E170 - GOM / Ops Specs Flashcards
What are the MEL Categories?
A-As specified* B-3 Days C-10 Days D-120 Days* R-As specified by Embraer P-120 Days (usually NEF) CDL-120 Days
*cannot be extended
What is required for a 600/600/600 RVR TO?
Operative RW Centerline Lights
Runway Centerline Markings
At least 2 operative RVR reporting systems showing no less an 600RVR
If 3 RVR reporting systems are available, then all 3 must report no less than 600RVR
Can you take off if your MEL book is expired?
Yes if you verify that MX Control has the most current page.
Max distance for a takeoff alternate?
What is C55?
Describe how to derive?
Alternate Landing Minimums.
Method 1 - 400-1
Method 2 - 200-1/2
(Add 200’ HAT to the HIGHER of the 2 app used)
(Add 1/2sm to the HIGHER published landing mins of the two app used)
What is Exemption 3585?
An exemption that allows an aircraft to depart when the destination weather is CONDITIONALLY below mins.
Conditional means TEMPO, PROB, or BECMG is below landing mins.
How do you use 3585?
Main=at or above AT ETA
Conditional=half vis
1st Alternate
Main=C55 at or above
Conditional=C55 half ceiling & vis
2nd Alternate
Main=C55 at or above
Conditional=C55 at or above
What is required time off before flying after scuba diving?
24 hours
What is the required time off before flying after giving blood?
72 hours
How long is the Airworthiness Sign-Off good for?
14 days
What is the maximum amount of dry ice allowed onboard?
4.40 lbs per pax
440 lbs max
Describe the Threat Levels
Level 1 - Disruptive behavior
Level 2 - Physically Abusive behavior
Level 3 - Life threatening behavior
Level 4 - Attempted or actual breach of flight deck
What equipment is needed for RVSM?
2 Air Data Systems
1 Autopilot w/ Alt Hold
1 Altitude Alerter
1 Transponder
When must you notify dispatch enroute?
Holding >15 mins
Route deviations >50 miles
Altitude changes >4000’
RVSM equipment failure
When must you obtain a new release?
Release expired (2 hours) Return to field Aborted takeoff and RTG Change of PIC Change in airport Remarks cannot be met
What type of deciding fluid is prohibited on the E170?
Type III
What things should be briefed on the release?
Origin Destination Ramp Fuel Alternate Crew Tail Number
What must be on a release before we can depart?
Factored Landing Distance
Unfactored/Demonstrated Landing Distance
What is controlling of landing distances?
On the ground - Factored
Inflight - Unfactored/Demonstrated unless braking action is less than good.
Factored landing distance is calculated by?
It is the unfactored distance calculated by 60% for a dry runway and 115% for a wet or slip-pery runway.
How is unfactored distance calculated?
Actual landing distance on a
Zero slope runway ISA Dry Brakes only 50' over TH at Vref
What is the definition of Marginal?
When the weather conditions for the destination and the first alternate airport are MARGINAL, at least one additional alternate must be designated.
Marginal is defined as…?
The destination wx is forecast in the conditional statement below landing minimums AND,
The alternate airport is forecast in the conditional statement to be below derived C55 IFR alternate mins.