e learning Flashcards
reinforcing approximations until they can get the full thing
NET Prompt
Leading questions/ Statements "Acting Confused" Visual/Textual (indirect) Hypothetical Scenario Rephrasing the Question Choices Experiential Prime/Rule-Governed Behavior
Leading Questions/ Statements
Therapist asks a question or series of questions or gives a series of statements guide learner to the orrect response
“Acting Confused”
Therapist pretends not to know information tey do know in order to get more informatino from the learner
Visual/Textual (indirect)
Therapist draws a social story, social comic strip, illustration or writes a list/description of the target concept
Hypothetical scenario
therapist tells made-up story, similar to the target concept to guide learner to appropriate answer
rephrasing the question
therapist rephrases SD using different language or terminology
therapist gives learner answer choices
therapist “puts learner n another’s shoes” and allows learner to experience what another person is experiencing
Prime/Rule- goverened behavior
therapistgives direction or reviews concept/answer before presenting SD
DTT prompts
Physical Model Echoic directive visual/textual gestural proximity stimulus manipulation receptive
therapist moves target stimulus closer to learner
Therapist runs a receptive trial before running the target expressive trial “give me red” “what color”
Stimulus manipulation
therapist changes some apsect of the target stimulus
- ex: color, size, clarity etc.
Antecedent modification
non-contingent reinforcement demand fading task modifiation behavior momentum (high probability sequence) functional communication training environmental modification replacement behaviors
Demand fading
the gradual increase in demand requirement prior to deliering a functional reinforcement
behavior momentum (high probability task sequence)
the presentation of several high probablity demans folowed by a low proablity demand increase the likelihood that the low probability behavior will occur
(FCT) functional communication traning
a procedure in which the individual is taught to use a form of communication which results in accessing the same reinforcement as the problem behavior
Consequence manipulatinos
interventions designed to weaken problem behavior by altering the consequences that follow
Extinction Sensory extinction response blocking time out Response Cost Overcorrection
the witholding of previously occurring reinforcement upon a behavior
Differential Reinforcement
DRA (Differential Reinfocement of Alternative Behavior)
–FCT (functional communication training)
–DRI (Differential Reinforcement Training of Incompatible Behavior)
DRO (Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors)
Differential Reinforcement of Low Rate Behaviors
Differential Reinforcement of High rate Behaviors
DRA Differential Reionforcement of Alternative Behavior
The delivery of reinforcement for an alternative behavior while witholding reinforcement for the problem behavior
DRA involving a communicative response as the alternative behavior
Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Reinforcement
Individual is reinforced for engaging in a response that makes it physically impossible to perform the problem behavior
Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors
The student is rewarded for NOT engaging in the challenging behavior
DIfferential Reinforcement of Low Rate Behavior
The delivery of reinforcement contingent on the behavior occurring at a reduced rate during a specific period of time
Differential Reinforcement of High Rate Behaviors
The delivery of reinforcement contingent on the behavior occurring at a higher rate during a specific period of time
4 Types of Extinction
Escape Extinction
Tangible Extingction
Attention Extinction (Planned Ignoring)
Sensory Extinction