Dyspnea HYHO Flashcards
Diagnostic pathway for dyspnea complaint
- H/E + walking oximetry + peak flow assessment
- Further testing = CXR, spirometry, ECG, CBC, CMP
- Chest CT, lung volumes, DLCO, tests of NM function, echo, cardiac stress test
- Cardiopulm exercise testing and referral
DDx for dyspnea
- Anemia (oximetry might not be low)
Pt presents w/ pallor, bounding pulses, fatigue, dyspnea and sx of HF and/or angina
*Get CBC
PE findings for COPD
- barrel chest
- limited rib motion
- lung expansion w/ limited exhalation
- Hyperresonance on percussion (hyperinflation), decreased breath sounds, wheezing, prolonged expirations
How do tactile fremitus and transmitted voice sounds respond in COPD
Both are decreased
General causes of dyspnea
85% = cardio or pulm etiology
Smoking, occupational lung dz, medications
- Short-acting bronchodilators for rescue (SABA or SAMA)
- Long-acting bronchodilators for persistent sx (LAMA > LABA)
How does stopping smoking help?
Accelerated decline in FEV1 dose dependent relationship with pack-years
1* prevention for COPD
Flu vax annually
Pneumococcal vax (PCV13) followed by PPSV23 (pneumovax) at least a year later
3* prevention for COPD
Smoking cessation
COPD complications
- Progressive hypoxia
- COPD exacerberations (more as FEV1/FVC drops < 50%)
- many exacerbations related to infection
- Respiratory failure
How does stable angina present?
Discomfort as tightness, squeezing, heavy, pressure that can radiate to shoulder, neck, jaw, back
NOT pain
What does a finding of reproducible chest pain on palpation indicate?
Probably not a cardiovascular cause
How do you listen for S3 and S4?
Pt in left lateral decubitus position
Use BELL @ apex and LSB
(also done for MR)
What is included in PE for stable angina?
- S3/S4 auscultation
- Palpate for PMI
- Auscultate for carotid bruits
- Evaluate peripheral pulses
- Assess for edema
Diagnostic data in stable angina?
- ECG likely normal when Asx
(previous ECG findings may be present though) - Cardiac stress test - may see ST depressions during increased cardiac workload or dyspnea sx