Dystrophies - AAO Flashcards
deep retinal white dots or flecks
retinitis punctata albescens
choriocapillaris atrophy
retinal thickening and loss of laminations
mutations in CRB1
crystalline deposits
Bietti crystalline dystrophy
preserved para- arteriolar RPE
CRB1- related retinopathy
ERG in retinitis pigmentosa
The ERG response in eyes with rod– cone dystrophies typically shows a loss or a marked reduction in rod- derived responses, more than in cone- derived responses. Both a-and b- waves are reduced because the photoreceptors are primarily involved. The b- waves are characteristically prolonged in time as well as diminished in amplitude. Individuals with the carrier state of X- linked recessive RP often show a mild reduction or delay in b- wave responses.
cone dystrophy - ERG
full- field ERG. Cone dystrophies are diagnosed when ERG results indicate an abnormal or undetectable photopic ERG response and a normal or near- normal rod- isolated ERG response. When pres ent, the cone flicker ERG response is almost invariably delayed
cone–rod dystrophy - ERG
cone- derived full- field ERG responses are more abnormal than the rod ERG responses
Leber Congenital Amaurosis - features
Central macular atrophic le- sions (sometimes incorrectly referred to as macular colobomas) are often seen in eyes with LCA, in addition to early- onset cataracts and keratoconus in older children.
Enhanced S- cone disease - other name
Goldmann- Favre syndrome
Goldmann- Favre syndrome - other name
Enhanced S- cone disease
Enhanced S- cone disease - features
night blindness, increased sensitivity to blue light, pigmentary retinal degeneration, an optically empty vitreous, hyperopia, pathognomonic ERG abnormalities, and varying degrees of peripheral to midperipheral visual field loss
Enhanced S- cone disease - genetics
autosomal recessive
primary retinal or RPE disease that causes advanced atrophy of the choriocapillaris occurs in
choroideremia, gyrate atrophy, Bietti crystalline dystrophy, and phenothiazine- related retinal toxicity
choroideremia - genetics