e-LFH - Core Training - Clinical Flashcards
Which standard classes of drugs should be prepared before each patient(5)?
Standard drugs typically consist of:
IV induction agent, e.g. propofol
IV opioid, eg fentanyl. Note: these are in the controlled drug cupboard
Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA), e.g. atracurium and vecuromium
IV fluids
Which emergency drugs should be drawn up before each patient?
What may be worth preparing for unstable patients?
Emergency drugs are:
- Suxamethonium:
Draw up in a syringe with blue needle on it, in case it is necessary to give it IM in an emergency - Atropine or glycopyrrolate
- Ephedrine and/or metaraminol
It may be worth drawing up adrenaline in 10 μg/ml concentration (place 1 ml of 1 in 1000 in a 100 ml bag of NaCl 0.9 %) for unstable patients.
Sequence of checks when administering drugs?
It is recommended that anaesthetists use the same sequence when administering any drug:
Check the drug
Check the ampoule
Check the dilution
Check the syringe
Check the route of administration
Common types of controlled drug(3)?
Controlled drugs (CD) are:
- Opioids, e.g. fentanyl, morphine, diamorphine, alfentanil
- Benzodiazepines, e.g. midazolam
- Cocaine
Ketamine is not officially a CD but most theatres feel it is good practice to observe the same standards for this drug.
Main pre-op checks when preparing to anaesthetise patient (4)?
Additional questions (7)
- Correct patient
- Correct operation
- Correct site and side
- Check consent form
Additional checks
- Whether patient has any allergies
- Dentures, caps or crowns
- Whether patient has any metalwork in their body
- When patient last ate and drank
- That medical records/x-rays are available
- That surgeon is available and ready
- Blood glucose control if diabetic
Care of the unconscious patient
- Things to check (5)
- Tape eyes shut once the patient is anaesthetized to:
-Prevent drying of the cornea and subsequent injury - Prevent trauma to the cornea which could result in a corneal abrasion
- Take special care with elbows, legs and heels to prevent nerve injury and pressure sores
- Ensure that the patient is not lying on leads or cables, and that equipment is not pressing on the patient’s skin
- Keep all arm angles <90 ° to prevent nerve injury, especially when the patient is in the prone position
-With an arm out on a board, ensure the head does not
face away from the arm, putting tension on the
brachial plexus - Ensure the patient is positioned in a way that would be tolerated by them when conscious
The NAP 5 audit on accidental anaesthetic awareness found the risk of medication critical incidents was associated with (3)?
The NAP 5 audit on accidental anaesthetic awareness found the risk of medication critical incidents was associated with:
Very junior anaesthetists
Non-elective anaesthesia
Outside of normal working hours
Advantages of nasal intubation (2)?
Disadvantages (3)?
Nasal intubation leaves the oral cavity clear for oral surgery.
For patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), nasal intubation is more easily tolerated than oral intubation and less sedation is required.
Nasal intubation is more difficult than oral intubation and may cause a nose bleed due to the rich blood supply to the nasal mucosa
A nasal tube may create a false passageway, e.g. beneath the nasal mucosa or, in patients with basal skull fractures, into the cranium
In long-term intubation, nasal intubation may be associated with infection of the paranasal air sinuses
Which bones form the hard palate (2)?
The hard palate is formed of the palatine process of the maxilla and the horizontal part of the palatine bone
What are the afferent and efferent sides of the gag reflex?
The afferent side of the reflex is glossopharyngeal, the efferent side is vagal.
What is the pharynx and how is it divided?
The pharynx is the area common to the upper respiratory and alimentary tracts. It is divided into the nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx
Which area do fish bones commonly lodge?
Recesses either side of the larynx form the piriform fossae. This is the site where fish bones commonly lodge.
Where are the palatine tonsils located?
The palatine tonsils, more commonly simply referred to as the tonsils, are collections of lymphoid tissue between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches, the ‘pillars of the fauces’.
What is the sensory nerve supply to the tonsils?
How are they best anaesthetised?
The sensory nerve supply to the tonsil is from branches of three nerves, i.e. the glossopharyngeal, maxillary and mandibular nerves. Infiltration analgesia into the tonsillar bed is more effective than attempting nerve blockade.
How is aspiration prevented during swallowing (5)?
Aspiration during swallowing is prevented by
- closure of the laryngeal sphincter
- upward movement of the larynx behind the base of the tongue
- reflex inhibition of breathing
- channelling of liquid or food laterally by the epiglottis into the piriform fossae.
- The epiglottis may also act as a ‘lid’ to the larynx to prevent substances entering the trachea.
At what vertebral level is the larynx?
What structures is it close to (2)?
The larynx is in the midline, opposite the 4th to 6th cervical vertebrae and has a close relationship to the carotid artery and jugular vein.
