy the gonadal ridges. Here they undergo rapid mitotic division. Female germ cells differentiate into oogonia and rapidly multiply until the 5th month and reach 7 million in number. After this large numbers of them undergo degeneration (atresia).
IN male = Primordial germ cells instead differentiate into spermatogonia and will continue to proliferate from puberty throughout life.
Outline the main steps of oogenesis
Oogenesis begins in the foetal period, but is not complete until puberty.
Foetal period = oogonia proliferate b mitosis and differentiate into primary oocytes.
At birth = Most enter the prophase of meitotic division (to get half of DNA). And are suspended here until puberty.
Arrest = Occurs due to oocyte maturation inhibitor (OMI). Small peptide produced by follicular cells sorrounding the primary oocyte.
During puberty = Primary oocyte grows. THe follicular cells become stratified to produce a layer of granulosa cells as well. Primary oocyte also becomes sorrounded by a layer of glycoprotein that is secreted by the granulosa cells. The ovarian connective tissue cells around follicle condense to form the theca folliculi. This theca layer then differentiates into an inner vascular and secretory layer, the theca interna, and an outer fibrous layer, the theca externa (2 layers)
Meiosis 1 = The diploid oocyte then becomes a haploid cell and generates 1 polar body. It then actually enters meiosis 2 here, but arrests at metaphase. This finally finishes once fertilisation occurs.
How soon after ovulation does ffertilisation normally take place
12-24 hours after ovulation
What are the 5 main steps of fertilisation
1) Sperm activation and penetration of the corona radiata
2) Attachment to the zona and penetration of the zona pellucida
3) Fusion of the oocyte and sperm cell membranes
4) Completion of meiosis in the oocyte and formation of pronuclei
5) Formation of the zygote
Outline the steps of sperm activation and penetration of the corona radiata (first stage of fertilisation)
Before sperm reach distal fallopian tube (ampulla) needs to undergo capacitation, which makes it capable to penetrate ovum.
Capcitation = The glycoprotein and cholesterol on the acrosomal membrane of the sperm are removed by the secretions from the cervix and uterine tube.
Penetrate corona radiata = An acrosomal reaction occurs that releases hyaluronidase enzyme to penetrate through corona radiata. Active movement of sperm to push through are also important
Outline the steps of attachment to and penetration of the zona pellucida (second stage of fertilisation)
Sperm binds to zona pellucida and rleases acrosomal enzymes = Enzymes for penetration are esterases, neuramindase and acrosin.
Once a spermatazoon binds to the zona pellucida it initiates a zona reaction. This changes to physical properties of the zona to prevent any additional sperm entering. It is thought that this is due to a cortical reaction where cortical granules release lysosomal enzymes into space between zona pellucida and oocyte cell membrane
Outline the steps of fusion of the oocyte and sperm cell membranes (third stage of fertilisation)
Sperm makes its way through privitelline space (space between cell membrane of oocyte and zona pellucida) and comes into contact with cell membrane of oocyte causing fusion. Once fusion occurs the cell membranes of sperm and egg break down at the area of their contact.
Outline the steps of completion of meiosis in the oocyte and formation of pronuclei (fouth stage of fertilisation)
The oocyte then resumes second meiotic division. To form a mature oocyte and a second polar body. The chromosomes of oocyte and sperm condense to a pronuclei. The haploid chromosomes become arranged on a spindle and split longitudinally to form chromatids.
Outline the steps of formation of the zygote (fifth and final stage of fertilisation)
Male and female pronuclei meet. Membranes break down. Chromosomes mix to form a single cell called a zygote. Here fertilisation is complete, and zygote prepares for first mitotic division.
Give us the time periods of the main landmarks that occur in the first week
First mitotic division = Occurs by the time the embryo reaches the middle of the tube, at about 30hrs post fertilisation
3 days = Morula of about 12-16 cells has reached the uterus
Day 4-5 = Fully formed blastocyst reaches uterine lumen in prep for implantation which occurs 1 day later
Outline the main important stages that occur in the first week post fertilisation including mitotic division, and formation of a blastocyst
Within the first 3 days = Rapid mitotic division occurs resulting in a 16 cell stage embryo. Each of these cells is known as a blastomere.
Eventually a solid sphere of cells is known as the morula
The morula then starts to further differentiate = A cavity starts to appear called a blastocoele. This is then called a blastocyst. On one side of the blastocyst is a single layer of cells that sorrounds the blastocoele called the trophoblast. The rest of the cells move to one pole (the embryonic pole) to form an inner cell mass called the embryoblast.
Which part of the blastocyst goes on to contribute to the foetal component of the placenta?
The trophoblasts that form a single layer around the blastocoele space.
What is deciduation or the decidual reaction?
This is the process that occurs in the endometrium to get it ready for implantation. There are changes to the endometrial stroma as well as vascular changes including remodelling of maternal spiral arteries.
It is essentially getting reach for trophoblast invasion and placenta formation