E-tech Flashcards
Refers to information
handling tools used to
generate, store, process,
spread and share information
- Fundamentally a diverse set
of applications, goods and services
Modern homes have
computers for research and
learning for school lessons.
Libraries are now equipped
with computers to organize
books and to expand the
references available to the
students through internet.
Students use computers to
type reports, do their
assignments and
communicate with teachers.
Courses on the internet called
Online Instructions are
available to learn such as
origami, cooking and baking.
Everyone uses the computer
to send messages and other
information all over the world.
Computers are used to send
letter, pictures, video clips and
Talking and seeing friends and
relatives are made easy.
Music, videos and books are
shared online by their
creators and can be
downloaded for free of for a
fee to your own computers.
Computers are used to
invent materials, medicines
and products to improve life.
They are used to design and
test the products to ensure
a working model before
actual manufacturing.
Science and Research
Computers are used to
diagnose and treat
It is used to monitor
patient’s condition and
then send out alarm
signals whenever the
patient’s condition become
Health Services
Fares and tickets are now
paid online.
Travel routes and maps can
be downloaded and print.
Computers are used to
control take off and
Computers are used to
explore planets and other
heavenly bodies.
It is also used on satellites
and control stations to
monitor weathers and
other data.
Space Exploration
Computers are used to
different businesses like
groceries, offices, banks
and others
Computers are used to
design houses, buildings
and bridges.
Engineering and Architecture
Computers are used to
create animations, special
effects, and computer
Computers are used to
render service to its
Government Services
ICT in the context of global communication
- Education
- Telecommunication
- Publishing
- Science and Research
- Health services
- Travel
- Space exploration
- Business
- Engineering and architecture
- Entertainment
- Government services
Information and news from all around the globe is widely available on the
Easy Access to Information
modern technology allows you to
enjoy your outings by helping you
navigate to anywhere. One can
search for a particular place and then
even pinpoint their specific
destination. The application itself
does rest.It won’t even let you miss a
single turn, and nowadays it even
shows you the traffic situation on
your route.
Saves Time
modern technology allows
you to enjoy your trip in a
short span of time. Airplanes,
electric trains and cars which
are being improvised every
single day have made all this
Easy mobility
It is a fact that modern
technology has replaced old
technology. And we cannot
imagine our lives without this
replacement. Letters were the
most common mean of
communication less than a
century ago, but now no one
would even think of writing a
Better Communication
Technology has truly resulted in
digitisation and modernisation in
many fields. Either it is the field
of medicine or farming or
electronics, technology has
resulted in a global revolution.
Innovation In many fields
Online banking,
transactions, payments.
No one would now have to wait
in the long line just for paying
their utility bills.
Improved Banking
Many software and
electronic gadgets are
introduced to help
students with their
Better Learning Techniques
Modern science and
technology have now
made nearly everything
Disable-d, Are Now Able-d
Advantages of ict in our lives
- Easy access to information
- Saves time
- Easy mobility
- Better communication
- Innovation in many fiels
- Improved banking
- Better learning techniques
- Disable-d, are now Able-d
Negative Impact Of Technology on Work Life
- A large part of the workforce
get replaced with new technology
causing unemployment in some
cases. - With people carrying their
work laptops home, and checking
work emails at home, while
sleeping, when waking up, in the
bathroom, there is gap left
between family and work life. - Too much information but no
knowledge, people browse
through thousands of news items
everyday, but none of it is
retained to a point where it
becomes knowledge.