Dvt Obg Flashcards
Doubling time of hcg in iup
48 hrs
Less than that ectopic
Msd more than or equalt o 25
No embtyonal sac- blighted ovum
Lamba sign indicate
Dichorionic twins seen at 10-14 wks
Mc cause of increased nuchal translucemcy
Aneuploidy>cvs anomali>twintwin transfusion syn
If there is increased nt next step
Chorionic villous sampling
In bw 11-13
If done less than 9 weeks leads ro limb defects
Snow storm appearance marker of
Complete Molar pregnancy(46xx monospermic no fetus complete hydropoc chemge)
Partiql mole missed abortion dispermic
69 xxy fetus present
Idela time to look cervical length
Short cervix means
Less than 2.5 cm-cervical insufficiency
High risk for preterm labour
H/o short cervix preterm labour then xd
Do cerclage
If no history jo cerclage
Most comkon congenital anomaly in general
Dose of folloc acid 4mg if there is prev history
Other wise 0.4 mg
Polyhydramnios in case of
Single deep pocket >=8 poly
<= 2 oligo
Oligo renal
Parvo virus hydrops plus poly
Placentomegalya- syphilis
Placent previa in preveious cs ption suspect
Morbidly adherent placenta(usg doppler and mri)
Best marker for diagnosis of ntd
Amniotic fluid acetylcholine eaterase
Lung maturqtion markers in amniocentesis
L/S ratio
Phosphatydyl glycerol_more reliable done in diabetic pregnancy
Usg in 3 rd trimester for fetal monitoring
1 Biometry- fetal growth(2-4 weeksly)
2 Biophysical profile-breathing gross kovmnts tone amniotic fluid nst)-<4 immediate delivery
3 umbilical artery doppler(absent end diastolic flow termination of p->=34 wks/cs
Reverse edf -termina preg >= 32 wks/cs)
4 MCA doppler- for feral anemia (pav > 1.5-anemiaa,<0.8 polycythemis
Fetal anemia sen in
Rh -
Parvo virus
Hydrops(pcv less than 15% hb < 5)
Twin anemia polycythemis syndrome seen in(TAPS)
Monochorionic diamniotic - superficial a- v anastomoses
Oligo in 3 rd trimester cause
0IUGR/uteroplqcental insuff/prom
Polyhydramnios in 3 rd trimester
Ecv done at
>=36 wks Relative contraindications Previous cs Iugr Macrosomia Preeclampsia Absolute ci Muriple preruptured membr Placenta previa Active lqboucontacted pelvis Uterine or fetal anomaloe
Best test to look for prom
Per speculum exam Others Ph> 4.5(pregnabo<4.5) Oligo onusg Ferning pattern on microscopy
Retroplacenta clot indiactes
Placenta abruption
Hormone which maintains corpus luteum of pregnancy
Hcg morphologicaly and functionally similar to
LH(beta subunit)
Dual test include
Hcg high+PAPP A low(at 11-13 weeks)
Quadrotest include
Done at 15-22 wks AFP Inhibin A UE 3 HCG
Afp increased in
Ntd and git defects
Low in aneuplody,gestatitrophoplqztic da diabetes
In case of increased or decreased AFP next step
Proclatic seen highest in
Estrogen stimulates)
Sheehan synd
Severe pph/failure to lactate