EAP Pratice Questions Flashcards
After being informed by an ex-employee that there is a bomb in a suitcase on the north side of the building, the emergency action plan director activated the shelter in place response. Was this the correct response to activate? Why? If this was not the correct response, then which response would have been appropriate? Explain your answers?
Because the bomb was placed close to the building’s curtain wall and the potential for harm to the occupants and to the structure was substantial, the proper response should have been to evacuate the building using the emergency stairwells on the opposite side of the building to protect the occupants.
The EAP brigade consists of the Chief engineer and the director of security. The emergency action plan director disputes that claim with the FDNY. The FDNY informs the emergency action plan director that the EAP Brigade in fact consists of the chief engineer and the director of security. The emergency action plan director disagrees. Who is correct? Explain your answer.
The EAPD is correct. The EAP brigade consists of three people: the chief engineer, the director of security, and the property manager.
Mutual Aid Agreement. Explain this concept.
A mutual aid agreement is an agreement between two towns, communities, or cities to assist each other in the event of catastrophic events affecting citizens or infrastructure.
During an in-building relocation of building occupant during and EAP emergency, the emergency action plan director relocated occupant to a floor above the floor where the hazard was found. Was this action appropriate for the emergency action plan director to take? Explain your answer.
Yes when in-building relocating your building occupants, the occupants may be directed to relocate to an upper floor of the building, including (and depending on the hazard) the floor immediate above the hazard floor.
F.I.S.T. is the acronym for force, information, space and time. In which types of situation should F.I.S.T. be activated to prevent harm to people? Explain your answer.
F.I.S.T. should be implemented whenever there is a large crowd gathered for an event. The event may be in an auditorium, gym in a building; or in a sports arena such as Madison square garden. Force is the pressure created by overcrowding, pushing and the domino effect of people leaning against one another; information is the information about a venue and the people occupying it before a group assembly occurs; Space refers to the physical structure and components of a venue; and time refers to the control of foot traffic demand rates so that traffic flows and doesn’t exceed capacity of any element of the venue
The outside air intake fans are manually shut down; the elevators are manually recalled in phase 1 and the fail-safe doors are manually released. What is happening? Explain your answer.
The EAP is being activated as these three actions are fundamental to all EAP activations: outside air intake fans are manually shutdown; elevators are manually recalled in phase 1, and that failsafe doors are manually released.
A candidate is interested in becoming an emergency action plan director, but is rejected by the FDNY. What certificate of fitness did the candidate fail to acquire prior to attempting to qualify for the F-59? Explain your answer?
The candidate didn’t hold an f-58. All candidates for the F-59 are required to be FSD’s
One side contains building data and the other side contains colored diagrams. It is laminated and measures 8 ½ by 11 inches. What is the name of this document? Explain your answer?
This is not a BIC, because the BIC must measure 11 by 17 inches.
Two of the emergency action plan responses to emergencies are “partial evacuation” and “evacuation.” A third concept is defend in place. True or false? What is Defend in place? Explain your answer.
This, is false defend in place is not a concept, they would be referring to shelter in place. Defend in place is when the FDNY fights a fire while the building is occupied by tenants
The EAP has the following occupants listed as individuals who require assistance in emergency evacuations: Maria, 10th floor; Peter, 28th floor; Sandra, 2nd floor and John, 50th floor. Who will be reached first via an elevator? Why? Explain your answer.
The person on the highest floor would be evacuated first than working down. So the person on the 28th floor would be reached first
During an EAP on-site test, the candidate activates fireman’s service elevator recall phase 1. The candidate proceeds to activate phase 2 operations and correctly informs the examiner of the particulars of phase 2 operations. The candidate fails the on-site test. Why? Explain your answer.
Phase 2 is not allowed, the elevator would be placed in independent service. The elevator can’t be recalled by the FDNY on phase 2.
The shelter in place provision of the EAP is activated because of an external airborne hazard that is not expected to harm the building occupants. The emergency action plan director correctly shuts down the outside air intake fans, released the fail-safe doors and activates phase 1 of elevator recall even though the hazard is external. Are these the correct actions on the part of the emergency action plan director? Why? Explain your answer.
