E2 Flashcards
What is the most common problem with divers and why does it occur?
What law is this a result of?
Expansion on ascent due to failure to exhale during ascent
Boyle’s Law (P1V1=P2V2)
Tx!: recompression, life support
What are 3 things that can happen due to compression on descent?
mask squeeze (unique to descending), ear drum rupture, middle ear squeeze
What is Boyle’s law?
P1V1=P2V2; gas volume decreases in direct proportion to applied pressure when temperature remains constant
What is Dalton’s law?
each gas in a mixture exerts a partial pressure that is in proportion to its concentration; Ptotal= Pnitrogen + Poxygen + PH2O + Pother
This condition in divers occurs when you have too much O2. Can cause alveolar & endothelial membrane damage. Use ______ Law to determine what concentration of O2 you should have in your tanks to prevent this.
oxygen toxicity; Dalton’s Law; mixtures of tank gas with helium and decreased O2 help prevent
occurs in divers when there is an increase in amount of dissolved N2 in lipid membranes of CNS & in blood; acts as anesthetic and affects divers similarly to EtOH
Nitrogen Narcosis/Toxicity; “Rapture of the Deep”; prevent by substituting helium for nitrogen gas in tank
caused by too rapid rise to the surface leading to creation of nitrogen bubbles in places such as blood vessels, heart, joints, brain, etc.
Decompression sickness, bends, or caisson’s disease; Tx!= immediate recompression w/ gradual drop in pressure to allow gas to dissolve slowly
the most common mechanism of injury in diving (hyperbaric conditions) is ______
barotrauma (caused by creation of pressure differentials during descent and ascent during diving)
the acute increase in ventilation at high altitudes (hypobaric conditions) is the result of ______, as sensed by what? These are stimulated when?
(acute) hypoxia; peripheral chemoreceptors, stimulated when PAO2 is less than 60 mmHg
what are some ways the body acclimates to altitude?
hyperventilation; increased hematocrit and blood volume–increasing blood viscosity (increases load on heart); increased EPO production by kidneys leads to RBC production; increased capillary growth in tissue; plasma volume decreases (due to hyperventilation and reduced water intake)
Describe acute mountain sickness (AMS)
from 5 hours to 5 days after reaching 8000 ft or higher. Headache, nausea, weakness, insomnia, dyspnea. Fluid retention, treated w/ diuretic. Least severe. Symptoms decrease over days.
Describe High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE).
more serious than AMS; ataxia & inability to walk cardinal signs; swelling can cause brain ischemia & herniation
Describe High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE).
most serious of all altitude pathology, highest mortality; most often in young athletic males; mandates return to lower altitude immediately; cardinal sign is hemoptysis–coughing up blood
What are the signs of infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS)? What is another name for the disorder?
tachypnea, grunting, nasal flaring, subcostal retractions, cyanosis (not always); looks like frosty beer mug on film; aka hyaline membrane disease
What is RDS?
a surfactant deficiency; leads to alveolar collapse and impaired gas exchange
What cells secrete surfactant? At what gestational stage?
Type 2 pneumocytes beginning around 24 weeks gestation
What are risk factors for RDS?
prematurity; male & Caucasian; infant of diabetic mother; patent ductus arteriosus; previous baby w/ RDS
IRDS differential
1) Transient Tachypnea of Newborn (TTN) aka Retained Fetal Lung Fluid (at risk: C-section; failure of fetal lung fluid to be reabsorbed, failure of Na channel reversal)
2) Congenital Pneumonia (elevated WBC; maternal fever, prolonged rupture of membranes)
3) Spontaneous Pneumothorax (at risk from difficult deliveries/birth trauma; large for age)
4) Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (see on films; decreased breath on left & heart sounds)
more and more air accumulates in the pleural cavity w/ each breath
tension pneumothorax; medical emergency, accumulating air puts pressure on organs of the chest
there is air in the pleural cavity, but it does not accumulate w/ each breath
non-tension pneumothorax
pneumothorax w/o any blunt force trauma or medical procedure
spontaneous pneumothorax; two types: primary (w/o any existing lung pathology) & secondary (arising due to lung disease such as COPD)
pneumothorax arising due to blunt force trauma or medical procedure
non-spontaneous pneumothorax; two types: traumatic (blunt force trauma, GSW, knife wound, car accident) & iatrogenic (trauma due to medical procedure ex: pacemaker insertion)
______ is a partial or total collapse of lung; which way will mediastinum shift?
atelectasis; mediastinum shifts toward side of collapse (as opposed to in pneumothorax shifts away from side with air)
inflammation of the pleural cavity; results in severe sharp chest pain with each breath
visceral layers insensitive to pain; parietal pleural innervated by somatic afferent and intercostal nerves–perceives pain; viral infections most common cause
What part(s) of the airway does gas exchange occur?
respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveolar sacs
complete absence of spontaneous ventilation
difficulty of breathing that the individual is aware of
increased depth (volume) of breathing w/ or w/o increased frequency
decreased RR
rapid rate of breathing
dyspnea which occurs when lying flat, causing person to have to sleep propped up or sitting in a chair
What is lung compliance?
softness of lung; C=V/P
Hydrostatic pressures use what units? What about partial pressure units?
hydrostatic pressures= cm H2O
partial pressures= mmHg
the amount of gas present in the lungs when your mouth is open & respiratory muscles are relaxed; defined by the equilibrium situation in which the elastic recoil forces of the lung and chest wall are equal and opposite
functional residual capacity (FRC) of the lung
elastic recoil forces in the lung:
the chest wall tends to _____ and the lung tends to _____
chest–expand; lung–collapse
lung elastic recoil forces are the result of:
1) lung tissue elastic recoil & 2) surface tension forces; ST is the main contributor
a _____ is a vascular pathway in which there is no gas exchange
shunt; ex: blood comes from right side of heart and goes through lung w/o undergoing gas exchange (this is called right-to-left shunt)
What is the main component of surfactant? What is the primary surface tension lowering surfactant?
90% phospholipids, 10% protein; DPPC (dipamitoyl phosphatidyl choline)
What cells secrete surfactant?
type II alveoli cells
What is the major role of surfactant? Where does it interact?
lower surface tension; positions itself at gas-liquid interface
Are inspiration and expiration active/passive processes? What muscles are involved?
inspiration: active; main mover= diaphragm; external intercostal muscles lift ribs; accessory muscles not involved in quiet breathing but can be used in exercise, coughing, sneezing, or disease
expiration: passive; driven by elastic recoil of lung; diaphragm relaxes
forced exhalation: internal intercostal muscles; abdominal muscles; during exercise or hyperventilation
What is transmural pressure?
pressure difference inside and outside a given system; in lungs: alveolar pressure minus pleural pressure
What drives exhalation?
elastic recoil forces of the lungs
pleural pressure is always ______ in quiet breathing; why?
negative; so the alveoli do not collapse
-during forced expiration, will become positive, pushes air out of lungs
Describe process of inhalation/exhalation with relevance to various pressures in alveoli, intrapleural space, transmural, and atmospheric.
- All pressures are relative to atmospheric pressure which is denoted as 0 cmH2O.
- Transmural pressure is the difference in alveolar and pleural pressures.
- Air flow occurs when there is a pressure difference.
- Air will flow to the location of lower pressure.
- To fill the lungs w/ air, the alveolar pressure lowers from 0 cmH2O to a negative #
- When exhale, pressure in alveoli increases, driving airflow outside of body
What is specific compliance?
Accounts for size differences in people; specific compliance = compliance/FRC
How is compliance measured? What is the equation for total pulmonary compliance?
measured by spirometry; 1/total C= 1/lung C + 1/chest wall C (this is unique to lungs!)
What protein is deficient in emphysema? What is a risk factor in the disease?
alpha-1-antitrypsin; smoking
tissue destruction (often in emphysema); increased breakdown of structural proteins
alveolar simplification–loss of entire alveoli
most common subtype of emphysema; affects central portion of secondary pulmonary lobules around central respiratory bronchioles, typically in superior lungs/lobes; spreads peripherally
centrilobular (centriacinar) emphysema; assoc. w/ long-term smoking, occupational exposure
subtype of emphysema that destroys entire alveolus uniformly; predominantly in lower half of lungs
panacinar (panlobular) emphysema; often in pts. w/ homozygous alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency or who abuse Ritalin
What effect would each of the following factors have (increase/decrease) on compliance (and PV curve)?
