E911 Code Quiz #6 Flashcards
Two men are spray painting a bench with graffiti inside Prospect Park.
I hear someone screaming and yelling for the police at the end of the train platform at the W 59th Street station.
I just came back from vacation to find my home was robbed. My TV is gone. I will be in my apartment waiting for the police.
Ms. Betty states her husband keeps attacking her with scissors. He is still in the house and she is locked in the bathroom bleeding from her arm.
Mrs. Tripp called 911 and stated her husband who is a Correction Officer just shot himself inside their apartment.
On the Belt Parkway at Exit 16, there are twenty motorcycles swerving in and out of traffic and riding recklessly.
John’s girlfriend put sugar in his car’s tank 3 hours ago. He will be in front of the mechanic’s shop waiting for the police.
Mrs. Jacobs is calling to report that she sees a low flying helicopter that keeps circling her neighborhood.
ADT operator 2212 is reporting a silent panic alarm going off at McDonalds.
There is a male in the hallway knocking on my neighbor’s door stating that he is a Con Edison worker but he is refusing to show me any identification.
A male is in front of 105 Halsey Street right now stealing the rims off of a black Mercedes Benz.
Mrs. Lopez calls 911 to report that on the corner of Linden Blvd the traffic light is stuck on red in all directions.
Mr. Charles has an order of protection against his former co-worker, Tom. Right now, he is banging on Mr. Charles’s door in the 14th floor hallway.
A male is breaking into Christian Cultural Center Church.
An Atlantic Ave Post office employee states the Bio-Hazard detection system has been activated on the 3 floor.
There is a truck on the Brooklyn Queens Expressway Exit 20 leaking oil.
Mrs. Johnson called 911 and states that her boyfriend just struck her with his vehicle because he found out she was cheating on him. She is in front of 245 Bristol St.
Mrs. Padgett is calling to report that her neighbor is intoxicated with her two month old twins and she can hear the kids crying in the house next door.
My Ex-boyfriend busted my car windows out 2 minutes ago. I will wait for the police in front of the Precinct.
Nurse Glover from Brookdale hospital calling to report two males walked into the hospital 2 hours ago both with gunshot wounds in the leg.