early discoveries and the changing nature of excavations in the 19th and 20th centuries Flashcards
A spanish military engineer, Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre was in charge of excavations at Herculaneum
Formal excavations at Pompeii began in March 1748. At first excavations were unorganised, until Fiorelli was appointed professor of Archaeology at Naples - he kept a record of all excavations & devised a plan for the exploration of the site
Latter part of the 19th century, excavations were extended and some of the most famous features were discovered [Central Baths, House of the Vettii, Temples, and the Villa of the Mysteries]
Early 20th Century, excavations continues, attempts made to conserve the site.
Many of the early archaeologists interested for own trophy and treasure rather than for education
Giuseppe Fiorelli
19th Cent. Director of Pompeii excavation
Fiorelli Methods used/ developed
Developed system of top-down excavation of houses, preserving finds, more effectively & enabling restoration of buildings and interiors
invented/initiated technique of making plaster casts of victims
Dated & labelled the different objects that he found - QUITE SYSTEMATIC method of excavation
fiorelli COntribuion
3 volume work- “History of Pompeian Antiquities”(1860-1864)
Studied materials and building methods - better understanding of houses & businesses BUT ALSO human remains as↓
Initiated technique of plaster casts of victims
Initiated system of regiones, insulae, and domus
August Mau
19th& 20th Centuries
August Mau Contribution
Created “4-style” system - used for categorising frescoes - still used today
Vittorio Spinazzola
Vittorio Spinazzola
Focused on Southern Region of the city [incl. Amphitheatre & Via dell’Abbondanza
Focused on discovering HOW town was planned rather than simply excavating site
Spinazzola Contibution
Discovered many commercial enterprises [EG Stephanus’ Fullery, inns, shops]
Contributed significantly to our understanding of the Economy, different industries that her thriving before and at the time of the eruption
Amedeo Maiuri
1924- 1961 Chief archaeologist at Pompeii
Amedeo Maiuri Method
Poineered excavation BELOW destruction level
Destroyed the destruction level to investigate life before the eruption
Amedeo Maiuri contibution
Advanced knowledge of pre-eruption Pompeii from archaeological method
Alfonso De Franciscis
1964 - became dir. Of excavs.
Alfonso De Franciscis Method
Restoration of uncovered buildings EMPHASISED
Alfonso De Franciscis Contribution
Uncovered the House of C. Julius Polybius, town house of M. Fabian Rufus, & the Villa at Oplontis
Baldassare Conticello
Baldassare Conticello method
Did extensive & systematic restorations of buildings in Regio I & Regio II
Baldassare Conticello contribtuion
Excavated the House of the Chaste Lovers
Pietro Giovanni Guzzo ED
1994 Became dir. Of excavs.
Pietro Giovanni Guzzo Method
Had to face management & financial problems related to excavations & restoration -> concerns e/ funding & corruption
Restoration of site - eg collapsing of areas of Pompei eg House of Gladiators
Pietro Giovanni Guzzo COntribution
Excavated outside the Porta Stabia and in Medicine, where the Hospitium dei Sulpici has been uncovered