DVT & PE Flashcards
What is the first thing you should do if someone has signs/Sx of a DVT?
A 2 level DVT wells score
How to interpret the 2 level DVT well score?
Risk of DVT is likely if pt scores 2 or more points
What should you do if a pt has a 2 level DVT Wells score of over 2 points?
Offer a proximal leg vein USS
What should you do if you have a pt who needs a proximal leg vein USS for a suspected DVT but the results will take >4 hours?
Do a D-diner and offer interim anticoagulation with DOAC and get the USS done within 24 hours
What should you do if a pt has a positive proximal leg vein USS for DVT?
Offer 3-6 months of anticoagulation
What should you do if a pt has a negative proximal leg vein USS for DVT?
Do a D-dimer & stop any interim anticoagulation
If D-dimer is positive then offer a follow up USS in 6-8 weeks
What should you do if a pt has a 2 level DVT Wells score of less than 2 points?
Offer a D-dimer
What should you do if a pt has a wells score <2 and needs a D-dimer but the results can’t be obtained within 4 hours?
Interim anticoagulation whilst awaiting results
What should you do if a pt has a wells score <2 and has a positive D-dimer?
Offer a proximal leg vein USS
(Same rules apply if results wont be available for 4 hours use interim anticoagulation and get USS done in 24 hours)
What should you do if a pt has a wells score <2 and has a negative D-dimer?
Stop any interim anticoagulation
Look for alternative diagnosis as DVT is unlikely
First line anticoagulants for DVT or PE?
A DOAC - specifically apixaban or rivaroxaban
Second line anticoagulants for DVT or PE?
LMWH for 5 days followed by dabigatran or edoxaban
LMWH with a vitamin K antagonist for at least 5 days
First line anticoagulants for DVT or PE with eGFR <15/min?
LMWH OR unfractionated heparin OR LMWH followed by VKA
If starting a pt with suspected DVT or PE on anticoagulants… what blood tests must you do as soon as possible but not necessarily before starting the drug?
What determines the length of anticoagulation after a DVT or PE?
If it’s provoked its generally 3 months, if pt has cancer 3-6 months and if unprovoked its generally 6 months
However also take into account the ORBIT score to decide on bleeding risk