Yes, these are the correct actions. You want to prevent the spread of the hazard, and restrict movement in the building
A candidate who holds an f-25 and who brings a letter indicating their intent to be listed in the building’s EAP, visits the FDNY at 9 Metro Tech Center to take the EAP computer-based test. The candidate is rejected and informed to return at a later date to take the computer-based test. Why? Explain your answer.
The candidate failed to take the EAP course and provide a copy of the graduation diploma to the FDNY representative
A commercial high-rise building is 700 feet in height. The emergency action plan director has to select a building as the primary assembly area in the event of a partial evacuation or evacuation; and has two options to choose from: Building “A” is at a distance of 600 feet and building “B” is at a distance of 800 feet. Which building must the emergency action plan director select? Why? Explain your answer.
The director must evacuate the people away from the building at least the height of the building or greater so the correct answer would be building B
The emergency action plan director informs Kenneth, a security officer, to account for the number of people employed by Xyz Company and who evacuated the building to the assembly area. Kenneth refuses to account for the number of employees from Xyz Company. Why did Kenneth refuse to cooperate with the emergency action plan director, who also happened to be the security supervisor? Explain your answer.
A representative from each tenant company is responsible for accounting for their employees not the EAPD or the EAP staff. However the EAPD approves the methods for accounting for employees submitted by the tenant companies. The fire/ EAP warden is usually assigned this task. Kenneth however didn’t listen to his boss and could be subject to disciplinary actions.
Allen, an employee of ABC Company in a commercial high-rise feels that he has the right to refuse to remain inside the building after the shelter in place provision of the EAP is activated. The emergency action plan director informs Allen that he is not allowed to leave the property and failure to follow directives will result in his arrest. Who is correct? Explain your answer
Allen is correct he will not be arrested. The EAPD doesn’t have the authority to force occupants to remain in the property, even when the shelter in place provision is activated. These people are exercising their right to risk their lives. All EAP’s have a designated route for the purpose of occupants who wish to leave the property when shelter in place or in-building relocation is activated.
The following announcement was made by the emergency action plan director over the public announcement system to the building occupants upon deciding to activate the EAP: “There has been an explosion and we are activating the shelter in place response because airborne gases surrounding the building may be harmful to your health.” Is this the announcement accurate and complete? Explain your answer.
The announcement is incomplete because it didn’t state where the explosion occurred. All announcements must contain the WHAT, WHERE, WHY, and which EAP provision is being implemented.
The emergency action plan director has to form an EAP brigade and has the following people to choose from: property manager, deputy fire safety director, porter, director of security, manager of security, fire warden and chief engineer. How many people should be selected and whom? Explain your answers.
There should be at least 3 brigade members, and he can choose all of the following except for the fsd, and the fire warden may not be on the brigade
During an EAP on-site test, how many key switches will the candidate activate with the 2642 key? Explain your answer.
The candidate will activate on key switch with the 2642 key, this will be to activate phase 1 of the elevator recall.
A person who holds a certificate of fitness F-59 mails a resume for a position as an emergency action plan director in a high-rise hotel. The HR director doesn’t call the candidate for an interview. Why? Explain your answer.
The EAP applies on to commercial high-rises only.
Upon activation of the EAP, the emergency action plan director must first activate the “silent” switch to the central monitoring station. True or false? Explain your answer.
This is false the first step of activating the EAP should be to report to the fire command station. The silent switch plays no role in activation of the EAP.
The EAP mandated that a primary an alternate stairwell be designated on each floor in the even of a partial evacuation or evacuation. Theoretically, occupants in a building with two emergency means of egress will share the stairwells equally to evacuate (for example: odd floors use stairwell “A”; even floors use stairwell “B”). What is the fundamental flaw with this system? Explain your answer.
The fundamental flaw with designating primary and alternate stairwell to each floor for the purpose of having an equal number of people utilizing stairwells is that the populations on the floors differ from floor to floor. Because one stairwell might be over-crowded, and one under utilized.
