Dynamics; School of PE Flashcards
Define Dynamics
Dynamics is the study of Moving Objects
Define Kinematics
- The study of a body’s motion independent of the forces on the body
- Doesn’t ask about Forces; Only motion
Define Kinetics
- The study of motion and the forces that cause motion.
- Combines Dynamics and Kinematics
Dynamics; Kinematics
Expaln the relationship between position, velocity, and accelleration
s= position
v= velocity= change in postion with respect to time (Derivative of postion)
a=acceleration= change in velocity with respect to time (Derivative of Velocity)
Dynamics; Kinematics; Circular Motion
Explain the relationship b/w posistion velocity, and acceleration b/w statics and Dynamics
Postiion = s=
Dynamics; Kinematics; Circular Motion
Angular Velocity=

Dynamics; Kinematics; Circular Motion
Angular Acceleration=
Angular Acceleration is equal to tangential velocity divided by the radius

Dynamics; Kinematics; Circular Motion
Tangential Acceleration=
Tangential Acceleration= at
= radius time the angular acceleration

Dynamics; Kinematics; Circular Motion
Normal Acceleration =
Normal Acceleration= an = radius times angular velocity squared = tangential velocity squared divided by the radius

Momentum= Mass times Velocity

Dynamics; Kinetics; Impulse & Momentum
- Impulse=
- Impulse Momentum Principle=
- Impule= For X Change in Time
Imp= F * t
- Impulse Momentum Principle; Refer to Picture
Impuls is a change in momentum
Imp = Δ p ► F * t = m * ΔV
Imp= F * t = m * a * Δ t = m * (ΔV / Δt ) * Δ t = m * Δ V
Δ p = m *ΔV

Dynamics; Energy
Any form of energy can be converted into-
any other form of energy
Dynamics; Energy
Explain Equation for Work

Dynamics; Energy
Equations for Kinetic Energy of a Mass

Dynamics; Energy
Kinetic Energy of a Rotation Body
I is called the mass moment of inertia; It indicates how hard it is to rotates something (Totaly different then the First Moment of Inertia

Dynamics; Energy
Potential Energy Equations
Potential Energy is related to something height, or change in height

Dynamics; Energy
Potential Energy for a Spring and work done by a spring

Dynamics; Constant Acceleration
Provded equations for Constant acceleration
position; s = 1/2(at2) + Vot + X0
velocity; V=at + V0
acceleration= dV/dt = change in velocity with respect to time

What is the difference between the mass moment of Inertia, and the first Moment of Inertia
The mass moment of Inertia indicates how difficult it is to rotate something;
The First moment of Inertia is concerned with the cross sectional area of a part; does not involve mass, only dimensions
Dynamics; Energy
Explain Conservation of Energy for a closed system.
If nobody else is pushing or pulling on the system then you can convert potential energy into kinetice energy and back anf forth as much as you want.

Dynamics; Energy
Explain Conservation of Energy for a system with external work-
When somebody starts applying a force to a system (Force times Distance= work), it will change the energy of the system.

Dynamics; Energy
What does e stad for?
e= coefficient of restitution; it tells us how much of the kinetic energy stayed with the object, and not transferred soemwhere else.
Example; Basketball flat versus full; When dropped it bouces a little less higher every time. Thats because the energy went to heating up skin of basketball, heated up air in the basketball, heated up the floor, made alot of sound.
What does e (coefficient of resitiution) reprent in the example of dropping a basketball.
Provide definition / equation
How much velocity it had when it hit the floor is restored to it when leaving the floor
By definition, it is the departure velocity of the 2 objects relative to each other divided by the approach velocities

Dynamics; Energy
What is a inelastic collision
What is e in a elastic Collision
What is e in a inelastic collision
Inelastic Collision is when the coefficient of restitution (e) departure = 0.
For example, if you drop a flat basketball, it wont bounce. This is a completly inelatic collision with the ground.
Elastic; e = 1
Inelastic; e = 0

Dynamics; Energy
Most Exam questions will be centered around a single concept; either completly elastic, or inelastic. For these type of problems, what equation should be used?
These equations are good for all impact questions.
Both equations are the same below.

Dynamics; Kinetics
The Frictional force equation is the same for statics and dynamics. What is it?
What is the difference b/w statics and dynamics
In statics all the forces balance such that nothing accelerated.
In Dynamics all the forces add up to something other then zero, and there is some force left over causing acceleration. Question in dynamics is what force is left ove causing an acceleration.
N= Normal Force (Engineering Term for Perpindicular)

Dynamics; Kinetics
Dynamics and Statics bothe use the equation Force = mass X acceleration.
What is the difference in how this equation is used in dynamics compared to statics?
In statics, the acceleration is zero, sum of the forces always equals zero.
In dynamics you have acceleration, so this is not the case.

Dynamics; Centripetal Force
Define Centripital Force
The force required to keep a body rotating about an axis.
= m*an
= mV2t / r
= mrω2

Dynamics; Rotation
Banking Curve Equation
Epalain how this is similar to Statics
Where does this equation come from– We know that to prevent soemthing from sliding down a curve that tan θ = μ for it to be static. In this case the resistance to motion is not beign provided by friction (μ); It is beign provided by centripital force (Vt2 / gr)

Dynamics; Vibration
Natural Frequency equation for vibration?

What holds true for impacts?
Momentum is always conserved
What holds true for Elastic Impacts?
Kinetic Energy is conserved
m1*v1 + m2*v2 = m1*v’1 + m2v’2
This is just theory; Can use equation for all impacts to solve these problems.

What holds true for Inelastic Impacts
Kinetic Energy does not have to be conserved if some energy is converted to another form
Add Picture from slide 8-8e for All Impacts

Explain all of the different equations used for kinematics Circular Postion
When you swing a mass around in a circle on the Rope, the outward acceleration is called ____ ____. This creates ____ in the rope, otherwise called a ______ _____. Provide Equation.
Normal Acceleration
Centripetal Force
Fc = m•an = m•r•ω2 = m•vt2 / r

Provide equation for Angular Momentum
Ho = r•m•vt = r•m•ω•r = r2•m•ω