Which articulating cartilages make up the larynx?
Which three laryngeal cartilages are paired?
The framework of the larynx consists of articulating cartilages:
- Thyroid
- Cricoid
- Epiglottis
The following three cartilages are paired:
- Arytenoid
- Corniculate
- Cuneiform
How are the true and false vocal cords also known?
How is the gap between the vocal cords?
The vestibular folds are known as the false vocal cords, whilst the vocal folds are known as the true vocal cords.
The gap between the vocal cords is known as the rima glottidis or, simply, the ‘glottis’. It is the narrowest part of the airway in the adult.
What is the function of the extrinsic muscles of the larynx?
What is the funciton of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx?
The muscles of the larynx are composed of the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles.
The extrinsic muscles work with other muscles attached to the hyoid to move the larynx up and down during swallowing.
The intrinsic muscles open the vocal cords during inspiration, close the cords and laryngeal inlet during swallowing and alter the tension of the cords during phonation.
What is the function of the posterior circoarytenoids?
Posterior cricoarytenoids
These muscles abduct the vocal cords on inspiration. They are the only true abductors. The muscles achieve this by pulling the posterior ends of the arytenoid cartilages together medially. The resulting pivoting movement abducts the anterior ends of the cartilages, to which the vocal cords are attached
What is the function of the lateral and transverse arytenoids?
Lateral cricoarytenoids, transvere arytenoids
These are adductors of the cords and close the vocal cords
What is the shared function of the aryepiglottic and thryoepiglottic muscles?
Aryepiglottics, thyroepiglottics
These are the laryngeal sphincters and close the laryngeal inlet during swallowing
What is the function of the cricothyroid musles?
The cricothyroids are the tensors of the cords, acting by tilting the cricoid cartilage (and the attached arytenoids) on the thyroid cartilage (Fig 5).
What is the function of the thyroarytenoid muscles?
And vocalis?
Thyroarytenoids, vocalis
The thyroarytenoids are relaxors of the cords. The vocalis are responsible for the fine adjustment of the cords
What is the sensory supply to the larynx above the vocal cords? Which branches are there and what do they do?
How can laryngoscopy induce vagal reflexes?
The sensory supply to the larynx is from the:
Superior laryngeal nerve - above the vocal cords
- The external laryngeal branch provides the motor supply to the cricothyroid muscle.
- The internal laryngeal branch passes beneath the mucosa of the piriform fossa, and provides the sensory supply to the interior of the larynx as far as the vocal cords.
Laryngoscopy may induce vagal reflexes via stimulation of the internal laryngeal nerve, which provides the sensory supply to the vallecula.
Which nerve provides the sensory supply to the larynx below the vocal cords?
What other function does this nerve have?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve - below the vocal cords
This provides the sensory supply to the larynx below the vocal cords and the motor supply to all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx, apart from the cricothyroid muscle.
What are the paths of the right and left recurrent laryngeal nerves to ascend to the larynx?
The right recurrent laryngeal nerve passes under the subclavian artery to ascend to the larynx in the groove between the oesophagus and the trachea.
The left recurrent laryngeal nerve passes under the aortic arch to ascend in the groove between the oesophagus and the trachea.
What does damage the superior laryngeal nerve result in (2)?
Superior laryngeal nerve damage
Damage to the superior laryngeal nerve results in:
- A hoarse voice due to loss of function of the tensor of the cord (cricothyroid). The hoarseness is temporary as the muscle on the other side compensates
- An increased risk of aspiration resulting from loss of sensation above the cords
What does unilateral damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve result in?
And bilateral damage?
Unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve damage produces the following problems:
- Vocal cord palsy, with complete inability to abduct and a resulting cord position towards the midline. This produces a hoarse voice that is corrected to an extent as the other cord moves across to compensate. It also means the glottis is unable to close tightly so that the patient cannot generate a positive intrathoracic pressure to cough effectively, which can lead to respiratory problems postoperatively.
- The risk of aspiration is increased because of the infraglottic loss of sensation.
Bilateral vocal cord palsy resulting from damage to both recurrent laryngeal nerves produces severe respiratory distress, presenting as stridor as the flaccid vocal cords flap together.
Urgent intubation is required acutely, with a tracheostomy likely to follow.
What does the cricothyroid membrane lie between?
Which structures may be damaged during cricothyroidectomy?
The cricothyroid membrane lies between the thyroid cartilage above and the cricoid cartilage below.
The vocal cords are in close proximity and may be damaged during cricothyroid puncture.
Between which vertebral levels does the trachea extend?
How long is it? How much is above the suprasternal notch? Rough diameter?
The trachea extends from its attachment to the cricoid cartilage (C6) to the tracheal bifurcation at the carina (T5-6).