The building information card is designed to provide “at-a-glance” information for the building personnel and fire department personnel. The card has data boxes on one side and detailed information on standpipes, elevators, stairwells and other base –building components on the opposite side. What sections of the card will the FDNY examiner question the candidate during the EAP on-site and why? Explain your answers.
The examiner will question the candidate on the whole card, not just parts of it. The EAPD should be familiar with the property.
What is being referred to by the term “Temporary Consideration” on the building information card (BIC)? Why? Explain your answers.
Things those are temporary in nature, like construction going, on for example.
What is a utility shaft? Explain your answer.
A utility shaft is a shaft that is used to run cables throughout the building. All buildings have multiple shafts.
The total number of building occupant (including visitors) on a non-typical day must be noted as part of the EAP Appendix. True or false? Why? Explain your answer.
This is false the EAP plan asks for the total number of tenants on a typical day
A building has two service elevator banks with one elevator each. Service elevator #11 services floors 1-30 (the entire building) and SE #12 services floors 1-15. What is the elevator designation for the elevator bank that has service elevator #12? Which elevator will be used as the primary elevator in an EAP emergency in the building?
Explain your answers. The letter designation for the elevator bank that has se# 12 is D since “A” and “B” consists of passenger elevators and “C” consists of se# 11. Se# 11 is the designated elevator for rescuing people needing assistance because it serves the entire building.
The names of the owner representatives for two neighboring buildings appear on the EAP for your building. What is the distance between your building and the two neighboring buildings? Explain your answer.
The distance no greater than 200 feet, you must include buildings that are with in 200 feet of your building.
Upon completing a perimeter patrol at 2:00 a.m., a security officer observes a private BMW with tinted windows parked in front of the building “taxi stand.” There is no one around to claim ownership. At 8:00 a.m., the vehicle is observed in the same location. What should the emergency action plan director do immediately after being informed of the suspicious vehicle? Explain your answer.
The NYPD will then determine whether the suspicious item poses a threat to the area. If the suspicious item is deemed credible, the NYPD/ FDNY will inform the EAPD on what to do to protect the building occupants
the emergency path of egress consists of the “exit access”, “exit” and “exit discharge.” What is considered the “exit access”?
Explain your answer. The exit access is the path that leads to the emergency stairwell. The exit is the stairwell. And the exit discharge is the sidewalk/street where occupants exit.
What is the name of the area that us encased in reinforced concrete and provides a significant degree of protection from external threats? Explain your answer.
The emergency Stairwell (the exit)
According to the EAP, who is responsible for developing a system of accounting for tenant employees once a partial or evacuation has been ordered? Name two employee-accounting systems that would be acceptable to the emergency action plan director? Explain your answers.
Each company that leases space in the building is responsible for accounting for their employees when a partial or full evacuation is ordered by the EAPD. This task is commonly assigned to the fire warden. Two employee accounting systems would be: a checklist, and a mass e-mail system.
In the event of an intentional bombing in the building, what is the key element that the emergency action plan director should consider when evacuation the building occupants to the primary assembly area? Explain your answer.
The EAPD should consider whether there might be a second device planted at the primary (and secondary) assembly area. Terrorists are known for planting multiple devices that activate at different times to maximize the killing of people and destruction of property.
During EAP activation, the elevators will be primarily used for egress or relocation of the building occupants who need assistance. For which other major purpose will the elevators be used by the EAP staff? Explain your answer.
The other major use is to get medical personnel to injured people on upper floors.
During the implementation of the EAP, the emergency action plan director activates the alert tone, makes an announcement and activates the strobe lights. Are these steps correct? Why or Why not? Explain your answer.
No. The strobe lights aren’t activated during EAP emergencies, only during fire emergencies.
Helen Kennedy is waiting on a passenger elevator on the 12th floor, concurrently the emergency action plan director implements the EAP, makes an announcement informing the building occupants that there has been an explosion in the vicinity of the building. Three minutes later Ms. Kennedy is picked up from the 12th floor via the service elevator. Is Ms. Kennedy listed on the EAP? Yes or no? If yes, on which list does her name appear? Explain your answers.
Yes she is on the list of people needing assistance.
