Dyslipidemia pathophysiology Flashcards
What leads to Acute coronary syndrome ACS after atherosclerosis and plaque growth?
- Vulnerable plaque (thin fibrous cap)
- Plaque rupture –> thrombus
- coagulation cascade starts
What leads to stable angina after atherosclerosis and plaque growth?
- Stable plaque (thick fibrous cap)
- Stable ischemia
Where do patients with chronic stable angina classify in (primary/secondary prevention)
Usually considered PRIMARY prevention
- but at higher risk than others in this group
- can sometimes be included as 2ndary prevention in some trials
What are the lowest density lipoproteins characterized by? Ex.?
Highest triglycerides, lowest protein
What are the functions of apolipoproteins? (3)
What are they?
- Provide the physical structure of lipoproteins
- Ligands for cell surface receptors
- Regulate enzyme activity
proteins that bind to lipids -> to form lipoproteins
What kind of properties to lipoproteins have? hydrophilic/hydrophobic
Hydrophilic properties
Which lipoproteins carry most of the plasma cholesterol? (2)
Which lipoproteins carry most of the plasma triglycerides? (2)
Which lipoproteins have the apolipoprotein of B-100? (3) function (3)? Major site of synthesis (1)
All 3 functions
- Ligand for LDL receptor
- necessary for assembly and secretion of VLDL from the liver
- structural protein
Major site of synthesis: Liver
Which lipoprotein have the apolipoprotein of B-48 (1)? Function (1)? Major site of synthesis (1)
Necessary for assembly and secretion of chylomicrons from the SI
- regulate enzyme
Major site of synthesis: intestine
Which lipoproteins have the apolipoprotein of A-1? (2) Function? (2) Major site of synthesis (2)
- Cofactor with lecithin-cholesterol acetyltransferase (LCAT)
- ligand for HDL receptor
Major site of synthesis: Liver, intestine
Which lipoproteins have the apolipoprotein of C-II? (3) Function? Major site of synthesis (1)
Activator of lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
Major site of synthesis: Liver
Which lipoproteins have the apolipoprotein of Apo-E? (4) Function (1)? Major site of synthesis (1)
Ligand to LDL and LDL-related protein (LRP) “remnant receptor”, possibly to a separate hepatic apo E receptor
Major site of synthesis: liver
Where does the exogenous pathway start? what is absorbed?
Starts in intestinal cell
- absorbs dietary cholesterol and fatty acids
What are the steps for chylomicron assembly and secretion in the intestine in EXOGENOUS pathway? (3)
- Glycerol + FFA –> triglycerides
- Diglyceride acyltransferase (DGAT): - Cholesterol esterification –> Cholesterol ester
Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) - Apolipoprotein B-48 is used for assembly and secretion of chylomicrons
What occurs to the chylomicrons in the circulation (on the way to the liver) in EXOGENOUS pathway?
What activates the enzyme used (cofactor)?
What are the products used for?
Chylomicrons –> chylomicron remmants + FFA
- LPL lipoprotein lipase
C-II activates LPL
FFA is used as an energy source or stored as fat
What occurs to the chylomicron remnant when it reaches the liver in EXOGENOUS pathway?
What is the ligand here?
LDL and LRP receptors in the liver (hepatocytes) absorb chylomicron remnants
- Apo E “remnant receptor”: the ligand on chylomicrons that allow entry to liver
Where does the endogenous pathway begin? What gets synthesized?
In the liver
synthesis of VLDL
What does the microsomal tryglyceride transfer protein MTP do in the ENDOGENOUS pathway? (3)
Lipids (mainly TG) + B-100 –> nascent VLDL
What happens to nascent VLDL?
What is transferred to VLDL
Apo-A,C-II, C-III, E: mature the Nascent VLDL -> VLDL
- transferred from HDL
What happens to mature
VLDL in the endogenous pathway?
Apo-CII actiabtes Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL): releases FFAs from VLDL -> VLDL remnant + FFA
What are the 2 options that can happen to the VLDL remnants?
- VLDL remnants –> Clearance by the liver
- LDL receptors - VLDL remnants –> LDL
- hepatic lipase
What are options that can happen to the LDL after conversion from VLDL remnants (2)
- LDL receptors convert LDL to bile acids, sent to intestinal lumen
OR - LDL is sent to the peripheral tissues
What happens when LDL is sent to peripheral tisues (2)
GOOD use: hormone production, cell membrane synthesis, storage
BAD use: LDL is oxidized, attracts monocytes (WBCs) -> foam cells -> contributes to atheromatous plaques
- This is the major contributor to plaque formation