Duties and Responsibilities Flashcards
Alpha Team leader role #1
front security
alpha team leader role #2
Controls A team during movement and upon enemy contact
alpha team leader role #3
designates ERRPs every 200-300m
alpha team leader role #4
leaders recon / ORP, OBJ, PB
Patrol Base
Objective Rally Point
Alpha team leader role #5
flank security on Objective
Alpha 320 role #1
Leaders Recon / S&O for ORP, OBJ, PB
Strategy and Operation
Alpha 320 Role #2
Primary Pace
Assault elecment on OBJ
Alpha SAW role #1
Leaders Recon / S&O for ORP, OBJ & PB
Alpha SAW role #2
Assault element on OBJ
Alpha team Rifleman (AT4) role #1
security at Danger Areas
Alpha team Rifleman (AT4) role #2
Flank secuirty on OBJ
Alpha team alternate rifleman (alternate task organization) role #1
security at Danger Areas
Alpha team alternate rifleman (alternate task organization) role #2
Assault Element on OBJ
HQ element
squad leader, machine gunner, ammo bearer, assistant gunner
Squad leader role #1
primary compass/ land navigation/ pace
Squad leader role #2
responsible for command and control of squad
Squad leader role #3
moves with the bounding element on all contacts
Squad leader role #4
Conducts leaders recon of ORP, OBJ, and PB
Squad leader role #5
Support element on OBJ
Squad leader role #6
Calls in Sit-Reps, Code Words
Squad leader role #7
Assault or Support Team Leader on OBJ
Machine Gunner role #1
Primary responsibility is to the gun / second in MG team chain of command
Machine Gunner role #2
Fire Support for Squad
Machine Gunner role #3
Support Element on OBJ
Ammo Bearer Role #1
Carries extra ammo for the MG
Ammo Bearer Role #2
Carries the M192 LWGM
Ammo Bearer Role #3
Flank Secuirty for MG/ Assault team member/ Release point secuirty on OBJ
Assistant Gunner role #1
Machine Gun team leader
Assistant Gunner role #2
spots rounds and makes corrections to the gun as needed
Assistant Gunner role #3
assists machine gunner as needed
Assistant Gunner role #4
Feeds Ammunition to the machine gun
Assistant Gunner role #5
assumes control of the machine gun in absence of the gunner
Assistant Gunner role #6
Support element on OBJ
Assistant Gunner role #7
Primary recorder
Bravo Team Leader Role #1
Alternate compass/ Land Nav
Bravo Team Leader Role #2
Responsible for accountability
Bravo Team Leader Role #3
Responsible for Security
Bravo Team Leader Role #4
Controls CCP / Release Point
Bravo Team Leader Role #5
Controls Flank Security elements at Danger Areas
Bravo Team Leader Role #6
Assault or Support Team Leader on OBJ
Bravo Team SAW role #1
Left flank security at Danger Areas
Bravo Team SAW role #2
Assault Element on OBJ
Bravo Team 320 role #1
Alternate Pace man
Bravo Team 320 role #2
Right Flank secuirty at Danger Areas
Bravo Team 320 role #3
Flank Security on OBJ
Bravo Team Rifleman (AT4) role #1
Rear Security at Halts
Bravo Team Rifleman (AT4) role #2
Right flank secuirty at danger areas
Bravo Team Rifleman (AT4) role #3
Flank secuirty on OBJ
Bravo Team Left Rifleman (Alternate Task Organization) Role #1
Left Flank Security at Danger Areas
Bravo Team Left Rifleman (Alternate Task Organization) Role #2
Assault Element on OBJ
Bravo Team Right Rifleman (Alternate Task Organization) role #1
rear Security
Bravo Team Right Rifleman (Alternate Task Organization) role #2
Early warning for patrol
Bravo Team Right Rifleman (Alternate Task Organization) role #3
Assault Element on OBJ
Wedge Formation Traveling Distance
