Dysphagia Flashcards
Neuromuscular, mechanical/obstructive, and infective. Oral, pharyngeal, and oesophageal.
What are the two main pathological mechanisms in persistent dysphagia?
Mechanical/obstructive and neuromuscular (CNS or localised, neurogenic or auto-inflammatory)
What are acute causes of dysphagia?
- Trauma/foreign body
- Acute throat infection
- Acute oesophagitis - infectious or allergic e.g. eosinophillic
- Stroke
What are the different onset of dysphagia? What is an important characteristic to determine?
Acute, chronic/gradual, intermittent.
Important to ask whether it is food and fluid from the start - if no and progresssive, suspect malignancy or growing obstructive problem.
Describe the anatomy and physiology of swallowing.
Swallowing involves the coordinated action of the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus.
It has three phases: oral (voluntary), pharyngeal (involuntary), and esophageal (involuntary). The process is controlled by the swallowing center in the brainstem.
What are common symptoms associated with dysphagia?
- Regurgitation of food or drink,
- coughing or choking during eating,
- bubbling or gurgling or bad breath
- pain on swallowing (odynophagia), and
- weight loss/anorexia
What are benign and acute causes of dysphagia? What is the predominant symptoms?
Infection e.g. tonsillitis
Often with pain/ sore throat
What are three secondary problems associated with dysphagia that may be life-threatening?
- Aspiration
- Malnutrition/dehydration
- Difficulty taking medication
How can you classify obstructive pathologies of dysphagia?
- Intrinsic: oesophageal tumour or stricture, pouch
- Extrinsic: mediastinal mass
List important associated features of dysphagia to ask about.
- Difficulty initiating or coordinating - CNS
- Coughing/choking - aspiration
- Pain - wall damage
- Regurgitation - obstructive
- Voice changes
- Neck lump
What are some oropharyngeal causes of dysphagia? How might you differentiate it from an oesophageal cause?
- neurological problems (e.g., stroke, Parkinson’s disease) - poor coordiation, inability to chew
- Dementia - loss of voluntary action of swallowing
- Myasthenia gravis
- infections (e.g., poor dentition, severe tonsillitis, candidiasis, epiglottitis)
- Oropharyngeal tumors,
- pharyngeal pouch,
Differentiated by difficulty initiating a swallow, symptoms of aspiration e.g. choking and coughing
What are some oesophageal causes of dysphagia?
How might you differentiate it from an oropharyngeal cause - list 3 symptoms?
- oesophagitis/eosinophilic,
- oesophageal cancer or mediastinal tumour
- Benign strictures,
- oesophageal webs and rings,
- achalasia - degenerative condition
- Systemic sclerosis - oesophageal dysmotility
Difficulty passing food - sensation of food sticking in chest or throat, regurgitation
A person with a neurologcial condition presents with dysphagia. What could it be? List 5 conditions (CNS and PNS)
- Stroke/ cellebellar disease
- Facial nerve palsy
- Parkinson’s disease,
- multiple sclerosis,
- Motor neurone disease
- Myasthenia gravis
Coordination, aspiration
What is a pharyngeal pouch also called?
Zenker’s diverticulum.
What is odynophagia caused by? Is it a red flag?
Damage to the oesophagus or forceful contractions.
* Oesophagitis (infection, auto-immune due to medication, acid reflux)
* Ulceration (acid reflux, malignancy)
* Oesophageal spasms
Red flag for malignancy. Oesophageal cancer may first present with odynophagia.
A patient with GORD presents with dysphagia. Why is this?
Lower oesophageal stricture