Fibrosis, Emphysema, Age, Surfactant (loss of), Obesity, Surgical Removal of One Lung
- fibrosis, obesity, & loss of surfactant decrease compliance (shift PV curve right)
- In surgical removal of one lung, shifts, right (dec. C)
- emphysema & age increase compliance (shift PV curve left) due to loss of elastic fibers
Where is the greatest airway resistance? Why is this?
The largest airways (bronchus) bc there are fewer in number; total resistance of airways arranged in parallel is = to the sum of reciprocal Rs
Where is the greatest flow velocity? Why?
the large airways (bronchus); turbulent flow here; higher resistance
Describe passive exhalation.
- At end inspiration, all muscles are relaxed.
- Elastic recoil forces of lung cause alveoli pressure to be positive
- relax diaphragm, volume of thoracic cage decreases (pleural pressure increases but remains negative)
Describe forced exhalation.
- abdominal muscles push gut up against diaphragm
- pleural pressure becomes positive
- alveolar pressure positive (w/ pressure drop along airway)
- issue in pts w/ soft airways (emphysema–diminished elastic recoil)
during forced exhalation, at some point the pressure outside the airway is greater than the pressure inside, from that point on, airway subjected to collapsing transmural forces; what is it called and why is it not an issue in normal airways?
“dynamic compression;” airways are reinforced by cartilage rings that resist collapse
How does Bernouilli’s effect take place in the airways? How is this counteracted?
faster the airflow, the lower the pressure exerted on the inside of the airway walls; the lower the pressure inside, promotes collapse; airflow is fastest in the large airways, which is why they have cartilaginous rings to prevent collapse
What is the tethering of airways? What happens in emphysema and asthma pts?
- aka radial traction; refers to action of lung tissue on airway walls, tending to hold them open;
- if there is a loss of tethering & airway size decreases, velocity of flow increases (and airways are more likely to collapse)
- emphysema: use forced exhalation; air moves faster; have loss of radial traction and tissue loss; high tendency of airway collapse
- asthma: causes airway constriction; increased flow velocity, lower pressure in airway
**collapsed units are perfused but not ventilated–acting as shunts impairing gas exchange
volume of air inspired or expired w/ each breath
tidal volume (TV)
air a person breathes but is not used for gas exchange; fills respiratory passages such as nose, pharynx, trachea
dead space volume
volume of air in lungs that cannot be exhaled/pushed out of lungs; volume of air left in lungs after a forced exhalation
residual volume (RV)
volume of air in lungs after maximal inspiratory effort
total lung capacity (TLC)
amount of air that can be exhaled during a forced exhalation
forced vital capacity (FVC)
amount of air exhaled in first second of a forced exhalation
forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)–should be 80% of FVC
volume of air in lung when lung and chest wall have equal recoil force; volume of gas left in lungs after a normal expiration, all lung muscles are relaxed
functional residual capacity (FRC); FRC= ERV+RV
maximal amount of air which can be inhaled or exhaled by a person
vital capacity
What values cannot be directly measured by spirometer?
RV, FRC, & TLC (anything involving RV!)
What is a way to measure FRC? any limitations?
- helium dilution technique; cannot measure FRC for pts w/ emphysema or COPD (high airway resistance); for these pts, use body box plethysmography
- introduce known amount of He into bag, let patient breathe in/out until equilibriated, then measure pressure of He
What happens to FRC as a person ages? Supine vs. standing? Pregnancy or obesity? Lung resection? Emphysema and COPD? Kyphoscoliosis?
- aging increases FRC because there is an increase in compliance & decrease in elastic recoil of lung
- standing: guts pull diaphragm down, increasing FRC
- supine: guts push up on diaphragm, decreasing FRC
- pregnancy & obesity: decrease FRC (mass pushes up on diaphragm)
- Lung resection: decreased FRC
- Emphysema/COPD: have larger RV’s, cannot empty lungs efficiently, therefore, increased FRC (have larger thoracic cages)
- kyphoscoliosis: underventilation of lungs, decrease RV & FRC
List the obstructive diseases. What are they characterized by?
CCABE- high airway resistance cystic fibrosis (CF), COPD, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema COPD= bronchitis + emphysema
List the restrictive diseases. What are they characterized by?
WPASS- low lung compliance (increased stiffness of lungs & increased lung recoil)
Wegener’s granulomatosis, pulmonary fibrosis, asbestosis, silicosis, sarcoidosis