ear Flashcards
inflame of the middle ear, usually assoc w buildup of fluid and related to viral/bacterial infx
acute otitis media
fluid in middle ear wout infx
otitis media w effusion
drainage from middle ear for at least 2w usually assoc tympanic membrane perf
chronic supperative otitis media
what systems are involved with otitis media
nares, eustation tube, mastoid air cells
path of acute otitis media
- inflam response obstructs gustation tube causing neg pressure/accum of secretions
- vir/bac enter middle ear via aspiration/reflux
- organisms mult=supprative infx
bacterial organisms of otitis media
strep pneumo*
h flu
m cat
viral organisms of otitis media
rsv, rhinovirus, coronavirus, influenza
path of ome
chronic inflame response to residual bacterial componetns
allergic rhinitis, myringotomy
rf for otitis media
daycare, bottles, smoking, male, fam hx
presentation aom and ome
aom- earache, +/- fever, +/- uri symp, dec hearing
ome- asymp, dec hearing
pt presents with earache and fever. upon further exam so inflamed tm
otitis media
proper dx ome
pneumatic otoscopy, typanometry
GS= myringotomy
syndromes of aom
otitis conjunctivitis
bullous myringitis
combination of otitis media and purulent conjunctivitis caused by H flu and seen in pt
otitis conjunctivitis
inflammation of TM w bullae, painful caused by same organism as AOM
bullous myringitis
what does it mean if pt has otalgia then pain suddenly goes away and followed by purulent discharge
aom w perforation of tm
when will you see purulent drainage from the ear
aom w tm rupture
otitis externa
causes of perforation
excess fluid and pressure
extreme pressure changes
pt presents w bloody drainage, pain, and tinnitis
perforation of tm
what 3 findings are needed to call it aom
bulging tm, middle ear effusion, inflammation
tx aom pain relief
topical benzocaine/antipyrine (auralgan) >2yo= numb
tx aom kids
tx aim kids 6m-2y
abx if dx certain (bulging,effusion,inflam)
tx aom >2y
dx certain- abx amoxil
if tx aom in kid with analgesics and no abx what do you do
48-72hr then reexamine
abx of choice tx peds for aom
10d if severe
5-7d >6y
abx of choice tx peds for aim w resistance to amoxicillin
high dose augmentin
abx choice tx peds for aom w pcn allergy
mild 3rd gen- cefdinir, cefpodoxime, cefuroxime
anaphylaxis- azithryomycin or clarithromycin
what is recommended for kids unable to take oral abx for tx aom
ceftriaxone 50mg/kg
tx aom adults
1st line amoxicillin may use augmenting if severe pain/fever mild allergy-cefdinir, cefuroxime anaphylaxis- zithromax maybe bactrim
tx peds and adults aom w perforation
peds- oral abx
adults- oral and otic abx
tx otitis media w effusion in adults
resolve spont but attempt to correct gustation tube dysfunction- antihistamines, decongestants, nasal steroids
tx otitis media w effusin in kids
watchful waiting, sympt past 3 months= chromic refer to ent
when are tympanostomy tubes in kids indicated
> 3 confirmed cases aom in 6m
>4 confirmed cases aom in 12 m
pt presents w ear pain, postauricular tenderness, erythma, swelling and displacement of auricle
primary rf for mastoiditis
bacteria causes mastoiditis
strep pneumo, strep pyogene, staph aureus
complications of mastoiditis
facial nerve palsy subperiosteal abscess hearing loss labryrinthitis (tinnitis, vertigo, n/v, nystagmus) osteomyelitis bezold abscess
when should you get ct w iv contrast for mastoiditis
extracranial complications (mass/abscess)
intracranial complications (neuro deficits)
severe illness/toxic appearance
aom not responding to abx
should cx be obtained for mastoiditis? if so when
blood if >102.2 temp
fluid strongly considered
tympanocentesis or myrinotomy
already drainage from ear
tx mastoiditis
ent for aspiration/drainage/mastoidectomy
admit + iv abx (vanco)
may need to add gram neg coverage
another name for otitis externa
swimmers ear
inflammation or infx of external auditory canal
otitis externa
origins/causes of otitis externa
what ages does otitis externa most commonly occur
path of otitis externa
breakdown skin-cerumen barrier leads to inflam and edema of skin that causes pruritus and obstruction
the inflam changes alter cerumen prod and creates environment for breeding organisms
rf otitis externa
swimming/excess moisture
trauma to canal
devices- hearing aids, earphones
allergic contact dermatitis-shampoos,earrings
dermatologic issues-psoriasis, atopic dermatitis
prior radiation to ear area
bacteria that causes otitis externa
usually gram pos- staph aureus, staph epidermidis
candidal- check sugar
pt presents with pain when move tragus, pruritus, and hearing loss
otitis externa
on otoscopy exam what will otitis externa look like
canal erythematous, edematous
debris yellow, brown, white, gray
tm might be erythematous
no signs aom or tm rupture
complication of OE
malignant external otitis (necrotizing external otits)
- severe, potentially fatal
- elder diabetics and immunocompromised
- spreads from skin to bone to marrow of skull
pt presents with pain out of proportion, granulation tissue at bony cartilaginous junction of ear canal floor, and erythema
malignant external otitis
tx malignant external otitis
admit and consult ENT
IV cipro 1st line consider levofloxacin
control bs
tx otitis externa
- clean debris- remove cerum/ debris
- topical abx- fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, cipro), polymyxin B/neomycin mix, aminoglycosides (tobramycin, gentamycin)
- antiseptics- bacterial static agent
- glucocorticoids to dec swelling
- wick placement for severe/bad
when should you tx OE w systemic abx and what are they
severe infx and immunocomp
cipro or ofloxacin
in tx oe with amino glycosides-tobramycin and gentamycin what can se be
iatrogenic hearing loss, balance dysfunction