E4 Flashcards
What is LTA
Laryngotracheal topical anesthetic
Comes in 4 mL of 4% Lidocaine
Which LA contributes to ventilatory response to hypoxia
peripheral nerve effects at LA offset
Most distal/peripheral portion of block returns sensation FIRST
More central/proximal, return of sensation LAST
Which LA has highest incidence of cardio/neuro-toxic effects and why?
D/t high lipid solubility
Can LAs be used in combination for regional anesthesia, why?
Because short-acting in conjunction w/ long-acting decreases onset and prolongs duration
Which LAs cross the placenta the greatest
prilocaine > lido > bupivacaine
Elimination 1/2 life for edrophonium, neostigmine, pyridostigmine
What is LA OOA dependent upon?
OOA of Lidocaine and bupivacaine
LA pKa
Lido = 3 min
bupiv = 15 min
Procaine metabolite and excretion
metabolite: PABA
excretion: unchanged in urine
What are side-effects when giving ACh-ases
There is INC nicotinic or muscarinic activity
Which nerve fiber stimulates SNS
Preganglionic B fibers
How are side effects blunted with the use of ACh-ases
By giving anti-cholinergic (anti-muscarinic) agents
Prilocaine metabolism. Effects of metabolite?
Metabolite: orthotoluidine
Converts hgb to methemoglobin
What is anterior spinal artery syndrome?
What may cause this?
Lower extremity paresis
Variable sensory deficit
• uncertain if its thrombosis or spasm of the bilateral anterior spinal artery
Most CV toxic to least CV toxic agents
Bupivacaine > ropivacaine > lidocaine
Difference in neural tissue and systemic toxicity?
Neural tissue toxicity occurs at the neuron level of injection
What may the plasma lido concentration be if a pt has seizures and becomes unconscious
10-15 mcg/ml
PRILOCAINE % Unionized 7.4/7.6 pHs- Lipid solubility- Vd- Cl- E 1/2 time-
% Unionized 7.4/7.6 pHs- 24/33 Lipid solubility- 0.9 Vd- 191 L Cl- E 1/2 time-96 min
What drug class should be avoided when treating cocaine induced MI?
Beta blockers
What is the onset for epidurals, use of vasoconstrictor and loading options
Onset = 15-30 minutes slow diffusion
Vasoconstrictor - epi has no advantage, consider absorption in venous outlets
Loading dose and intermittent boluses utilized
Which NMBD are most or least responsive to sugammadex
Rox > Vec»_space; Panc
What is the corresponding plasma lido concentration when someone experiences tinnitus, systemic hypotension, circumoral numbness, twitching or myocardial depression
5-10 mcg/ml
Chemical composition of LAs
HCl salts
pH 6
because LAs are normally basic
Side effect of atropine
MEPIVACAINE % Unionized 7.4/7.6 pHs- Lipid solubility- Vd- Cl- E 1/2 time-
% Unionized 7.4/7.6 pHs- 39/50 Lipid solubility- 1 Vd- 84 L Cl- 9.78 L/min E 1/2 time- 114 min
CHLOROPROCAINE Classification- Onset- Duration- MAX plain dose- pK- protein binding-
Classification-ESTER Onset-RAPID Duration-30-45 min MAX plain dose-600 mg pK-8.7 protein binding
Tetracaine metabolism and comparison to other esters
metabolism: hydrolysis
Slower than procaine
chloroprocaine (fast) > procaine > tetracaine (slowest)
Renal excretion for neostigmine, pyridostigmine and edrophonium
Neostigmine = 50%
Pyridostigmine and edrophonium = 75%
Types of preparations of EMLA
Tetracaine 4% gel
Lidocaine 7%
Tetracaine 7%
Cocaine MOA/use as topical anesthetic
Localized vasoconstriction
Decreases blood loss
Improves surgical visualization
Nasal mucous membranes
Causes of hepatotoxicity when using LA?
What is the treatment?
continuous or intermittent epidural bupivacaine to treat postherpetic neuralgia
- stop infusion
- normalize liver transaminase enzymes
How does pregnancy effect LAs. How is this incorporated in the plan of care?
DEC level of plasma ch-ase
avoid or decrease ester dose
LA effects in pregnancy and feturs
-Significant transplacental transfer (amides > esters)
-Ion trapping
(maternal pH [union]> fetal[ion])
Most common anesthetics used for SAB
Tetracaine Lidocaine Bupivacaine Ropivacaine levobupivacaine
CV effect of vasoconstrictors w/ LA
Enhanced cardiac irritability especially w/ inhaled anesthetics
Systemic absorption can lead to HTN
Importance of alpha-adrenergic effects from LA-vasoconstrictor?
a-adrenergic effects may have some analgesic ability
What type of block is produced w/ Bier block
BOTH motor and sensation block
Foal for treatment of LA systemic toxicity
Prompt airway management
Circulatory support
Remove LA from receptors
Spinal anesthesia block is
Direct injection of LA into SA
How are the vasodilatory effects of LAs blunted?