-provides speed and control
- enemy contact not likely
Wedge formation traveling overwatch distance
Wedge formation traveling overwatch
Used When possible enemy contact is possible (provides security)
Wedge Formation traveling
enemy contact not likley
(Provides speed and control)
Distance betwen soldiers when traveling in overwatch
Modified Wedge distance
5-10m between troops
Modified Wedge
Used during hours of limited visibility and in restricted terrain
Squad File
Used when speed is essential
Squad file distance
Wedge formation short halt procedure #1
SL/ ATL halts patrol
Wedge formation short halt procedure #2
Elements move to within 3-5 meters between men
Wedge formation short halt procedure #3
Patrol takes a knee
Wedge formation short halt procedure #4
Conduct SLLS and smell for 5 F’s
Stop, Look, Listen Smell
5 F’s
Fire, Fuel, Food, Freshly Turned Dirt, Feces)
Short Halt procedure #1
SLLS complete
Short Halt procedure #2
SL displaces MG team left or right
Short Halt procedure #3
BTM inverts
Short Halt procedure #4
TM leaders move to center, verify pace count
Short Halt procedure #5
SL indentifies lcock positions to TM leaders and conducts map check
Short Halt procedure #6
SL calls SPARES to higher as needed
Long Halt - Strong Point Formation (Used for ORP/ PB) procedure #1
SLLS complete
Long Halt - Strong Point Formation (Used for ORP/ PB) procedure #2
TL’s establish perimeter at 2,4,8,10 o clock
Long Halt - Strong Point Formation (Used for ORP/ PB) procedure #3
Security is establish.
Long Halt - Strong Point Formation (Used for ORP/ PB) procedure #4
SL places M240 on bipod at the 12-3-6-9, METT-TC dependent
Leaders Recon for ORP / Perimeter adjustments role #1
BTL performs abbreviated PCC’s with leaders recon (commo, optics, weapons, tie-down policy)
ORP site selection / criteria (COOLER)
- Cover and concealment
2.Off natural lines of drift - out of sight, sound and small arms range of OBJ
- Large enough for the entire patrol
- Easily defendable for a short period of time
- Remember to use (OCOCKA) during site selection
Observation Fields of Fire
Cover and Concealment
Key Terrain
Avenues of Approach
Leaders Recon for ORP / Perimeter adjustments role #2
BTL forms chock point at the 10 o clock. SL issues 5 Point contingency plan (GOTWA) and description of last active ERRP to BTL
Going where
Others going with
Time the leader plans to be gone
What to do if the leader does not return in time
Actions by the unit the event contact is made while the leader is gone.
(SL gives a stay behind leader)
Leaders Recon for ORP / Perimeter adjustments role #3
SL/ ATL set bezel ring for back azimuth
Leaders Recon for ORP / Perimeter adjustments role #4
BTL gives briefback and counts leaders recon out of perimeter
Leaders Recon for ORP / Perimeter adjustments role #5
BTL disseminates 5 PT contingency plan to patrol and maintains security. Radio is monitored at all times.
Leaders Recon (diamond formation)
ATL up front, A SAW to left, A 320 to right, SL to rear
Leaders Recon (diamond formation)
ASAW- NVGs, rucksack
A320- NVGs, radio, rucksack
SL-NVGs, radio
Leaders Recon departs secuity halt in the diamond formation on a ______ degree azimuth for _____ meters.
METT-TC dependant
Leaders Recon
SL identifies tentative location that meets tactical criteria and conducts SLLS
Clearing the tentative ORP/PB
(Clock Technique)
12 oclock
100 meters in the direction of movement (12 o clock) or a vantage point to see beyond 100 m.