In adults it is 15 cm in length; 5 cm above the suprasternal notch, 8 cm if the neck is fully extended. The diameter of the trachea is approximately the same as the patient’s index finger.
What are the anterior and posterior walls of the trachea formed of?
Patency is maintained by C-shaped cartilages anteriorly.
The trachea is completed posteriorly by the trachealis muscle.
Which tracheal rings does the thyroid isthmus overlie?
The trachea lies in the midline, anterior to the oesophagus, with the thyroid isthmus overlying the 2nd to 4th tracheal rings.
Where does the right upper lobe bronchus arise from the right main bronchus?
The right upper lobe bronchus arises 2.5 cm from the carina.
How many lobes does each lung have?
The right lung is divided into three lobes and the left lung into two lobes, plus the lingula: the remnant of the left middle lobe.
During which common procedures may the pleural cavity be inadvertently opened to cause a pneumothorax (4)?
The pleural cavity be inadvertently opened to cause a pneumothorax during:
- Insertion of a central line, i.e. subclavian or internal jugular
- Supraclavicular brachial plexus block
- Intercostal nerve block
- Surgery on the kidney or adrenal gland
How many bronchopulmonary segments does each bronchus divide into?
Ten segments
Right lung
- Upper lobe - Apical, posterior, anterior
- Middle lobe - Lateral, medial
- Lower lobe - apical, medial basal, anterior basal, lateral basal, posterior basal
Left lung
- Upper lobe - Apical, posterior, anterior
- Middle lobe - Superior lingular, inferior lingular
- Lower lobe - apical, medial basal, anterior basal, lateral basal, posterior basal
Which lung segment is most commonly affected by aspiration during anaesthesia?
The apical segment of the right lower lobe.
Aspiration is more likely to occur into the right side than the left. The apical bronchus of the right lower lobe is the first segmental bronchus to arise posteriorly and is most commonly affected in the supine patient.
How does the bronchiolar wall differ from the bronchus? What is it lined with?
The bronchiolar wall contains smooth muscle but no cartilage. It is lined by ciliated cuboidal epithelium.
What epithelium lines the alveoli?
The alveoli are lined by a single fine layer of non-ciliated cuboidal epithelium
How many compartments are in the mediastinum?
The mediastinum is the space between the two pleural cavities.
It is divided into four compartments by relationship to the pericardium:
- Anterior
- Middle (containing the pericardium)
- Posterior
- Superior
Why is a mass in the anterior mediastinum a major risk factor for anaesthesia?
A mass in the anterior mediastinum is a major risk factor for anaesthesia. Loss of muscle tone after induction may allow the mass to fall back to compress the heart, great vessels and major airways.
Which nerves and roots supply the diaphragm?
The nerve supply to the diaphragm is from the phrenic nerves which originate from the spinal cord at cervical level C3, C4 and C5.
What proportion of tidal volume does the diaphragm contribute?
The diaphragm contributes 60-75% of the tidal volume.
What effect does a damaged phrenic nerve have on the diaphragm? How is it diagnosed?
Phrenic nerve palsy causes upward paradoxical movement of the diaphragm on that side during inspiration. Diagnosis is made by screening the diaphragm by fluoroscopy.
What are the three types of intercostal muscle?
Which direction does each run in?
What is the function of each?
- The external intercostal muscles slope downward and forward.
- They contract on inspiration to pull the ribs upward and outward, increasing the anteroposterior and lateral diameter of the thorax.
- The internal intercostal muscles slope downward and backward.
- They are only used in active expiration and pull the ribs downward and inward to decrease the volume of the thoracic cavity. They stiffen the intercostal spaces to prevent them from bulging during straining.
- The innermost intercostals consist of a thin layer of muscle linking the ribs together to stabilize the chest wall.
Which groups form the accessory muscles of respiration (4)?
What are their functions?
- These muscles elevate the first two ribs.
- The sternomastoid muscles elevate the sternum.
Alae nasi
- The indicative flaring of the nostrils is commonly seen in children with mild respiratory distress.
Small muscles of the head and neck
- ‘Head bobbing’ is a sign of severe respiratory distress in children.
Approximate depths of the tracheal tube in adult males and females?
In an adult male, the depth of the tracheal tube is usually around 23 cm at the lips. In an adult female, the depth is 21 cm at the lips.
Which ribs should be visible in an inspiratory film?
At least six ribs should be visible anteriorly and 10 ribs posteriorly.
How many layers are in the pericardium?
What are the attachements?
The pericardium has three layers: fibrous, parietal and visceral.
The attachments of the fibrous pericardial sac are to the great vessels superiorly, to the posterior aspect of the sternum and the central tendon of the diaphragm.
What is a normal cardiothoracic ratio?
What can lead to an abnormally high CTR?
In an adult, the cardiothoracic ratio should be less than 50% on a posterior-anterior (P-A) film.