Addition vasoconstrictor (epi, neo) to LA
How does enantiomerism affect the action of bupivacaine, levobupivacaine, and ropivacaine
Bupivacaine is racemic mixture and more neuro/cardio-toxic
Levobupivacaine/ropivacaine are (R) left-handed enantiomers and are less neuro/cardio-toxic
What are other etiologies that may cause anterior spinal artery syndrome?
- effects of HToN or vasoconstrictors drugs
- SC compression d/t epidural abscess or hematoma
Where is the epidural space
Between the dura and spinal cord
- Binds to VG-Na channels
- Blocks Na+ passage in post-synaptic nerve
- Slows rate of depolarization, unable to reach threshold potential
- NO propagation fo AP
Neuromuscular monitoring AKA and most common monitoring technique
How does pK to pH level affect LA pharmacokinetics and why? Effects on action?
pK closest to physiologic pH
Most Rapid OOA
b/c most nonionized form
Ionized LA won’t pass through channel and block it
Where does the LA bind on the VG-Na channel
On the inner gate
aka H-gate
Cocaine Metabolism Duration Populations to avoid use Elimination
Metabolism: liver > plasma Ch-ase
DOA: 60 min post peak
Populations: fetal, parturients, elderly, hepatic Dx
Elimination: Urine (24-36 hrs)
pK of LAs and % ionization
Weak bases
Above physiologic pH
Only 50% in lipid-soluble nonionized form
Purpose of local infiltration w/ LA
Duration alterations
Extravascular LA in SQ injection
Duration alterations:
DOUBLE DOA w/ Epi 1:200,000
w/ Epi NO
fingers, toes, ears, nose or penis
Benefits of additives to epidurals/SABs?
Opioids are beneficial for pain control w/ synergistic effects
Purpose of magnesium as adjunct w/ LAs
INC duratin of SAB w/ or w/o opioids
d/t small muscle relaxation
How are beta-blockers/dig/CCBs and epi/phenyleph a predisposing factor to LA toxicity
Alters conduction
IV use to treat CV effects can compound CV issues
Molecular structure of LAs and difference in classifications
1) lipophilic portion (aromatic) connected by
2) hydrocarbon chain to the
3) hydrophilic portion (quaternary amide)
Bond between (1) & (2) classifies it as ester or amide
LEVOBUPIVICAINE Classification- Onset- Duration- MAX plain dose- pK- protein binding-
Classification-AMID Onset-SLOW Duration-240-480 min MAX plain dose-175 mg pK-8.1 protein binding->97%
LIDOCAINE Classification- Onset- Duration- MAX plain dose- pK- protein binding-
Classification-AMIDE Onset-RAPID Duration-60-120 MAX plain dose-300 mg pK-7.9 protein binding-70%
How does location affect the possibility of systemic toxicity
Highest blood concentration
IV Tracheal Caudal Paracervical Epidural Brachial Sciatic SQ
Lower blood concentration
BUPIVACAINE % Unionized 7.4/7.6 pHs- Lipid solubility- Vd- Cl- E 1/2 time-
% Unionized 7.4/7.6 pHs- 17/24 Lipid solubility- 28 Vd- 73 L Cl- 0.47 L/min E 1/2 time- 210 min
What is dosing of SAB based on?
Height of patient determines volume of SA space
Segmental level of anesthesia desired
Duration of anesthesia needed
LA of choice for Bier block
Esters or amides
Most common = lido
Which NMB does not have the risk of recurarization
Importance of 100% O2 in the treatment of LA toxicity
To inhibit hypoxemia and metabolic acidosis
At what levels are SNS and motor block with SAB
SNS = 2 spinal segments cephalad of sensory
Motor = 2 spinal segments below sensory
What is the ventilatory response to hypoxia when LA agents are in use?
Which pts are susceptible to this problem?
Lidocaine depresses the ventilatory response to arterial hypoxemia
CO2 retainers are most susceptible
Most common technique when monitoring for twitches?
What are associated issues of cauda equina syndrome?
What is the cause of CES?
• large lumbar disc herniation
• prolapse or sequestration w/ urinary retention.
What can hyperpyrexia lead to in the cocaine toxic patients?