The 23rd floor is assigned stairwell “P” as its primary evacuation stairwell upon activation of the In-building relocation, partial evacuation or evacuation provision. John Smith, who is regularly assigned to the 23rd floor, uses stairwell “Q” to evacuate. What should happen to Mr. Smith for not following the proper evacuation procedures? Explain your answer.
Nothing. Although the 23rd floor is assigned stairwell “P” on the EAP, Mr. Smith isn’t prohibited from using stairwell “Q”.
Upon activating the EAP shelter in place provision, a tenant by the name of William Burns insists on exiting the building. The emergency action plan director informs Mr. Burns that he is not allowed to exit the building unless he has a medical emergency at home. Mr. Burns insists that he is allowed to exit the building regardless of the reason for wanting to under the provisions of the EAP. Who is correct? Explain your answer.
Mr. Burns is correct. The EAPD doesn’t have the right to arrest anyone by not letting them exiting the property. Regardless of the reason the occupant gives the EAPD for wanting to leave the building. The EAPD has designated areas for such instances.
Upon realizing that the chemical that was accidentally released is harmful to humans, and may lead to death, Mr. Singleton asks the EAPD to allow him to re-enter the building after the building was shut down and access doors secured. The EAPD refuses to allow Mr. Singleton to re-enter the building. Why? Explain your answer.
The EAPD must refuse Mr. Singleton access, the EAPD’s primary concern is for tenants that are in the building.
The controlled movement of people from an endangered area in their building, but would face a greater danger if they evacuated. What is the name of this provision? Explain your answer.
This is the in building relocation provision.
After and evacuation, building occupants will not be allowed to return to the building unless cleared but the Authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). The emergency action plan director wants to allow occupants to return to the building. The DKNY’s battalion chief doesn’t want to allow the occupants to return to the building. Who is the AHJ in this scenario? Why? Explain your answer.
The FDNY would be the AHJ, because they have greater authority than the EAPD.
After an evacuating the building upon activation of the EAP, Richard Clark, the ceo of industrial lights inc., which pays 2.5 million in annual rent, insists on returning to his floor to retrieve an item he left behind in his haste to evacuate. The emergency action plan director doesn’t allow Mr. Clark back into the building because of safety concerns. Was the EAPD decision correct? Explain your answer.
Yes he was correct in his decision; the person’s life is much more valuable than any possession he wants to retrieve.
A suspicious package is discovered next to a load-bearing column in the main lobby of a 50-story commercial building. A second an identical suspicious package is found near a non-load bearing wall where the lobby art work is being assembled for display. The EAPD activates the EAP. Which of the two identical packages should the EAPD be more concerned addressing? Why? Explain your answer.
The package that is near the load-bearing column is of more concern, because an explosive device there could cause the building to collapse.
Dan Sanders is the facilities manager for ABC Consultants on the 45th floor. Upon activation of the EAP, Mr. Sanders responds to the main lobby’s revolving door to control access and egress into the building. Is Mr. Sanders listed on the EAP staff list? Explain your answer.
No, Mr. Sanders isn’t listed on the EAP. Employees of tenant companies are not assigned to conduct building functions such as controlling, access/ egress.
The EAP is not applicable to retail tenants with entrance/exit doors to the street level. True or false? Explain your answer.
False retail tenants are lease holders. In the event of an EAP emergency they will be informed of the incident, and what to do by the EAPD.
The primary means of communication between the EAPD and the building occupants is the portable radio (walkie-talkie). True or false? Explain your answer.
This is false; the main means is via public address system, and the warden phones.
The friendship building at 100 Lexington ave. has one elevator lobby that services the entire building. Seven elevators are for passenger use and one is for freight use. In the even of EAP activation, where to occupants requiring assistance wait for an elevator? Explain your answer.
Occupants requiring assistance will wait in the passenger elevator lobby since the service elevator is in the same lobby ass the passenger elevators.
Ms. Joan lane, a building tenant, requests that the EAPD add her to the list of occupants needing assistance during EAP activation. The EAPD refused to add Ms. Lane’s name to the list because she refuses to disclose her medical condition. Ms. Lane is adamant in her request that her name be added to the list. Who is correct? Explain your answer.
