E1 Flashcards
What is the focus of E1-4 in ESRS E1?
Disclosure of GHG emission targets, including scope 1, 2 and 3 targets
What are scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?
scope 1: direct emission from owned or controlled source
scope 2: indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy
scope 3: all other indirect emissions from the value chain
What details must be reported in E1-4 regarding GHG emissions?
- Absolute values of GHG emissions
- Intensity values of GHG emissions
What are the baseline and target years specified in E1-4?
Current base year and baseline value, target for 2030 (and 2050 if possible), with updates every 5 years from 2030
What framework and decarbonisation aspects are included in E1-4?
- Framework or guidance used and whether it is science-based
- Expected decarbonisation levers.
What must be disclosed about total energy consumption in E1-5?
- Total MWh consumption
- Disaggregation of non-renewable and renewable sources
What are the energy production disclosure requirements in E1-5?
Separate MWh figures for renewable an non-renewable energy production
What shall the undertaking in E1-5 provide insights on?
The energy intensity associated with activities in high climate impact sectors
What metrics are used in GHG emissions reporting for E1-6?
- Metric tonnes of CO2eq
- Market-based and location-based (scope 2)
- Trading schemes percentage (scope 1)
What do Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions include in E1-6?
What is GHG emissions intensity in E1-6?
- Emissions per net revenue
- Link with financial statements
What needs to be disclosed about GHG removals in E1-7?
Removals and storage from operations and value chain (metric tonnes of CO2eq)
What is required for disclosing financed carbon credits in E1-7?
- GHG emission reductions or removals financed outside the value chain
- Total amount in CO2eq
What calculation details are required in E1-7?
- Assumptions, methodologies, frameworks
- Scope and method for net zero target
What types of carbon pricing schemes are disclosed in E1-8?
- Specific type of internal scheme
- Scope of application