early attachment effect on later relationship Flashcards
How does attachment types acossiate with childhood?
Securely - go and form quality childhood friendships
Insecure - have friendship difficulties
Bullying behaviour and attachment study
- assessed attachment type and bullying using standard questionnaires
- 196 children
- Age 7-11 from London
- Secure children unlikely to be involves
- Insecure avoidant → victims * insecure - resistance → bullies
Hazan and Shaver study of adult hood with romantic partners
procedure and aim
conducted study between attachment and adult relationships
* Analysed 620 replies to love quiz printed in an american newspaper
* Quiz had sections
Current attachment experiences / attachment history / childhood attachment / attitudes towards love
Findings of Hazan and shaver
- Avoidant - reveal jealousy and fear of intimacy / doesn’t like to get to close
- Secure - good long lasting romantic experiences
- Resistant - worry partner doesn’t love them, wants to merge with others / scares them tho
Suggests attachment types are reflected in romantic relationships later on in life.
poor parenting study
Compared a group of women who had been reared in an institutions x control group in homes
Institutional women experienced difficulties as a parent themselves - many put their children in care
Lack of IWM means they lack a reference poit to be able to form relationship with their own child.
childhood friendship study
Minnesota child - parent study
Supports Bowlby continuity finding a relationship between early attachment and layer social and behaviour
Securely attached infants have higher expectations that others are friendly - able to have easier relationships
how does attachment affect mental health
Lack of attachment in critical period would result in lack of IWM
Could lead to an attachment disorder of
no preferred attachment
An inability to interact and relate to others
Experience severe neglect or frequent change of caregivers
- Supporting evidence of continuity
IWM suggests continuity between infant attachment and later relationships - Longitudinal research supports their findings
Assessed infant attachment types at 1 and found those who were secure → higher social competence and were more expressive and emotionally attached to partners
- Zimmerman - assessed infant attachment type and adolescent attachment to parents
Little relationship between quality of infant and adolescent attachment
Issue as not what would be expected if IWM were important in development Early attachment on later attachment
- Issues of validity
Most studies of attachment to primary caregiver and other significant people do not make use of the strange situation but assess interviews or questionnaires in later years.
Creates validity problems
Self report techniques ie questionnaires and interviews is limited because they depend on honest and realistic views on own relationships
SO being reliant on recollection from ones early attachment lacks validity
- Issue with retrospective research
HAZAN AND SHAVER - ppt asked questions about early life but these recollections may not be accurate - Association does not mean causality
Research involves correlations lacking causational evidence so unable to claim that later relationships is one cause and affect
Alternative explanations exist ie
parental style may have a direct effect on attachment and ability to form relationships with others
Temperament may influence both infant and quality of later relationships
This limitation as it is counter to Bowlby’s view of the internal working model caused these later outcomes
- Highly deterministic
As is correlational - can be seen as too prescribed and lacking consideration of other variables → is it doomed if not secure attachment
→ many do go own to have happy relationships despite not having one in infancy