Ear Embryo Flashcards
External Ear
Parts (3) and Associated Germ Layers
Auricle made from hillocks made of Neural Crest cells from 1st and 2nd Pharyngeal arches
External auditory meatus made from ectoderm of 1st Pharyngeal Cleft
Skin made of ectoderm
Internal Ear
Parts (3) and Associated Germ Layers
Membranous Labyrinth made of surface ectoderm
Bony Labyrinth made of mesenchymal mesoderm
Spiral L. made of mesoderm
Middle Ear
Parts (3) and Associated Germ Layers
Tubotympanic Recess formed by endoderm of 1st Pharyngeal Pouch
Ossicles made from Neural Crest cells
Malleus and Incus from 1st Pharyngeal Arch
Stapes from 2nd Pharyngeal Arch
Ossicles covered in endoderm from Pharyngeal Pouch
Membranous Labyrinth Development
Ectoderm forms Otic Placode
Placode invaginates to form Otic Pit
Pit connects to self to form otic vesicle
Vesicle forms Membranous Labyrinth
Dorsal Otic Vesicle Derivatives (3)
Forms the utricle, endolymphatic duct and semicircular ducts
Ventral Otic Vesicle Derivatives (2)
Forms saccule and cochlear duct
Origin, Location, Function, Genetic Regulation
Come from Otic Vesicle
Form in Ampullae of Semicircular Canals under DLX5/6 regulation
Detect angular acceleration
Organ of Corti
Origin, Location, Function, Genetic Regulation
Comes from Otic vesicle
Forms in Cochlea under Pax6 regulation
Transduce sound
Origin, Location, Function, Genetic Regulation
Come from Otic vesicle
Form in Utricle and Saccule under DLX5 and Pax6 regulation
Detect linear acceleration and gravity
Tympanic Membrane
Parts (3) and Origin
External part from Ectoderm
Internal part from Endoderm
Vasculature from Mesoderm
Bony Labyrinth Development
Vacuoles form within bone of cochlear duct as Membranous Labyrinth enlarges
Vacuoles join and form Perilymphatic space
Space becomes Scala Vestibuli and Scala Tympani
Tensor Tympani Muscle
Origin and Innervation
Comes from 1st pharyngeal arch mesoderm
Innervated by CN V
Stapedius Muscle
Origin and Innervation
Comes from 2nd pharyngeal arch mesoderm
Innervated by CN VII
Cranial Nerve VIII Ganglia Devlopment
Vestibular Ganglion formed by Ectoderm and Neural Crest cells
Spiral Ganglion from Ectoderm
Neural Crest Cell Derivatives (3)
Auricular Hillocks (cartilage) of External Ear
Ossicle Bones
Vestibular Ganglion
Mesoderm Derivatives (5)
Stapedius M Tensor Tympani M Vasculature of Tympanic Membrane Spiral Ligament Bony Labyrinth
Ectoderm Derivatives (7)
Ear skin Membranous Labyrinth Hair Cells External Auditory Meatus External Tympanic Membrane Spiral Ganglion Vestibular Ganglion
Endoderm Derivatives (2)
Covering of ossicles
Tubotympanic Recess