A misleadingly high cardiothoracic ratio can result from:
- Taking an A-P film rather than a P-A
- The heart being pushed more horizontally by upward abdominal pressure, such as obesity or pregnancy
Which vessel supplies the SA node 65% of people?
Which vessel supplies the AV node in 80% of people?
The A-V node is supplied by the right coronary artery in 80% of people.
From where does the sympathetic supply of the heart originate?
The sympathetic supply originates from the lateral horns of the spinal cord (T1-4).
Adverse effects?
Dose - 1-2mg
Onset - 1-3 mins (IV), 2hr (PO)
Respiratory depression
Metabolised by the liver - half life 14 hours
Adverse effects (1)?
- Commonly used as a ‘night time’ hypnotic at a dose of 10-20 mg
- A similar dose may also be used to produce anxiolysis preoperatively. Higher doses are usually required during the day to produce sleep. The effects of larger doses may continue to be seen in the postoperative period
- Usually administered 1-2 h prior to surgery
- Has no significant effect on the cardiovascular system and only depresses the respiratory system at higher doses
- Is metabolized in the liver and mainly excreted in the urine
The three stages of giving an anaesthetic?
Giving an anaesthetic involves three stages:
- Induction - putting the patient to sleep
- Maintenance - keeping the patient asleep
- Reversal - waking the patient up
Alternatives to benzodiazepines for medication?
IM opioids - morphine, papaveretum, pethidine
These are occasionally used today, but have, in the main, been replaced by oral anxiolytics.
How should patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux be induced?
What are the goals of premedication?
A Rapid Sequence Induction (RSI) is the technique of choice for these patients.
The goals of premedication in reflux disease are an increased gastric pH and a reduced gastric volume.
Anti-reflux pre-med examples and doses (3)
PPI: Omeprazole, 20 mg orally
H2 antagonist: Ranitidine, 150 mg orally
Metoclopramide 10-20mg
Doses and routes for:
- Ibuprofen
- Diclofenac
- Ketorolac
Ibuprofen - Up to 1200mg daily in divided doses - PO
Diclofenac - Up to 150mg daily in divided doses - PO, PR, IV
Ketorolac - Up to 40mg daily - IV (usually 10-30mg)
Side effects of NSAIDs (4)
Gastric irritation
Exacerbation of asthma
Renal injury
Platelet dysfunction
How long after a dose of LMWH can neuraxial blockage be safely peformed? Why?
There is a potential conflict between the use of LMWH for thromboembolic prophylaxis and neuraxial blockade, i.e. spinal or epidural anaesthesia or analgesia, since such procedures are contraindicated within 10 h of a dose of LMWH. This is to prevent the rare complication of epidural haematoma.
Examples of different classifications of thromboprophylaxis risk:
Minor (2)
Medium (3)
High (5)
Minor risk
- Minor surgery <30min, no risk factor other than age
- Major gen surg (>30 min), age <40, no other risk factors
Medium risk
- Major general, urological, gynaecological, cardiothoracic, vascular or neurological surgery; age >40 or with one or more risk factors
- Major medical illness: heart or lung disease, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease
- Minor surgery, trauma or illness in patients with previous DVT or PE, thrombophilia
High risk
- Fracture or major orthopaedic surgery of pelvis, hip or leg
- Major pelvic or abdominal surgery for cancer
- Major surgery, trauma or illness in patients with previous DVT or PE, thrombophilia
- Lower limb paralysis
- Critical leg ischaemia or major leg amputation
Which medications should be omitted prior to surgery(4)?
How long should they be omitted for in each case?
- ACEi/ARBs - should be omitted on day of surgery
- Warfarin - stop 5-7 days before surgery
- Clopidogrel - ideally 7 days prior to neuraxial blockade
- Oral contraceptive - ideally 6 weeks prior
2 approaches to pre-op management of insulin-dependent diabetes
A variable rate intravenous infusion of insulin plus concomitant intravenous dextrose and potassium containing fluid
- A syringe containing 50 units of human actrapid in 50 ml of 0.9% saline.
- Intravenous dextrose-containing fluids must also have potassium added to run at 100 ml/h.
While a patient is managed with intravenous insulin, they should have their blood sugar monitored hourly.
Alberti regimen
The Alberti regimen is based upon the addition of actrapid insulin to intravenous dextrose-containing fluids. The amount of insulin added can be varied. The standard intravenous fluid used is 10% dextrose with ten units of actrapid and 1 g of potassium in 500 ml.
Short-acting oral hypoglycaemic agents (2)
Long-acting oral hypoglycaemic agent (4)
Short-acting hypoglycaemic agents
- Gliclazide
- Repaglinide
Long-acting hypoglycaemic agents
- Glibenclamide
- Metformin
- Glipizide
- Rosiglitazone
Management of T2DM pre-op
Morning of surgery (2)
Medication changes pre-admission?
