E1 Flashcards
What is PGC-1 alpha?
Key regulator of the body’s response to exercise
What are the systemic effects of PGC-1 alpha?
Skeletal muscle hypertrophy, hyperplasia, fiber type switching
What are the cardiac effects of PGC-1 alpha?
Metabolism for oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial biogenesis
How do you measure maximal oxygen consumption during exercise?
Measure VO2 max
What percentage of cardiac output is delivered to skeletal muscle during exercise?
At peak exercise, what is the ventilation rate?
15-25x the starting rate
How does the body reach steady-state conditions during exercise?
Progressive increase in heart rate with decrease in stroke volume and mean arterial pressure
How does skeletal muscle adapt to heavy resistance training?
Training activates Type IIX fibers and many will change from IIX to IIA
How does hypertrophy affect whole muscle growth?
Increased protein synthesis and reduced breakdown
How do you calculate VO2 max?
Q x (a - VO2 difference)
Flow x Arteriovenous O2 difference
What is a normal expiration volume compared to VO2 during exercise?
What are the weekly recommendations for physical activity for someone with minimal/moderate physical activity level?
30 min x 5 days of moderate intensity
25 min x 3 days of vigorous intensity
What are the weekly recommendations for physical activity for someone with optimal/high physical activity level?
60 min x 5 days of moderate intensity
30 min x 5 days of vigorous intensity
What are the three major components of the Exercise is Medicine initiative?
Assess physical activity
Provide counseling
Provide tools for self-management of exercise
Identify factors that are likely to increase the likelihood of a positive physical activity behavior change
5 As:
- Ask about physical activity status
- Advise about specific recommendations related to the patient to become more active
- Agree upon specific physical activity goals
- Assist with making an action plan or refer to resources
- Arrange for a follow-up contact within a few weeks
What is flux?
Hydraulic conductivity x [outward driving forces - inward driving forces
What is the equation for flux?
Flux = Resistance x [(Hydrostatic force + Interstitial oncotic pressure) - (Rebasorption force + interstitial hydrostatic pressure)]
What is normal capillary hydrostatic force (Pc)?
17.3 mmHg
What is normal interstitial oncotic pressure?
8 mmHg
What is normal capillary oncotic pressure?
28 mmHg
What is intersitital hydrostatic pressure?
-3 mmHg
Reabsorptive force is directly related to….
Protein concentration in the blood
Why can liver disease result in edema?
Reduced production of plasma proteins in the liver
Why can obstruction of venous circulation result in edema?
Because of increased capillary pressure resulting from the resistance to flow
What is the cause of edema associated with infection?
Blockage of lymphatic drainage preventing removal of extra interstitial fluid
How can allergic reactions or capillary trauma cause edema?
By increasing capillary permeability (Kf) and thus allowing plasma proteins to leak into the interstitial space (increasing interstitial oncotic pressure)
How are capillary beds arranged and why?
They are arranged in parallel, rather than series, so that changing flow to one organ does not affect other organs.
What two factors determine blood pressure?
Volume and vessel
What’s more compliant–arteries or veins?
Veins are 20x more compliant because they store most of the body’s blood
What kind of buffers are arteries and veins?
Arteries: pressure
Veins: volume
How does vascular compliance change with age?
Compliance lost w/ age –> Stiffening arteries –> Lost diastolic pressure
What must be maintained to ensure capillary perfusion?
What determines preload and afterload?
Pre: EDV
After: Aortic Pressure or Pulmonary Artery Pressure
What is an index of systolic function?
Ejection fraction
What three factors modulate stroke volume?
SV CAP: Contractility (+), preload (+), afterload (-)
What is Starling’s Law?
The greater the preload, the greater the afterload
What is S1?
Mitral and tricuspid
What is S3?
Common extra heart sound
Indicates increased ventricular filling
Usually due to CHF
What is mitral regurgitation?
When blood flows back into the left atrium from the LV
What is aortic stenosis?
When blood flows through tight aortic valve into ascending aorta
Where is aortic stenosis best heard on auscultation?
R 2nd interspace, radiates into both carotids
What is the law of LaPlace?
