Dyslipiedemia, Hypertension, Old age Flashcards
What are the desirable and high cut off levels for LDL-C, HDL-C, Triglycerides and Non-HDL-C
LDL-C <100 desirable, >160 (mg.dL)
HDL-C: <40 men and <50 women - Low
Triglycerides: <150 (Normal) >200 - High
Non HDL-C <130 (desirable),
What are the causes of Dylipidemia?
1) Poor dietary and lifestyle choices
2) Pure familial hypercholesterolemia (Genetically low LDL-C)
3) Familial combined hyperlipidaemia (Genetically low LDL-C and High triglycerides)
4) Hypothyroidism
5) Nephrotic syndrome
6) Steroids
7) Metabolic syndrome
What did the Gaber ACSM position stand show?
1) Aerobic training reduces LDL-C 3-6 mg but does not consistently effect HDL-C or TG levels
2) Resistance training reduces LDL-C and TG concentration by 6-9 mg.dL but results less consistent compared to aerobic exercise
3) Dietary improvement and weight loss have benefit
What four groups benefit from statin therapy?
A) Individuals with established CVD
B) Individuals with LDL-C above190 mg.dL
C) Individuals with diabetes over age forty
D) Individuals with an estimated 10 yr CV risk of >7.5%
What did Koff show?
- 105 million patients records demonstrate dyslipidaemia levels have reduced due to improvement in cholesterol awareness, changes in dietary eating patterns, reduced trans fat consumption, and increased use of medications.
What is the risk of dyslipidemia?
It is a major risk factor for atherosclerotic CVD
What are the 4 exercise testing considerations for patients with dylipidemia?
1) Exercise test is not required for asymptomatic individuals prior to beginning an exercise training program at light to moderate intensity
2) Standard exercise testing methods and protocols are appropriate
3) Use caution when individuals have dyslipidaemia as undetected CVD may be present
4) Metabolic syndrome, obesity and hypertension still require adaptations to the protocol
What are the FIIT principles for patients with dylipidemia?
F: 5 days or more to maximise caloric expenditure
I: 45-75 VO2R or HRR
T: 30-60 minutes. To promote or maintain weight loss, 50-60 minutes or more of daily exercise recommended
T: Prolonged rhythmic activities using large muscle groups
250-300 minutes/week
What are the FIIT principles for resistance training in dyslipidemia?
F: 2-3 days/week
I: Moderate (50-69% 1RM) to Vigorous (70-85% 1RM) to improve strength
T: 2-4 sets, 8-12 repetitions for strength, <2 sets, 12-20 repeitions for muscular endurance
T: Resistance machines, free weights, and/or body weight
What are the 3 considerations for exercise training in patients with Dyslipidemia?
1) Perform intermittent aerobic exercise of at least 10 minutes to achieve guidelines if continuous protocol not possible
2) Statin therapy may cause muscle weakness and soreness termed myalgia - although rare these medicines can cause severe muscle injury - healthcare provider should be contacted if soreness is persistent or unusual;
3) Consider comorbidities and prescribed prescription to these (hypertension, obesity, age over 65).
What is the definition of hypertension?
Resting systolic blood pressure >130 and/or Diastolic >80 on two separate days across 2 measures (American college of cardiology)
What does the joint national committee on prevention state?
Blood pressure between 120-139 or DBP 80-89 as having pre-hypertension and increased risk of HTN in the future
What is primary and secondary hypertension?
Primary: 95% of all cases without known causes but likely to stem from genetic, diet (high-fat/high-salt diet), and physical inactivity
Secondary hypertension: 5% of cases with known cause - chronic kidney disease, renal artery stenosis, sleep apnea
What did Gurven find in the longitudinal study “Does blood pressure inevitably rise in forager horticulturalists”? in hypertension journal
Hypertension is not a fundamental feature of human aging but the outcomes of lifestyle factors such diets high in fat and salt, excess bodyweight and physical inactivity - longitudinal study of 2300 tsimane forager farmers
What lifestyle factors are recommended for hypertension?
- Smoking cessation, moderate alcohol consumption, weight management, habitual PA, reduced salt intake, overall healthy diet pattern
What is the use of exercise testing in patients with hypertension?
- Individuals with hypertension may have exaggerated blood pressure response to exercise even when resting blood pressure is controlled.
What are the four exercise testing considerations for patients with hypertension?
1) Individuals with hypertension who BP is not controlled (>140/>90) should consult with physician prior to starting an exercise programme
2) Individuals with stage 2 hypertension (>160/100) or with target organ disease (LVH, Retinopathy) - should not engage in exercise testing prior to medical evaluation and BP management - medically supervised symptom limited test recommended
3) If test is specifically for prescription design anti-hypertensive meds should be taken as normal
4) Beta blocker therapy patients have attenuated HR response and reduced max exercise capacity
5) Diuretic therapy increases false positive test result and can have increased risk of hypokalemia, electrolyte imbalance, cardiac dysrhythmias
What did the ACSM position stand show for patients with hypertension?
- Chronic aerobic exercise of adequate intensity, duration, and volume that promotes increased exercise capacity reduced SBP and DBP 5-7 mmHg, and reduces SBP at submax workloads
- Regression of cardiac wall thickness and left ventricular mass