Ear Flashcards
What is superior to tympanic membrane?
Epitympanic recess
What is medial to tympanic membrane?
Tympanic cavity proper
Roof of middle ear?
Tegmen tympani
Floor of middle ear?
thin plate of temporal bone (separates it from jugular fossa which contains IJV)
this is why you can sometimes hear your pulse
Lateral wall of middle ear?
Tympanic membrane
Medial Wall of middle ear?
- Promontory
- Oval window
- Round window
- Facial can prominence
- lateral semicircular canal prominence
- Tendon of tensor tympani
Anterior wall of middle ear?
aka Carotid wall
2 openings present: auditory tube and semicanal for tensor tympani
Posterior wall of middle ear?
Pyramidal Eminence (origin of stapedius)
Aditus ad antrum (entrance to tympanic antrum)
Stapedius attaches where and innervated by what?
Attaches to neck of stapes and innervated by CN VII
Tensor Tympani attaches where and innervated by what?
Attaches to handle of malleus and innervated by CN V3
Venous drainage of middle ear
Accompaning v. to superior petrosal sinus or pterygoid plexus of vv.
Chorda tympani n. passes between…
handle of malleus and incus
What provides the tympanic plexus with symp. and parasymp. innervation?
Symp: cartoticotypanic nn.
Parasymp: tympanic br. of CN IX
Structures of inner ear
Semicircular Canals: Balance and position
Cochlea: Controls Hearing
- Oval window is beginign of cochlea and receives stapes
- Round window is end of cochlea and vibrates to perceive sound