Ms. Lane is correct. A person who wishes to be added to the list of occupants requiring assistance only needs to give their contact information, not the medical condition which they suffer.
The security officer assigned to manually operate the elevator to assist occupants who need assistance evacuating, uses the passenger elevator #8 to reach those occupants. What is the status of the freight elevator?
The freight elevator is probably out of order hence the security officer had to use an alternate elevator to rescue people.
Where is the EAPD email address found in the EAP? Explain your answer.
The EAPD’s email address is found on the EAP staff designation form. This form also has other contact information, and C of F’s for the EAPD.
Luis Garcia is a porter and listed in the building COS list. Does Mr. Garcia’s name appear on the correct list? Explain your answer.
Yes. Mr. Garcia’s name appears on the COS list because he is assigned to one of the tasks designated by the EAPD.
The DEAPD activated the EAP shelter in place provision. The particulars of the incident change and now a different provision must be activated to protect occupants from harm. However, the DEAPD is informed by the EAPD that once a provision is instituted for a particular incident, it cannot be changed. Who is correct? Explain your answer.
The deputy is right, if the situation warrants it, you must do what is necessary to protect the safety of the tenants. And the situation can change.
It is 3:00 a.m. and the FSD/EAPD is on vacation. The BES is informed by the engineer that a contractor accidentally released toxic fumes on the 10th floor and the fumes are spreading to the upper floors of the building. Should the BES activate the EAP? What would the appropriate provision of the EAP to activate? Explain your answers.
Yes he should, an evacuation would be appropriate, because the fumes can spread uncontrollably.
The EAPD must wear EAP identifying apparel when ever the EAP is activated. True or false? Explain your answer.
This is true; it makes it easier for tenants, and emergency personnel to identify who is in charge.
An airborne hazard is created as a result of a radiological incident. What are the symptoms associated with radiation contamination? Explain your answer.
Skin ulcerations, nausea, vomiting, fever and headache.
A suspicious substance is delivered in an envelope to Jane Danson who works for XYZ Company on the third floor of a 35 story building. The characteristics of the substance are as follows: white powder similar to anthrax. Ms.Danson’s colleagues call the EAPD to report the white powder. Who should the EAPD contact first? Explain your answer.
He should contact 911, and notify them of the emergency.
A place of assembly is approved for use by the DOB. Are approved spaces also designed for catastrophic emergencies? Explain your answer.
Although a place of assemble can be approved by the DOB fir a specified use, the space not necessarily be designed to deal with crowd disasters and emergencies. For example, over-ticketing an event will likely lead to a crowd disaster where people are subject to dying because there are not enough emergency exits to accommodate the over populated space. The crowd disaster incident at City College on December 28, 1991 is an example of a crowd disaster where the event was over ticketed, and led to the death of nine people. 21 people were injured.
Single command and unified command. Explain these concepts and how they affect the execution of a response to an emergency. Explain your answer.
In a single command incident there is only one person who makes all the final decisions with respect to the response execution (e.g. FDNY chief in a 1-alarm fire) in a unified command incident, multiple people are in charge and oversee the response to a disaster. The larger and more catastrophic the even, the more people/ agencies are involved and is likely to lead to a unified command (e.g., hurricane Katrina)
Unlike a fire situation, during the activation of the EAP’s evacuation concept the revolving doors do not need to be flattened (collapsed. True or false? Explain your answer
This is false when every occupant is expected to leave the property flattening the doors will lead to a quicker evacuation.
According to commercial building’s population statistics, there are over 100 people above grade at all times. The building manager has an EAPD in duty from 7am to 3pm. Is the building in violation of the code? Explain your answer.
Yes this building is in violation. They must have and EAPD on duty when ever there are more that 100 people, above or below street level.
An emergency is happening in the building and the EAPD informs the occupants of the building to in-building relocate. Some occupants disregard the director’s directive and decide to go to the roof and await a helicopter rescue. Were the occupants correct in in-building relocating to the roof to await a helicopter rescue? Explain your answer.
They were incorrect, because most times a helicopter rescue is not viable.
When conducting a bomb search, the EAPD will inform the person assigned to conduct the bomb search to pair with an employee of the tenant company who is familiar with the office layout. Who would be the appropriate person to assist in the bomb search? Why? Explain your answer.