Describe difference in dosing and blockade of epidural vs SAB
For epidural
There is no differential zone of SNS, sensory and motor blockade
Generally block is at the same level
Dosing = epidural is much greater volume/dosing
How does specific gravity affect LA action
Determines the spread of drug
solute concentration of LA compared to CSF
Sugammadex dosing for all block types
Moderate (TOF 2 twitches) = 2 mg/kg
Deep (1-2 PT and NO TOF twitch) = 4 mg/kg
How do vasoconstrictors affect LA DOA in relation to nerve fivers?
Prolongs duration of contact w/ nerve fiber by decreasing systemic absorption
What determines the rate of clearance of LAs
CO Protein binding (% bound inversely r/t % plasma) -more bound = longer clearance?
significance of liposomes in LA use
They are used to upload higher amount of LA into molecule
Then have a consistent release of LA in tissue
Where is tumescent infiltration used
Duration of action of LA is proportional to what?
The amount of time the drug is in contact with nerve fiber
Order of “speed” based on nerve type
B fibers (fastest) > A fibers > C unmyelinated fibers (small/slow)
Sugammadex side-effects
marked bradycardia
doesn’t work
Which ester LA is not metabolized by plasma cholinesterases
What can occur with an SNS block from SAB at the level of T4. What drugs are CI? What drugs are used for treatment?
Can knock out cardiac accelerator nerve function leading to bradycardia or asystole
CI drugs = ephedrine, antimuscarinics (atropine, glycopyrolate)
Treatment= beta-1 agonist like epinephrine
What is the MOA of NMBD reversal agents
- Acetylchoinesterase inhibitors
- Prevents hydrolysis of of ACh in the NMJ
- INC ACh concentration in NMJ
- Out-competes ND-NMBD displacing drugs from a-subunit of ACh-Rs
Alkalinization enhances depth of block, what is the drawback to that?
This can shorten the duration of action
Affect of infection on LA action
Local infection pH ionizes LA and it won’t work
Purpose of clonidine/ketamine in conjunction w/ LAs
Prolong duration in peds
Mcg of epi
• 1:200,000
• 1:500,000
What is more concentrated
- 1:200,000 (1,000,000/200,000) = 5 mcg/ml
- 1:500,000 (1,000,000/500,000) = 2 mcg/ml
(1,000,000/10,000) = 100 mcg/ml
most concentrated 1:10,000
Lidocaine Metabolism. Metabolite? Hepatic effects?
Metabolism: oxidative dealkylation in liver THEN hydrolysis
Metabolite: Xylidide
Hepatic Dx: will affect metabolism and elimination
-Give less
What is the elimination 1/2 time and major route/time of elimination of sugammadex
E 1/2 time = 2 hrs
Route = URINE
6 hrs = 70%
24 hrs = 90%
Anti-cholinergic dose of atropine and glycopyrolate in conjunction w/ NMBD reversal
Atropine = 7-10 mcg/kg Glycopyrolate = 7 - 15 mcg/kg
What is the MOA of cocaine toxicity?
SNS stimulation by blocking presynaptic uptake of NE and dopamine
• HIGH postsynaptic levels
PNB MOA and S/Sx
diffusion (NOT osmosis) from outer mantle to central core of nerve along a concentration gradient
peripheral affected FIRST
THEN central second
CV effects with accidental IV bupivacaine
Precipitous hypotension, AV block
Cardiac dysrhythmias
SVTs, ST-T wave changes
PVCs, widening of QRS, V-tach
Ester metabolism
Hydrolysis by cholinesterase enzymes in the plasma
Plasma metab > liver
Metabolize faster than amides
Bier block process
IV start Exsanguination Double cuff LA injection IV D/C
Liposome duration of bupiviacaine ER
DOA up to 96 hrs
Baillard follow-up study on vec w/ reversal results
Postop residual NM blockade 4%
Sugammadex dose for deep NMB
8-16 mg/kg
effective even w/o twitches
By what percent can epinephrine mixed w/ LA decrease systemic absorption
Max plain dose
Uses: anti-dysrhythmic
MAX dose: 300 mgs
Clr: prolonged w/ PIH
Effects of vasoconstrictor use in combo w/ LAs
Vasoconstriction INC neuronal uptake of LA alpha-adrenergic effects No change to onset of LA Prolong duration
What is EMLA cream?
LA used?
Eutectic mixture of LA
Lidocaine 2.5% and Prilocaine 2.5% - 5% LA total
1 to 2 gms/cm2 area
Amide metabolism
Microsomal enzymes in the liver
Fastest to slowest metab
Prilocaine > lido/mepiv > etido/bupiva/ropivacaine
Metabolize slower than esters
PROCAINE % Unionized 7.4/7.6 pHs- Lipid solubility- Vd- Cl- E 1/2 ytime-
% Unionized 7.4/7.6 pHs- 3/5 Lipid solubility- 0.6 Vd- 65 L Cl- E 1/2 time- 9 min