DVPA Flashcards
In re C.Q.
Teenage daughter represented by minor’s counsel had standing to object to being named as a protected party where no E to show that children were in fear/harmed by dad.
FC 6229
Child under 12 may seek order through GAL
FC 6320
Protected party - family or household members
Stepparent not in qualifying relationship
Tenant who sublets different room no in q qualifying relationship
Where no service of DV-130 order after hearing then time for appear is 180 days
Unsettling the emotional or mental peace of mind by showing up at former girlfriend’s house or uninvited calls or texts
FC 6203
Reasonable apprehension of physical harm or to engage in conduct that can be restrained. No requirement of physical injury or assault
FC 6250
Past acts of abuse may be grounds for seeking protection
FC 6301(c)
Length of time since most recent act is not determinative. Courts shall consider totality of the circumstances
FC 6320
Physical acts, destruction of property, harassing, disturbing the peace…
FC 6321
Residence exclusion permitted if colorable right of law to possess, excluded person caused harm, threatened harm
Gau v. Xiao
M observed D hitting and choking child on Skype
Nakamura v. Parker
Under FC 6220 abuse is broadly defined
Nevarev v. Tonna
Pushing on stairwell, coming to work, grabbing wrist, repeated unwanted phone calls
FC 6305
No mutual order unless both parties are primary aggressor
JJ v. MF
Self-defense by mom against abusive dad did not justify mutual orders
Even if the court denies grant DVPA order, if there is a history of DV, then TC must apply 3044 presumption in making custody award
FC 3044
Presumption against joint custody to perpetrator of DV absent clear statement on record concerning best interest of child as basis to make award
FC 6344
Prevailing party fees may be ordered consistent with income, needs, and respective ability to pay
Eneoji v. Ubboe
No requirement for post-order violence to renew. Only reasonable apprehension is required. Severity of past events may demonstrate basis for apprehension
RItchie v. Konrad
Test for renewal is reasonable apprehension of future abuse