E: Space Flashcards
What does the universe include?
All of space and everything in it
This encompasses all celestial bodies and phenomena.
What are some objects found in space?
- The Moon
- The Sun (a star)
- Stars and their planets
- Planets and their moons
These objects represent a variety of celestial phenomena.
When are most objects in space more easily observed?
At night
Nighttime provides less light pollution and clearer visibility.
What technologies are used for viewing objects in space?
- Binoculars
- Telescopes
- Planetariums
These tools enhance our ability to observe celestial bodies.
What is required for safe viewing of the Sun?
Appropriate safety equipment and precautions
This is essential to avoid damage to the eyes.
What are constellations?
Groups of stars that appear to form a shape
They have names derived from various sources.
Can stars in the same constellation be close together?
No, they may be millions of kilometres apart
This illustrates the vast distances in space.
What causes constellations to appear in different locations?
Earth’s daily rotation and yearly revolution around the Sun
This motion affects our perspective of the night sky.
What does Polaris indicate?
The approximate direction of the North Pole
Polaris is commonly used for navigation.
Which constellation can be used to find the South Pole?
The Orion constellation
Orion’s position in the sky aids in determining direction.
What is the significance of observing objects in space?
It helps us connect Earth to its place in the universe
This understanding contributes to our perspective of existence.
How can stars and constellations be used practically?
- Navigation
- Tracking the passage of time
They serve as natural guides for orientation and temporal measurement.
What celestial body has been used throughout history to measure time?
The Moon
The Moon’s phases and cycles have been utilized for timekeeping across various cultures.
What is the international standard calendar based on?
The amount of time it takes Earth to revolve around the Sun
This calendar is commonly known as the Gregorian calendar.
What calendar do most people follow in daily life?
The international standard (Gregorian) calendar
This calendar is widely accepted and used globally.
Do some cultures use a lunar calendar?
Yes, some cultures may use a lunar calendar in addition to the international standard calendar
Lunar calendars are based on the phases of the Moon.
What do lunar calendars follow for timekeeping?
Patterns of the Moon
These calendars track the Moon’s cycles to determine months and days.
How do many cultures connect observations of objects in space?
To time, place, and daily life in various ways
This connection influences cultural practices, rituals, and calendars.