Risk to patient?
Plan for minor surgery vs major surgery?
- On the day of surgery, the patient should be starved to the local protocol and their morning dose of hypoglycaemic agent withheld.
- Ideally, long-acting agents should be converted to short-acting agents a week or so before surgery.
- The risk to the patient is hypoglycaemia, particularly after an overnight fast.
- For minor surgery, no further action is required as long as the blood sugar is well controlled.
- Where it is poorly controlled, and for major surgery, an insulin sliding scale is required with regular blood sugar measurements.
Which colour labels denote induction agents?
IV induction agents are identified by yellow labels.
What physicochemical property must induction agents share?
They must all be very lipid-soluble to cross the blood-brain barrier.
What are the following induction agents presented in?
- Propofol
- Thiopental
- Etomidate
- Propofol is an emulsion containing 1% propofol in a lipid medium.
- Thiopental is a weak acid and can be dissolved in water as long as it is mainly in the ionized form, i.e. when the pH is very high. Therefore, it is stored as its sodium salt, as a powder mixed with sodium carbonate, so that when 20 ml of water is added it produces a 2.5% solution of thiopental with a pH of 10.5.
- Etomidate is soluble, but is stabilized by 35% propylene glycol to give a 0.2% solution.
How to convert % solution to mg/ml?
Multiply by 10
Why is it important to introduce a volatile agent as soon as possible after IV induction?
The effect of the IV agent lasts only a few minutes. To maintain anaesthesia it is important to introduce a volatile agent as soon as possible. Although the anaesthetic effects of induction agents and volatile agents are synergistic, it takes longer for the alveolar concentration of the volatile agent to reach a maximum than it does for the effect of the induction agent to wear off.
Doses of induction agents required for a fit adult?
- Propofol
- Thiopental
- Etomidate
- For propofol: 1-2.5 mg/kg
- For thiopental: 3-7 mg/kg
- For etomidate: 0.25-0.3 mg/kg
- Onset time
- Offset time
- Metabolism?
- CVS side effects (2)
- RS side effect
- Other effects (3)
- Relative contraindication to use?
- Onset time - 30 seconds
- Offset time - 3-7 minutes
- Metabolism? - Two pathways: conjugated in the liver to the glucuronide and hydroxylated to the quinol, which is subsequently glucuronidated.
- CVS side effects (2) - Direct myocardial depression and reduction in SVR causing hypotension
- RS side effect - Dose-dependent respiratory depression.
- Other effects (3)
- Pain on injection, which can be reduced by the use of lidocaine.
- Nausea and vomiting is much less likely after propofol than other agents.
- Hypersensitivity reactions: Approximately 1 in 100 000.
- Relative contraindication to use - Not licensed for children under three.
What chemical class does propofol belong to?
How does it exist in plasma?
It is a phenol derivative and extremely lipid-soluble, more so than thiopental. It has a pKa of 11, so exists almost entirely in the unionized, i.e. more lipid-soluble, form. About 98% is bound to plasma proteins.
- Onset time
- Offset time
- Metabolism?
- CVS side effects (2)
- RS side effect
- Problems with use (2)
- Absolute contraindication to use?
- Onset time: 30 seconds
- Offset time: 5-10 minutes
- Metabolism: In the liver to the active oxybarbiturate derivative pentobarbital and two other inactive metabolites.
- CVS: Direct myocardial depression with hypotension and reduction in cardiac output. Use with caution in the hypovolaemic patient.
- RS: Dose-dependent reduction in minute ventilation, commonly with a short period of apnoea.
- Problems with use
- Extremely painful and limb-threatening if given intra-arterially. Urgent treatment includes: Saline dilution, papaverine 40 mg to dilate the artery and sympathetic blockade to improve blood flow.
- Hypersensitivity reactions: Approximately 1 in 15 000.
- Absolute contraindication to use - Porphyria.
What chemical class does thiopental belong to?
How does it exist in plasma?
What is the dose of thiopental for induction of anaesthesia?
It is a thiobarbiturate, highly lipid-soluble and a weak acid with a pKa of 7.6. Approximately 60% of free thiopental is in the unionized form, which is more lipid-soluble. About 75-80% is bound to plasma proteins.
3-7 mg/kg.
- Onset time
- Offset time
- Metabolism?
- CVS side effects
- RS side effect
- Other effects (4)
- Relative contraindications to use (2)
- Onset time - 30 seconds
- Offset time - 3-7 minutes
- Metabolism - Etomidate is an ester and undergoes ester hydrolysis in both plasma and the liver.
- CVS side effect - Very little effect on heart rate (HR), CO and systemic vascular resistance (SVR).
