Ear Flashcards
Parts of ear
External ear components
external auditory canal (acoustic meatus)
Middle ear components
Three Ossicles.
In order of decreasing size:
Malleus- tensor tempani muscle connection
Stapies- stapedius muscle connection
Stapes smallest bone of body
Inner ear components
Cochlea for hearing
Utricle and saccule for linear balance
Semicircular canals for angular balance
Which arch is external ear made up of?
Pinna- 1st pharyngeal arch
Rest- 2nd pharyngeal arch
External auditory canal made up of?
1st ectodermal cleft
Tympanic membrane made up of?
ALL 3 germ layers
1st ectodermal pouch makes?
Middle ear
Eustachian tube
Ear ossicles made up of which pharyngeal arch?
Malleus + incus - ( + tensor tympani muscle) — 1st arch
Stapies + (stapedius muscle) 2nd arch
What is inner ear/cochlea made up of?
Neuroectoderm (Ottic placode)
When do pinna and cochlea completely develop?
20 weeks of intrauterine life
What are the congenital anomalies of external ears?
Incisura terminalis
Darwin’s tubercle
Bat ear
What is incisura terminalis?
It is a point at which the 1 and 2 pharyngeal arches merge.
If there is no fusion, a pre auricular sinus is formed.
There is no infection or complain.
What is Darwin’s tubercle?
It’s a conical elevation. Outer curve
What is bat ear deformity?
Inner curvature (anti helix) is absent
Plastic reconstruction at 6 to 7 years
What is microtia and anotia?
Microtia- small pinna
Anotia- absence of pinna
What is the tip of malleus called?
Oval window is attached to which bone?
Footplate of stapes