duty to people other than client Flashcards
duty to 3rd parties: communicating with a represented person
if the lawyer knows the person is represented, the lawyer must not communicate with the person about the matter without the counsel’s permission
-applies even if the third party consents or initiates
*CA has same rule but unrepresented PARTY
duty to 3rd parties: communicating with an unrepresented person
- lawyer must not state or imply he is disinterested
- must clear up misunderstandings about his/her role in the matter
- must not give advice other than to obtain counsel if he/she knows the client’s interest are adverse to the 3rd person’s
duty to 3rd parties: dealing with third persons generally
if not discussing the matter & person is represented, or person is unrepresented:
- must not use means having no substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, or burden them
- must not use methods of obtaining evidence that violate their rights
duty to court: duty of candor
must not knowingly
- make a false statement of fact or law to a tribunal
- fail to correct a false statement of material fact previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer
- fail to disclose controlling legal authority directly adverse to the position of the client, and not disclosed by opposing counsel
- offer evidence that you KNOW is false
duty to opponent: fairness to opposing counsel
lawyer must not
- unlawfully obstruct other party’s access to evidence
- unlawfully alter, destroy, or conceal a document or other material having potential evidentiary value
- falsify evidence
- knowingly disobey court rules
- make frivolous discovery requests
- fail to make reasonably diligent efforts to comply with the other party’s discovery requests
- make an argument that the lawyer doesn’t reasonably believe is relevant, or that will not be supported by admissible evidence
- assert personal knowledge of facts in issue
- state a personal opinion as to the justness of a cause, credibility of a witness, culpability of a civil litigant, or guilt or innocence of an accused
- ask a person other than the client to refrain from voluntarily giving relevant info to another party unless the person is a relative or an employee or other agent of the client and the lawyer reasonably believes that person’s interests won’t be adversely affected
trial publicity
a lawyer must not make an extrajudicial statement -that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know will be disseminated by means of public communication
-and will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing a proceeding
prosecution’s special rules
- must not prosecute a charge the prosecutor knows is not supported by probable cause
- must make timely disclosure to the defense all evidence or info known to the prosecutor that tends to negate the guilt of the accused
- must make reasonable efforts to assure that the accused has been advised of the right to counsel and has been given reasonable opportunity to obtain counsel
- not seek to obtain from an unrepresented accused a waiver of important pretrial rights
- refrain from making extrajudicial statements that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused
- exercise reasonable care to prevent investigators or others assisting the prosecutor from making an extrajudicial statement the prosecutor could not
- promptly disclose new, credible, and material evidence that creates a reasonable likelihood that a convicted defendant didn’t commit the offense
false testimony by non-client or civil party
if client insists on offering evidence the lawyer KNOWS is false, the lawyer must try to convince the client that the evidence should not be offered
- if that fails, the lawyer must refuse to offer the evidence
- must take reasonable remedial measures if lawyer discovers later that the evidence was false- seek the person’s cooperation in withdrawing the evidence, and if that fails may ask for permission to withdraw or must disclose to court (even if protected by A/C privilege)
MAY refuse to offer evidence lawyer reasonably believes is false
false testimony by criminal defendant
lawyer must allow criminal defendant to testify even if the lawyer reasonably believes the testimony will be false
-must try to convince D not to testify falsely, may ask for permission to withdraw if that fails
-must disclose info to the court, even if protected by A/C privilege
CA: may use narrative form of questioning
duty of candor to public: advertising and constitution
state may regulate subject to the 1st Amend commercial speech protections
- substantial govt interest
- direct advancement of interest
- narrowly tailored
duty of candor to public: truthful advertising
must not be false or misleading.
*not create unjustified expectations or make unverifiable comparisons
CA: no guarantees, warranties, or predictions of result.
testimonials need to be accompanied by disclaimer that it is not a GWP
duty of candor to public: solicitation
lawyer must not seek fee paying work* by initiating live* or phone contact with prospective client who
a) is not a lawyer
b) you have no prior personal, professional, family relationship with
*MPC: live includes chat rooms on internet, prob not email
CA: live is literally in person contact
-presumes contact at the scene of accident are improper b/c victims not in fit state to use judgment
*a nonprofit or someone working for free CAN
duty to uphold dignity of profession
must behave honestly in all dealings, in and out of legal practice. must act to promote public confidence in the profession
duty not to engage in unauthorized or unlicensed practice of law
CA: beyond knowledge and capacity of layperson
- reporting violations- ABA requires lawyers to report anything raising question about honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness to practice.
- CA does not require reporting, but punishes knowing of a violation and not preventing it by counseling the violator or telling supervisor.
duty to court: judge and jurors
must not seek to improperly influence them
must not communicate with them at all
CA: you can talk to jurors but must tell them they can refuse an interview
duty to court: to expedite
ABA- duty to expedite the case
CA- duty not to delay cases to harass adversary or for your own personal gain
permitted publicity references
nature of claim, offense, defense identity of people involved (unless law prohibits) info contained in public record investigation of a matter is in progress request for assistance in obtaining ev. warning of danger
sending letters- solicitation
he may send truthful, non-deceptive letters to people known to face specific legal problem
-must mark advertising material
**must not send if lawyer actually knows recipient does not want his services