Dynamic Equilibria and Fuel Cells (1) Flashcards
What is the
Haber process?
and what is the chemical equation for this?
an industrial process in which ammonia is made from nitrogen and hydrogen
N2 + 3H2 <=> 2NH3
What conditions are used for the
Haber process?
- temperature?
- pressure?
- catalyst?
- temperature of 450°C
- pressure of 200 atmospheres
- catalyst of iron
What is the temperature set to during the
Haber process?
and why?
This is because the forward reaction is exothermic, so increasing the temperature will move the equilibrium the wrong way. However, lower temperature means a lower rate of reaction so the temperature is increased anyways, in order to get a reasonable rate of reaction.
What is the pressure set to during the
Haber process?
and why?
200 atmospheres
This is because higher pressures favour the forward reaction and higher pressures also increase the rate of reaction. The pressure is set as high as possible to give the best yield, without making the plant to expensive to build.