DVT and PE Flashcards
What is a DVT?
- thrombus (clot) formed in the deep venous circulation
- usually found in the legs, but can be anywhere
What is a PE?
- thrombus (clot) that has embolised (travelled) and lodged in the pulmonary circulation
How are DVTs classified?
Proximal - popliteal vein or femoral vein
Distal - DVT of the calves
What triad outlines the reasons that a patient may develop a venous clot?
Virchow’s Triad
- stasis of blood
- vessel damage/injury
- hypercoagulable state
What risk factors cause blood stasis and therefore predispose patients to clotting?
- Left ventricular dysfunction
- Immobility or paralysis
- varicose veins
- insufficiency in venous valves (due to age/previous thombus)
- Venous obstruction from tumour, obesity or pregnancy
What can cause vessel wall damage or injury which may lead to clotting?
- Venous valvular damage (Age/ previous thombus)
- Trauma or surgery
- Indwelling catheters
What risk factors can put patients in a hypercoagulable state which may lead to clot formation?
Malignancy Pregnancy /puerperium Oestrogen therapy (COCP/ HRT) Inflammatory bowel disease Sepsis Thrombophilia
How does a DVT present?
- Painful and swollen limb
- with redness and heat
- Tenderness along vein
How may a PE present?
- Sudden SOB
- Pleuritic Pain
+/- Collapse +/- Haemoptysis
- Hypoxia
- tachycardia
- BP may be low
What scoring system is used to rank the probability of a PE?
Wells Score
What test is used first line in patients with a suspected VTE?
- measures fibrin degradation products
=> raised D-dimer indicates the patient COULD be breaking down a large clot
(Not diagnostic)
How should DVT/PE probability tests such as the Wells Score influence investigation choice?
Mod- HIGH probability (aka PE or DVT likely)
=> patient needs a scan
Low Risk = check D-Dimer.
If D-Dimer HIGH patient needs a scan
What type of scans are used to investigate DVT and PE?
DVT - doppler US
PE - V/Q scan
What is Post Thrombotic Syndrome?
- Occurs in 1/3 of patients within 5years after idiopathic DVT
- DVT damages the valves
=> valvular reflux and venous hypertension
What symptoms usually present in Post Thrombotic Syndrome?
- Pain
- Oedema
- Hyperpigmentation
- Eczema
- Varicose collateral veins
- Venous ulceration
How are DVTs usually managed?
Oral Anticoagulation
thrombolysis may be considered for specific patients in specialist centres
How are PEs usually managed?
if HIGH RISK - thrombolysis then anticoagulation
if LOW-MED RISK - oral anticoagulation
Which anticoagulant is used to treat DVT/PE?
1st LINE = DOAC => Direct Oral Anticoagulant
=> Apixaban or Rivaroxaban
2nd LINE = Warfarin => Vitamin K antagonist
LMWH Injections used if:
- patients have active Cancer and PE
How long should patients be treated with anticoagulants after a DVT/PE?
- Provoked VTE with reversible factor = 3-6 months treatment
- Provoked VTE with irreversible factor = 3-6 months or lifelong depending on patient factors
- Unprovoked VTE => dependent on patient, may be lifelong Tx
Patients may choose to continue their anticoagulation after it is necessary, as they are scared of having another PE. TRUE/FALSE?