- RS side effect - Minimal and transient dose-dependent respiratory depression.
- Other effects
- Pain on injection, which is reduced by the use of the preparation in lipid, i.e. Etomidate-Lipuro®.
- Nausea and vomiting is common compared with propofol.
- Adrenocortical suppression, especially if used by infusion.
- Hypersensitivity reactions: Approximately 1 in 75 000.
- Relative contraindication to use
- Sedation in intensive care. Avoid in porphyria.
What chemical class does etomidate belong to?
How does it exist in plasma?
Dose for induction?
It is a carboxylated imidazole derivative, both lipid-soluble and water-soluble, i.e. much more water-soluble than propofol. About 70% is bound to plasma proteins.
0.25-0.3 mg/kg.
The phrase that distinguishes pharmacokinetics from pharmacodynamics?
Pharmacokinetics is often described as ‘what the body does to the drug’ to distinguish it from pharmacodynamics, which describes the effects a drug has on the body, i.e. ‘what the drug does to the body’.
Which two processes account for the rapid fall in plasma concentration of induction agent after a bolus? Which is the larger contributor?
What determines to which tissues the drug is initially distributed?
- The drug is moving out of the bloodstream and is being distributed to other tissues (main process)
- The drug is being metabolized and/or excreted from the body
The blood flow. Tissues that have a high blood flow, i.e. vessel-rich tissues, take up the drug more quickly.
Which is metabolised faster: propofol or thiopental?
Propofol and thiopental are metabolized by the liver. Propofol is much more rapidly broken down than thiopental and has no active metabolites, whereas thiopental is metabolized more slowly, but has an active metabolite-pentobarbital.
Three questions that influence choice of induction agent?
Are any agents absolutely contraindicated?
- Previous hypersensitivity reaction to the active agent
- Thiopental and etomidate in porphyria
Are there any patient-related factors that may influence choice?
- Resuscitation state of patient: propofol and thiopental produce more CVS depression than etomidate, so hypovolaemia is a relative contraindication
- Rapid sequence induction needed: thiopental has a slightly faster onset than propofol
- Epilepsy: thiopental is antiepileptic
- Age of patient: presence of ischaemic heart disease
Are there any drug-related factors that may influence choice?
- Previous reaction to a drug presented in propylene glycol: this should exclude use of etomidate
- Egg allergy: some consider this a relative contraindication to propofol, although there is no supporting evidence
Difference between a gas and a vapour? Which are inhalational anaesthetics?
Any agent that can exist as a liquid at room temperature is correctly called a vapour. Any agent that cannot be liquefied at room temperature, whatever the pressure, is correctly called a gas. Volatile anaesthetic agents are all liquids at room temperature, so strictly speaking are vapours and not gases.
Definition of a MAC?
The MAC is that concentration required to prevent 50% of patients moving when subjected to a standard midline incision
- Isoflurane
- Sevoflurane
- NO2
Isoflurane -1.2
Sevoflurane - 2.0
Nitrous oxide - 103.0
Factors increasing MAC (7)
- Stimulants
- Chronic alcohol dependence
- Exogenous catecholamine use
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hyperthermia
- Young age
- Anxiety and stress
Factors reducing MAC (10)
- Nitrous oxide
- Alpha2 adrenergic agents
- Benzodiazepines
- Intravenous anaesthetics used by infusion
- Opioid analgesics
- Acute alcohol intoxication
- Reduced GCS
- Hypothermia
- Hypothyroidism
- Increasing age
Which two coefficients describe the solubility of volatile agents in body tissues? Which correlates with potency in terms of MAC?
There are two important partition coefficients that describe solubility of volatile agents in body tissues. One is the blood:gas (B:G) partition coefficient and the other the oil:gas (O:G) partition coefficient.
Volatiles must reach the CNS to have their effect and this requires them to cross the blood-brain barrier. Only lipid-soluble drugs can gain access to the brain.
Potency follows the order of O:G solubility
O:G partition coefficients
- Isoflurane
- Sevoflurane
- N2O
Isoflurane - 98
Sevoflurane - 80
N2O - 1.4
What determines speed of onset when using a volatile agent for induction?
Which coefficient determines this rate?
The speed of onset of anaesthesia when using a volatile agent for induction of anaesthesia depends on how rapidly the alveolar concentration reaches the inspired concentration of the agent.
The curves for each agent all reach the same end-point, but at different rates, dependent on their blood:gas solubility coefficient. The more insoluble the agent is in blood, the faster its FA/FI ratio approaches 1.
What is overpressure and why is it used?
Which volatile agent can this not be used for?
Overpressure involves setting the initial concentration on the vaporizer above that actually needed for maintenance and then, over 5 min or so, reducing it towards a maintenance value of approximately 1 MAC.
