Eagle 3 Flashcards
Frequency of the Eagle 3 radar ?
34.9 GHz
Wavelength of the Eagle 3 radar ?
8.59 mm
What is the Doppler shift ?
The actual frequency change which takes place as a result of movement between the antenna and the target. Could also be called the “difference frequency” because it is the difference between the transmitted and received frequencies.
What is the Doppler tone ?
The doppler shift frequency divided down for listening comfort.
Divided by 6 for stationary and divided by 12 for moving
What is the Doppler shift frequency at 1km/h ?
64.6 Hz
What is the operating voltage of the Eagle 3 radar ?
9.0 to 16.5 Volts DC
What is the beam width of the Eagle 3 radar ?
12 degrees, plus or minus 1 degree
What is the tuning Fork Test tolerance ?
Plus or minus 1km/h
What is the instrument error tolerance in stationary mode ?
plus or minus 1km/h.
What is the instrument error tolerance in moving mode ?
Plus 1km/h minus 2 km/h
Requirements for a valid speed check ?
V = visual observe and estimate target vehicles speed.
O = observe numerals in patrol and target display.
C = clear and continuous tone (pitch may vary).
C = correlation between patrol speed and check speedometer.
D = Duration of check ( steps 2 and 3 not less then 3 seconds).
M = minimum of 200m between targets of similar size.
When not to use radar/Lidar ?
1 - Within 50m of speed zone change, unless:
A - speed is excessive (over 20km/h)
B - subject to a complaint
C - high accident history
* this does not apply in school zones
2 - Any location that would engender legitimate criticism/complaint of revenue raising.
Eagle 3 testing procedure ?
1 - visually check correct antenna placement/alignment.
2 - press power on. Observe all segments illuminate followed by internal test. It will prompt you to preform a tuning fork test, press the “check” button to clear this prompt.
3 - check and adjust audio settings.
4 - check and adjust range settings.
5 - carry out tunning fork test.
Speed range of the Eagle 3 radar ?
Target speed - typically 16 to 330km/h
Patrol speed - typically 16 to 160km/h.
Combined speed will not exceed 330km/h.
What are the 5 main effects on the Eagle 3 radar ?
1 - cosine
2 - split speed
3 - differential
4 - double bounce
5 - add-on speed
What is the cosine ratio for the Eagle 3 radar ?
Effective beam for the Eagle 3 Radar ?
Width of the beam at 200m ?
Approximately 42m
Types of interference ?
Natural and Man-made
Antenna placement?
1 - should be mounted externally on the vehicle.
2 - mounted not more then 2m and not less then 1m.
3 - directly to the front and parallel with the roadway in moving mode.
4 - must face front or rear and parallel with the roadway in stationary mode.
5 - antenna is supplied with protective cover.
6 - protective cover is not to be removed by operators.
7 - repairs must be done by REU.
8 - antenna must not be exposed to inclement weather.
3 functions the radar must preform in moving mode ?
1 - determine and display patrol speed.
2 - determine combined speed of radar and target.
3 - determine and display target speed.
What must a vehicle be equipped with for radar operation ?
1 - Shielded cables
2 - check speedometer
What effects does interference have on the Eagle 3 radar ?
1 - display of a speed in absence of a target.
2 - no display of speed when a target is present.
What is interference ?
Broadly defined as any external event which adversely influences the normal operation of the radar.
What is reflection ?
It is an abrupt change in the direction of an electromagnetic wave which strikes the boundary between different mediums.
Radar relies upon energy being reflected from the target to operate.
What is Refraction ?
When a electromagnetic energy meets the surface of separation between two transparent media. It is sharply bent or refracted.
What is diffraction ?
When Electromagnetic waves are restricted by an aperture or by the edge of an obstacle, some of the energy spreads into the region not directly in line with the source.
What is absorption ?
When the electromagnetic energy is absorbed by a compound instead of reflected.
Explain inverse square law ?
The amount of energy which would be expected to strike a target and return to the radar at a given distance. Two main factors must be obeyed.
1 - The reflective area of the target (target size)
2 - Distance between the antenna and target.
What does natural interference do to radar energy?
Basically reflects and diffuses the radar energy.
What would happen if you radar was subjected to Radio interference?
rfi would be displayed in the Target area of the display
What effect can Multipath interference have ?
Can cause cancellation of reading or poor tone but does not affect accuracy.
Why is the Doppler tone important?
1 - it can indicate the presence of any interference
2 - it can assist in target identification
3 - it is proportional to the Doppler shift frequency
An approaching target causing the wave fronts to ?
Receding targets cause the wave fronts to ?
Electromagnetic energy may be ?
• reflected
• refracted
• diffracted
• absorbed
• re-transmitted
• behaviours in a similar way to visible light
• obeys inverse square law
What are the two doppler shift frequencies in moving mode ?
1 - low Doppler - patrol speed
2 - high Doppler - combined speed
How do you overcome differential effect ?
Ensuring correlation of the patrol speed with the digital speedometer
What is the double bounce effect ?
When the radar is allowed to transmit a beam in the absence of a target, the beams strikes an overhead bridge, large sign or similar and is reflected back to the police vehicle which causing a compression. The beam is then reflected off the police vehicle back to the large object, again reflected back to the police vehicle and a reading is obtained on radar, being twice the patrol speed.
What is the general tolerance applied to all speed enforcement?
Can a radar be used in inclement weather ?
When can a mobile radar be used in moving mode ?
Only In rural areas or in areas where traffic is sparse. This is to ensure ease of target identification.
Are you allowed to attempt any repairs to the radar ?
No. All repairs to be completed by REU.
Radar stands for ?
What is Multipath interference ?
When you are travelling on a long straight road with Armco railing. Two energies at different time return to the radar do to some of the energy is being reflected off the Armco railing. The two energies appose each other and often result in cancellation of both. Can cause short blips in the tone but does not affect the accuracy of the speed reading.
What is differential effect ?
When patrol speed is obtained from a large reflective vehicle (eg a truck) which is immediately in front of the police vehicle. Another speed is then obtained off the roadway resulting in the difference in speed between the police vehicle and vehicle in front being displayed as the target speed.
What is cosine
The angle in which the radar is to the target. As a target approaches the angle between the radar and the target increases which slows the velocity of the returning energy giving a slower speed reading then the actual speed.
What is split speed ?
When the police vehicle is travelling in excess of 120km/h. Patrol speed is obtained from object at the side of the road at and angle which due to cosine in less. Another speed reading is then obtained off the roadway and due to the different treats this as a target speed.
What is add-on speed ?
When police vehicle is travelling less then 16km/h …….
How long will that target speed remained locked for ?
14 minutes