This would be appropriate because the fire/warden is familiar with the people, and the office layout. The warden is also trained to deal with emergencies and is most knowledgeable about keeping people from harm.
The NRC oversees nuclear power plants in the United States. What is the name of the nuclear power plant that is within a 50 mile radius of NYC? Will radiation reach NYC if there were an accident at the nuclear power plant? Explain your answers.
Indian point nuclear-power plant in Westchester County is the nearest power plant to NYC. An accidental or intentional dispersion of radiation may reach NYC since the distance is with-in a 50 mile radius. Alarms indicating radiation incidents at nuclear power plants are set to activate at the 10 mile radius and the 50 mile radius by informing the residents in the 2 zones of the incident.
General admission events such as “festival seating” at a concert venues may cause a craze. This is a behavioral category that occurs when there is a competitive rush by a large group of people to obtain a valued objective
The EAPD should implement the In-building relocation provision to avoid overcrowding disasters. True or false? Explain your answer. True. An EAPD who is employed in a property that houses a concert hall, auditorium, theatre or other public assembly venue, should activate in-building relocation concept if there exists the potential for a craze or other disaster.
A candidate is preparing for the EAP onsite test and is informed by the EAPD that one of the parts of the test is titled, building familiarization. What is the name of the document that contains information? Explain your answer.
The BIC has information relating to statistics of the building.
What is the title of the person who is ususually listed on the EAP and who is responsible for the utilities and fuel oil systems in the event of EAP activation? Explain your answer.
The Engineer.
A floor doesn’t have a designated in-building relocation is designated a stairwell that will be used to reach an in-building relocation area on another floor. True or false? Explain your answer.
An emergency stairwell is designated to a floor that doesn’t have an in-building relocation area. The stairwell is used to reach the in-building relocation area on another floor.
A candidate for the F-59 must know the following: Where there is a day tank in the building; and whether there are scissors stairs in the building. True or false? Explain your answer.
Yes the candidate must be familiar with all aspects of the building.
The EAPD activated the evacuation provision. The fail-safe doors were released. Why did the EAPD release the fail-safe doors is everyone was ordered to evacuate the entire property? Explain your answer
Regardless of the EAP concept, the EAP states that fail-safe doors must be released upon activation of the EAP. This should be an automatic task.
During the EAP on-site the candidate didn’t wear identifying apparel. The candidate’s failure to not don the identifying apparel resulted in the revocation of the candidate’s f-58. True or false? Explain your answer
An EAP candidate who forgets to wear identifying apparel will lose points on the test.
Since warden phones are used during fire emergencies only, the candidate for the f-59 is not required to communicate via the warden phones during the on-site test. The candidate is only required to communicate via the two-way communication system in the elevators. True or false? Explain your answer
False the candidate must show he is familiar with all aspects of the communications system.
After being informed of a suspicious package with oil stains and protruding wires on the third floor, the EAPD immediately reported to the third floor and determined that 911 should be activated and the EAP should be implemented. What did the EAPD fail to do? Explain your answer.
The EAPD should have reported to the FCS, not to the floor where the package was discovered.
A candidate for the f-59 must first hold an f-91 in the same building where the f-59 on-site test will be administered. True or false?
This is false the f-91 is a fire guard license; you need an f-58 before applying for an f-59.
A FSD is responsible for training the building fire wardens. The WAPD is not. True or false? Explain your answer
False, the EAPD is also a FSD. It would be his responsibility to train the wardens.
During the knowledge of training requirements part of the EAP onsite test, the candidate is allowed to prepare a written outline relative to the position that requires training. The candidate wrote down several key training tasks, but than forgot to mention them to the examiner. The examiner doesn’t give the candidate credit for those tasks that the candidate failed to orally mention. The candidate disputes that argument and states to the examiner that points shouldn’t be deducted since the candidate had written them. Who is correct? Explain your answer.
The Examiner is correct. You must verbalize everything written down, or the inspector has to assume you did not know it.
