Dynamics Flashcards
Law of Inertia
“Objects at rest will remain at rest, while objects in motion will remain at motion in a straight line unless an external unbalanced form is acted upon them”
Newton’s First Law of Motion
Innate capacity to resist changes in motion
Sum of all forces
Net force
Law of Acceleration
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Gravitaional force that acted upon by Earth
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
A force acted upon an object will be countered by another force of equal magnitude in the opposite direction
Law of Action/Interaction Reaction
A force acted upon an object will be countered by another force of equal magnitude in the opposite direction
Influence an object undergo a change in its state of motion or form
Unit N newtons
Fundamental Forces
Strong Nuclear Force
Weak Nuclear force
EM Force
Gravitational Force
Attraction between 2 objects
Weakest but infinite range
Gravitational force
Responsible for radioactive decay
Interaction between gluons, quarks, and antiquarks
Short range
Weak nuclear force
Attraction or repulsikn due to electrical charges
Infinite range
Electromagnetic Force
Emergent or Non Fundamental Forces
Normal force
Air resistance
Acted upon another force perpendicullary
Normal force
Oppose the object’s motion
Static- acting on stationery objects
Kinetic- acting on kinetic objects
Fmu= coefficient Mu • Fn
Fn-> Normal force
Pulling dorce through string
Reactive force to return an elastic object to original state
F= -k • delta x
K= spring constan
x length of deformation
Elastice Force
Particles in air resisting or hitting the surface of moving objects
Most noticeable on high speed objects
Air resistance
Effort to stop a moving object
Change in momentum
I=delta p=Ft
I=m•delta v
Objects affect each other and change momentum
*total momentum b4 collision= total momentum after collision
Bounce back after collision
Momentum and kinetic energy conserved
Totally Elastic
m1v1+m2v2 = m1v2’+m2v2’
Elastic energy
Do not bounce back after collision
Kinetic energy is not conserved
totally inelastic
m1v1+m2v2= v’(m1+v1)
Inelastic energy
Do not bounce back after collision
Kinetic energy is not conserved
Inelastic energy