This is easy to achieve in practice with sevoflurane, but harder with isoflurane as it is an airway irritant, and may precipitate coughing in unparalyzed patients. Initial steady increases over a minute or so will minimize this.
A low blood-gas partition coefficient has what effect on onset of anaesthesia?
Volatile agents with a low blood-gas partition coefficient have a rapid speed of onset of anaesthesia.
How would minute ventilation affect speed of onset of anaesthesia with a volatile agent?
If the patient’s cardiac output increases, what effect might this have on speed of onset of anaesthesia?
If minute ventilation is increased, more volatile agent reaches the alveoli, so speed of onset of anaesthesia is quicker.
If a cardiac output increases, then blood passes more quickly through the lungs and less anaesthetic is taken up in the same time. As a result speed of onset of anaesthesia is slower. The converse is true if the cardiac output falls.
Blood:gas partition coefficients
- Isoflurane?
- Sevoflurane?
- N2O?
Isoflurane - 1.4
Sevoflurane - 0.6
Nitrous oxide - 0.47
What is the concentration effect?
The concentration-effect refers to the principle that the concentration of inspired anesthetic gas influences both (1) the alveolar concentration that may be attained and (2) the rate at which that concentration may be attained. The rate of rise of alveolar end tidal concentration is thus dependent upon and accelerated by a high initial inspired concentration of anesthetic gas. The concentration effect is only clinically relevant with nitrous oxide, although it may occur with other gases.
What is the second gas effect?
The second gas effect
When a high inspired concentration of N2O is used for induction along with a volatile, not only does the alveolar concentration of N2O rise more rapidly than predicted, but so does that of the volatile. As a result induction is more rapid than might be expected.
What is diffusion hypoxia? How is it mitigated?
Diffusion hypoxia
At the end of an anaesthetic N2O will diffuse back into the alveoli more rapidly than N2 can diffuse into blood. If air is given without oxygen supplementation this will have the effect of diluting the amount of oxygen, and so reducing its concentration in the alveoli. This carries a risk of hypoxia, so all patients should be given supplementary oxygen at the end of an anaesthetic when N2O has been used.
How do volatile agents affect tidal volume?
All volatile agents cause a dose-dependent reduction in tidal volume accompanied by an increase in respiratory rate. However, with high concentrations, alveolar ventilation will become inadequate.
Which volatile is used for gas inductions? Why?
Sevoflurane. Isoflurane is an irritant vapour and may cause coughing.
How do the effects of sevoflurane and isoflurane on minute ventilation differ? Why is this important for gas inductions?
Sevoflurane is more potent than isoflurane in reducing minute ventilation and may cause apnoea.
For a gaseous induction using sevoflurane overpressure with 8% is commonly used. Once the patient is almost asleep it is important to reduce the vaporizer setting to maintain adequate alveolar ventilation. If this reduction is not made and 8% sevoflurane is continued then alveolar ventilation is reduced and eventually apnoea will follow.
How do volatile agents affect SVR and cardiac contractility?
- Isoflurane
- Sevoflurane
- N2O
All volatile agents, including isoflurane and sevoflurane, cause a dose-dependent reduction in systemic vascular resistance (SVR). Both agents slightly reduce cardiac contractility.
- Isoflurane causes a greater reduction in SVR than sevoflurane. This drop in SVR is accompanied by reflex tachycardia. Isoflurane has also been associated with coronary steal.
- Sevoflurane causes a less pronounced fall in SVR; blood pressure and heart rate are better preserved.
- Nitrous oxide reduces cardiac contractility very slightly, but this is usually offset by an increase in sympathetic activity so that there is little overall effect.
What is coronary steal? Which volatile is it associated with?
Isoflurane causes vasodilatation of normal coronary arteries. Blood may be diverted away from stenotic vessels by vasodilatation of normal vessels. As a result, cardiac muscle supplied by the stenosed coronary vessel may become ischaemic.
What sort of chemical compounds are isoflurane and sevoflurane?
How are they metabolised and by which enzyme?
Which is metabolised to the greater extent?
Which product of sevoflurane metabolism could theoretically cause renal issues?
Isoflurane (Fig 1) and sevoflurane (Fig 2) are both halogenated ethers and are metabolized in the liver by CYP2E1, one of the cytochrome P450 family of enzymes.
Sevoflurane is metabolized to a greater extent than isoflurane.
Metabolism produces significant amounts of fluoride ions, which are known to cause renal impairment. Despite this, sevoflurane does not appear to impair renal function, even after prolonged exposure.
How do carbon dioxide absorbers interact with sevoflurane?
Increasingly, breathing systems with carbon dioxide absorbers are being used. These interact with sevoflurane to produce a range of potentially toxic compounds, which have, rather unimaginatively, been called compound A, compound B, etc, through to compound E.
