DWI Flashcards
What pulse sequence is used for DWI?
PGSE: Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo
Single direction G provides DW
EPI readout
Equation for average distance travelled under free diffusion in time t
<r>=sqrt(6 Dt)
Equation for b value and what does it mean?
b = gamma^2 G^2 delta^2 (Delta-delta/3)
gamma: gyromagnetic ratio
G: gradient strength
delta: gradient duration
Delta: inter-gradient period
b value a measure of diffusion weighting
Equation for signal as a function of ADC
Two clinical example use-cases for DWI
1) Imaging following ischaemic stroke:
cell swelling occurs
=> extracellular water more restricted + more water is contained in cells
=> ADC reduced
2) Imaging of tumours
cell density can be high
=> ADC reduced
Equation for directionally averaged Mean Diffusivity in DTI?
Mean of principle eigenvalues of diffusion tensor (= Tr(D))
Equation for fractional anisotropy in DTI?
FA=sqrt(3/2) * [sqrt ((l1-MD)^2 - (l2-MD)^2 - (l3-MD)^2)] / [sqrt(l1^2 +l2^2 + l3^2)]
What is tractography?
Assess connectivity through matching up pixels with similar ppl diffusion ellipsoids.
Three clinical applications of DTI
1) Assess brain connectivity
2) Neurosurgery planning
3) visualise WM tracts in brain for dementia assessment
How is a principle diffusion direction map created?
Use FA to control intensity
Use principle eigenvector components in x,y,z = R,B,G to control hue