Distended ventricles decreases developed pressure
Wall stress = Pr / 2*wall thickness
What is the equation for cardiac work?
W = Aortic pressure x SV
Which drugs lower preload? Afterload?
PrEload : vEnodilators
Afterload : vAsodilators
How do venodilators work?
By changing vessel radius: dilated veins cause blood to pool in the periphery –> decreased venous return to heart –> ventricular radius gets smaller –> heart becomes more efficient
Why do we give diuretics for CHF?
Diuretics decrease total blood volume, and therefore venous return.
What is the relationship between systolic interval and contractility?
What mainly affects systolic and diastolic intervals?
Systolic: contractility
Diastolic: HR
What is mean systemic pressure?
6.5 mmHg
How does adenosine affect vasculature?
Increased tissue activity degrades ATP to adenosine
Hypoxia depresses ATP formation, adenosine accumulates
How does potassium affect vasculature?
Small amounts accumulate in extracellular space when released during muscle contraction
These small amounts hyperpolarize VSM
How does CO2 affect vasculature?
Diffuses into VSM to cause vasodilation
Combines with H2O to release H+
H+ vasodilates by repolarizing VSM potassium channels
What is hyperemia?
Increased blood flow due to vasodilation
How does autoregulation work?
It changes resistance to keep flow constant despite changing perfusion pressures
How does nitric oxide affect vasculature?
Diffuses rapidly into VSM
Activates soluble guanylate cyclase –> converts GTP to cGMP
How is nitric oxide synthesized?
From L-arginine by NOS
What is cGMP?
Powerful vasodilatory 2nd messenger
How does increased flow affect nitric oxide production?
Increases it. Flow causes shear stress on endothelium, which releases NOS
How does prostacyclin affect vasculature?
Powerful vasodilator
Stimulates adenylate cyclase activity –> produces cAMP
Which vasodilator is derived from arachidonic acid?
Which endothelial factor inhibits platelet aggregation?
How does calcium affect myocytes?
Myocyte contraction is calcium-dependent:
Extracellular calcium enters through L-type Ca2+ channel
Binds to ryanodine receptor on sarcoplasmic reticulum, which releases more calcium
What is SERCA?
Pumps Ca2+ back into SR using ATPase
What provides the brakes for the SERCA pump?
How does norepinephrine affect myocytes?
Increases contractility by increasing calcium
- Stimulates beta-1 receptors, which increase cAMP. cAMP stimulates PKA, which activates Ca2+ channels through phosphorylation
- NE also stimulates relaxation – PKA deactivates phospholamban through phosphorylation
What is the resting polarization of cardiac cells?
-90 mV
What can EKGs tell us?
Impulse initiation/propagation HR and position Heart rhythm and conduction Chamber size Infarction
What can EKGs NOT tell us?
EF, pressure, and flow measurements
What is an EKG lead?
Time course of voltage change between two electrodes
P wave
Atrial depolarization
Q wave
Typically seen in MIs, especially recent MIs
R wave
Ventricular depolarization
S wave
End of ventricular depolarization
T wave
Ventricular repolarization
What do inverted T waves indicate?
Recent MI
How long should PR interval be?
Less than 0.2 seconds (one big box)
How do you calculate rate from an EKG?
300 / boxes in R-R interval
What do regular, prolonged PR intervals indicate?
1st degree AV block
What do progressively lengthening PR intervals followed by a drop beat indicate?
2nd degree AV block, type I (Wenckebach)
Dropped beats that are not preceded by a change in the length of the PR interval indicate _______
2nd degree AV block, type II
What is indicated when atria and ventricles beat independently of each other?
3rd degree AV block (Both P waves and QRS complexes are present, although the P waves bear no relation to the QRS complexes)
What is atrial natriuretic peptide?
Released from atrial myocytes in response to increased blood volume and atrial pressure. Acts via cGMP. Causes vasodilation and decreased Na+ reabsorption at the renal collecting tubule.
What is B-type natriuretic peptide?
Released from ventricular myocytes in response to increased tension. Similar physiologic action to ANP, with longer half-life.