The EAPD is employed in a property that has a place of assembly that legally holds 300 people. An event is scheduled and the guest count is at 300. 40 other people show with formal invitations and insist on being allowed to proceed to the 50th floor, where the event is being held. What should the EAPD do? Let the 40 people in or deny them entry? Explain your answers
The EAPD shouldn’t allow access, since having more people than can be legally held is a violation of the law. There is potential for a crowd disaster, and the event invited too many people.
Because EAP activations may happen for hundreds of accidental and intentional hazards, EAPD’s must ad lib to correctly state what has happened, where it has happened, what EAP provisions will be activated and why during their announcement. True or false? Explain your answers
Yes this is true, in a fire emergency; announcements are generally the same but in an EAP emergency it is necessary to add additional information, since non-fire emergencies can vary.
The AHJ announces via media outlets that chemical x has been dispersed by terrorists in the midtown Manhattan area. The buoyancy of chemical x is heavier than air. The EAPD activates EAP and in-building relocates tenants and building occupants from the lower floors to the upper floors of the building. Was this the correct action for the EAPD to execute? What did the EAPD shut down? Explain your answer.
Yes it is, since the chemical is heavier than air, it will fall towards the ground.
The EAPD is not responsible for training the DEAPD since they both have F-59’s. True or false? Explain your answer.
False, the EAPD must train the DEAPD.
A NYPD captain enters the property and informs the EAPD to partially evacuate floors 1-10. Before the announcement is made, the FDNY’s battalion chief enters the property and informs the EAPD to evacuate the building. Whose directive should the EAPD follow? Explain your answer
The last directive should be followed. It could very well be the circumstances changed with in seconds.
Raymond Jones is employed by company X at 501 Broad park ave. Mr. Jones has mentioned to the EAPD that he no longer wants to be the Fire safety/ EAP warden and would like to resign. The EAPD refuses to accept Mr. Jones’ resignation from the program? Who is correct? Explain your answer.
Mr. Jones’s is correct; the EAPD should notify the tenant to find a replacement.
The title of the person indicated on the EAP who may override all decisions made by the EAPD is the BES. True or false? Explain your answer.
This is false the EAPD has authority over the EAP/BES. The only person having authority over the EAPD is the AHJ.
A fire safety/ EAP warden directs occupants to use elevators upon implementation of the EAP. Was this directive correct? Explain your answer
no. One of the EAPD’s tasks is to recall the elevators.
Rescue chairs are designed to assist people who are not able to evacuate via the stairwells. Rescue chairs are simply chairs with casters (wheels) that allow the assistant to push the person more rapidly to the elevator lobby where the wait to board an elevator. True or false? Explain your answer.
False. The purpose of rescue chairs is to assist people who can’t walk up/down the stairs. The rescues chairs have tracks that allow these people who are seated on the chair be brought down the stairs faster than if not using the chairs. The person is Velcro strapped at the forehead, waist, and ankles, before the chair is used to proceed up/down the stairs.
Three conditions exist that determine the impact that a bomb detonation would have on people and property. The size/type of device, the distance between the bomb and the structure. And ________ . Explain your answer.
Building design and construction type. The more reinforced the construction is, the lesser the structural damage that may be caused by an explosion.
The new role of the BES (based on local law 26) is to report to the location of the incident to determine what would be the appropriate actions taken relative to the activation of the EAP? True or false? Explain your answers.
False. The role of the BES hasn’t changed, and the BES continues to report to the FCS.
The EAPD in building “A” observes people discharging from building “B” via the emergency stairwell across the street. Building “A” EAPD contacts building “B’s” EAPD and inquires if there is an emergency in building “B.” Building “B’s” EAPD states that there is no emergency. What is happening in building “B”? Explain your answer.
Building “B” is conducting an EAP stairwell familiarization drill that is required annually by local law 26. Because this drill requires building occupants to enter the stairwell and proceed at least 4 floors, floors 5 and down exit the stairwell to the street/main lobby. They reenter the building and return to their floor.
A water pipe bursts on the 50th floor of a 50 story high-rise hotel. Thousands of gallons of water are discharged throughout the entire hotel. The EAPD implements the evacuation concept and everyone is directed to go to the primary assembly area. Everyone evacuates and safely accounted for. Explain what is wrong with this scenario.