Only compound A has the potential to induce significant clinical effects. However, even after prolonged exposure, and despite potentially toxic levels being reached, there have been no reports of actual renal toxicity.
Which side effect can prolonged exposure to nitrous oxide cause?
Megaloblastic anaemia
Although nitrous oxide is not metabolized to any significant extent, it does interfere with DNA synthesis in the bone marrow. Prolonged exposure may start to produce megaloblastic changes.
Difference between opioid and opiate?
The term ‘opiate’ is usually reserved for naturally-occurring opioid drugs such as morphine.
‘Opioid’ is a more generic term that includes the synthetic drugs such as fentanyl.
Which colour label identifies opioid drugs?
What dose of fentanyl is given at induction? Why? Time to onset? Duration of effect?
An initial bolus dose of 1-3 µg/kg is usually given at induction, often before the intravenous induction agent, as it takes about 5 min to have an effect.
One of fentanyl’s effects is to reduce the response to laryngoscopy.
Repeated doses of fentanyl may be given intraoperatively, usually 50-100 µg, depending on the duration of surgery and analgesic plans. The duration of analgesic effects of fentanyl depend on the dose given and the level of surgical stimulation, but for the doses described above analgesia lasts about 15-30 min
Standard concentration of fentanyl?
It comes in 2 ml and 10 ml ampoules, each containing a clear solution of 50 μg/ml
How does fentanyl compare to morphine in terms of lipid solubility? What does this mean for its effect?
How is it metabolised?
Fentanyl is 580 x more lipid soluble. When given as a single intravenous bolus dose, fentanyl is a short-acting drug. Its plasma concentration falls rapidly due to distribution to vessel-rich tissues. If multiple repeated doses or an infusion are used, then there is some accumulation in fat and the recovery time increases. Metabolism, to inactive products, occurs in the liver.
What are the common side effects of fentanyl (6)?
Which rare complication can occur?
- Bradycardia
- Hypotension
- Respiratory depression
- Nausea and vomiting postoperatively
- Urinary retention
- Constipation and itching
Occasionally chest wall rigidity is seen when fentanyl is used in a large dose as part of induction of anaesthesia.
How is morphine dosed intraop? How long do effects last?
How and when should morphine be given if severe pain is anticipated post-op?
The intraoperative dose of morphine, after initial use of fentanyl, is usually a 2-5 mg bolus, depending on how stimulating the surgery is and the duration of the procedure. Requires redosing every 30-40 mins.
An intravenous bolus dose of morphine of 0.1-0.15 mg/kg can be given about 45 min before the end of surgery. The longer onset time to peak effects means that the timing of intraoperative morphine requires care.
What is the standard presentation of morphine? How is it normally diluted for use?
1 ml ampoules containing a clear solution of 10 mg/ml. For intravenous use, this is normally diluted with saline to give a solution of 1 mg/ml.
How does morphine’s potency compare to fentanyl?
How is morphine metabolised? In which patients is this important?
Around 100x less potent.
Metabolism occurs in the liver; an active metabolite is morphine-6-glucuronide, which is more potent than morphine. The presence of an active metabolite is only important in patients with renal failure who receive repeated doses of morphine.
Uses for neuromuscular blockade (3)
NMBs are used to facilitate:
- Tracheal intubation
- Surgery where muscle relaxation is essential
- Mechanical ventilation
What type of muscle relaxant is succinylcholine?
How do depolarising and non-depolarising NMBs compare with respect to the following?
- Speed of onset
- Activation before block
- Speed of offset
- May require reversal?
- Speed of onset - Fast
- Activation before block - Yes, see twitching
- Speed of offset - Fast
- May require reversal - No
- Speed of onset - Slower
- Activation before block - No
- Speed of offset - Slower
- May require reversal - Yes
When is RSI indicated?
What is omitted from an RSI in contrast to standard induction?
Indicated in situations where the patient is at risk of aspiration of gastric contents.
Preoxygenation is followed by an induction agent and then immediately by the depolarizing neuromuscular blocker succinylcholine, without checking for mask ventilation.
There are two reasons for this:
This technique aims to minimize the time between induction and intubation
Succinylcholine wears off after a few minutes, allowing spontaneous respiration to restart. The alveolar reservoir of oxygen achieved by preoxygenation should limit any hypoxia until spontaneous respiration restarts
Why is important to check that the effects of succinylcholine have worn off before using a non-depolarizing agent?
To exclude succinylcholine apnoea.
Occasionally, patients have genetically abnormal plasma cholinesterase (the enzyme that metabolizes succinylcholine) so that its effects are significantly prolonged. In this situation paralysis could be still be present at the end of surgery.
If a non-depolarizing relaxant had been given without using the nerve stimulator to confirm recovery from succinylcholine, it would be unclear which muscle relaxant was responsible for the continued paralysis.