Clearing the tentative ORP/PB
(Clock Technique)
9 o clock
50 meters or to a vantage point to see beyond 50 meters
Clearing the tentative ORP/PB
(Clock Technique)
3 oclock
50 meters or to a vantage point to see beyond 50 meters
Clearing the tentative ORP/PB
procedure #1
SL places A320 & ASAW in prone
Clearing the tentative ORP/PB
procedure #2
SL issues a modified GOTWA and a description of last ERRP
Clearing the tentative ORP/PB
procedure #3
Conducts recon
Clearing the tentative ORP/PB
procedure #4
SL calls BTL on S&O’s radio before departing
Clearing the ORP
(6-9-12 method)
procedure #1
upon reaching tentative location, all conduct SLLS
Clearing the ORP
(6-9-12 method)
procedure #2
SL places A320 & SAW in prone
Clearing the ORP
(6-9-12 method)
procedure #3
SL issues a modified GOTWA and a descripiton of last ERRP
Clearing the ORP
(6-9-12 method)
procedure #4
SL calls BTL on S&O’s radio before departing
OOM from Security Halt to ORP
Procedure #1
SL calls ORP security / S&O before moving to the ORP
OOM from Security Halt to ORP
Procedure #2
Near/ far recognition signals exchanged
Occupation of ORP
2.TLs establish perimeter at 2,4,8,10 o clock - Security is established
- SL places M240 on tripod, preps MG at the 12 and conducts PCC’s of the gun
- BTL confirms sectors of fire, secures claymores / preps PCC station in center (2 ponchos)
- Inspect leaders recon of the OBJ
- BTL is inspected by SL
- Radio is monitored at all times
Leaders Recon of OBJ
1.BTL confirms 240 sector of fire, adjusts perimeter as needed, secures special equipment form recon element (claymores/demo), preps PCC station in center (2 ponchos)
2. inspect leaders recon of the obj
3. BTL is inspected by SL
4. Radio monitored at all times
Leaders Recon of OBJ
(ORP- Priorities of Work for BTL (PCC))
- In order of movement/ emplacement (security, support, assault)
- BTL can use a pivot man (AB) (commo must be maintained)
- Weapon system
- Individual & equipment
- special equipment
- duties and responsibilities
Leaders Recon of the Objective
Pinpoint OBJ
- LDRS recon moves to and identifies the tentative release point (RP)
- Leaders recon conducts SLLS
- Element moves forward until wihtin sight of OBJ
- S&O is emplaced leaving ATL radio with Alpha 320 (must be able to see 70% of OBJ)
- SL issues GOTWA to S&O and moves forward with ATL to pinpoint objective and confirms azimuth of road.
Release point criteria (RP)
- Out of sight, not necessarily out of sound of OBJ
- Easily recognizable both day and night
- Release point is tentative until SL poinpoints OBJ
Leaders Recon of Objective
Identify Kill Zone
- claymore positions 5-10m from road interlocking in center
- Id tentative limits (left, right, and center of kill zone)
- ID 2 claymore trees at least 18 inches in diameter with at least 16 meters minimum safe distance from support/ assault line
OBJ/Killzone criteria
1.35-50m in length
2.flat table top like surface
3. no dead space on near and far side
4. clear LOA for 35 meters
5. clear lanes of assault
Leaders Recon of Objective
Support position
- From near the kill zone, the SL looks back and identifies a tentative assualt and support positions that provides cover and concealment
- SL/ ATL pace 35 meters back to the center of tentative assault line and confirms left, right, and center of the kill zone
- SL/ ATL will move either left or right depending on suspected enemy direction of travel (METT-TC) to tentative support position
- SL gets in prone, and ocnfirms 100% converage (left, right and center) of the kill zone, 1 meter high (grazing fire)
Leaders Recon of Objective
Assault Line
- SL/ ATL move 3-5 meters from support position to recon the assault line
- Beginning at the alpha SAW position, SL/ATL move 3-5meters between each position
- SL gets in prone to confirm interlocking sectors of fire and clear lanes of assault for each position
4.SL/ ATL move back to S&O - Modify GOTWA and conduct radio check
6.SL/ ATL return to and confirm release point - SL/ATL begins recon of left & right side security positions.
Leaders Recon of Objective
(Right Side Security)
- 100m minimum from the ends of the kill zone
- SL/ATL move 130 m on azimuth/ back azimuth
- At 130m, SL/ATL execute a 90 DEG turn and stealth fully approach road
- SL must identify both a primary and secondary security position
- SL/ATL return to RP
- SL/ ATL repeats the same procedure for the opposite security position
Leaders Recon Security position
Primary position must provide:
- good cover and concealment
- clear visibility of approach to OBJ (provide early warning)
Leaders Recon Security position
Secondary position must provide:
- good cover at a minimum
- good fields of fire (AT4) (Seal off OBJ)
Leaders Recon of Objective
- SL/ ATL return to RP
- SL/ATL move up to S&O and give GOTWA to S&O position
- SL/ATL conduct radio check with ORP using S&O’s radio
- SL/ ATL move back to ORP