EAPD’s don’t exist in hotels.
Building “A” conducts a complete building evacuation drill once a year as mandated by local law 26. True or false? Explain your answer.
This is false; a full evacuation drill is not required.
During the semi-annual instructional EAP drills, the EAPD instructs the DEAPD to allow guests to familiarize themselves with the emergency stairwells by escorting them 2 floors down. Name 5 discrepancies in this scenario. Explain your answer
There are no semi-annual EAP drills (only annual instructional drills, and every 3 years for stairwell familiarization drills) 2. Instructional drills are conducted annually 3. Guests are found in hotels, which don’t require EAPD’s 4. It is during the familiarization drill that occupants enter the stairwell 5. Occupants are escorted down a minimum of 4 floors not two.
What does the acronym ADA represent? How does the ADA affect the actions of the EAPD in emergency situations? Explain your answer.
The ADA is the Americans with disabilities act. The actions of the EAPD’s are affected because the EAPD needs to know the names and locations of building occupants who have disabilities, provide special arrangements to accommodate them such as having the service elevator available to reach those individuals on the people needing assistance list. Rescue chairs that allow people needing assistance to be brought down are optional but if available the EAPD must ensure that they are available for use.
A crane collapsed on the right exposure of building “A”, a 40 story commercial high-rise. There is structural damage and some occupants on floors 20-20 have been harmed by the debris and glass. The EAPD activated the shelter in place provision of the EAP for the entire building. Was the EAPD right in his action? Explain your answer
It was wrong; the correct response would be an in building relocation, locating them away from the side where the collapse took place.
A person by the title of security officer is assigned to report to the primary assembly area upon activation of the EAP’s partial evacuation concept. The security officer is a member of the EAP brigade. True or false? Explain your answer.
The security officer is not a member of the EAP brigade. The members of the EAP brigade are the property manager, director of security, and the engineer.
The FSP records must be filed for a minimum of three years. The EAP records must be filed for a minimum of five years. Combined FSP/EAP records must be filed for a minimum of _____ years. Explain your answer.
The plans are combined so they must be filed for at least 5 years.
During the EAP on-site test, the candidate made the following announcement via the public announcement system: “attention, attention please. This is the EAP director…..” The FDNY examiner informed the candidate that the announcement was incorrect. Why? Explain your answer.
When making an announcement during an on-site test and in an actual EAP activation, the EAP director must state the title in full, that is: “Attention, attention please. This is the Emergency Action Plan Director….”
Of the following scenarios which one will not require activation of the EAP? A crane collapses on the back exposure of a building. A hurricane expected to shatter office building windows in 3 hours. An outside smoke condition enveloping a high-rise hotel in Times Square. Explain your answer.
All three of these scenarios require the activation of the EAP.
If there is a nuclear attack that causes radioactive fallout in Manhattan, residents may protect them selves by distancing themselves from Manhattan. Others may seek a safe haven. What is a safe haven? Explain your answer.
A safe haven is a location where people gather to protect themselves from a hazard. A safe haven usually has the amenities needed to survive for an extended period of time, such as canned food, water, medicine, etc…
The alternate assembly area can’t be an open area where the building occupants would be exposed to the natural elements. True or false? Explain your answer.
The primary and alternate assembly area may be covered or exposed
The EAPD is asked for a list of people needing assistance by a FDNY inspector. The EAPD informs the inspector that the list is in the management office in the cellar level. A security officer is directed or retrieve the list. After reviewing the list, the inspector approved the content of the list and handed it back to the EAPD. Why was the EAPD issued a violation? Explain your answer.
The EAPD was issued a violation because the list of people needing assistance is supposed to be part of the EAP, and the EAP should be at the FCS.
A property manager has asked the EAPD to prepare a security plan in the event that the EAP is activated. The EAPD informs the property manager that this is not part of his responsibilities and the security director should handle this task. Who is correct? Explain your answer.
The EAPD is correct. The EAPD handles emergencies other than fire to ensure that the building occupants are protected from harm that might caused by the hazard. Security concerns should be handles by the security director.