dutch Flashcards
overall (not pre or post)
What ages is the dutch test made for? females and males.
females: 20 years +
Males: 18 +
do andogrens decline or increase with age
Progesterone metabolite that modulates gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in the central nervous system (CNS) and can lead to improvements in mood
and sleep.
Most prominent progesterone metabolite, however, doesn’t modulate GABA receptors.
moderate strength estrogen
estrone E1
most potent, biologically active estrogen
estradiol E2
least potent, weak estrogen derived from estradiol and 16-OH-E1
Estradiol (E3)/16-OH-E2
Phase 1 estrone (E1) metabolite; 2-OH metabolites are the most stable phase 1 metabolites.
2-Hydroxy-Estone (2-OH-E1)
phase 1 estradiol (E2) metabolite; 2-OH metabolites are the most stable phase 1 metabolites.
2-Hydroxy-Estradiol (2-OH-E2)
Phase 1 estrone (E1) metabolite; 4-OH metabolites are the most carcinogenic phase 1 metabolites.
4-Hydroxy-Estone (4-OH-E1)
Phase 1 estradiol (E2) metabolite; 4-OH metabolites are the most carcinogenic phase 1 metabolites.
4-Hydroxy-Estradiol (4-OH-E2)
Phase 1 estrone (E1) metabolite; proliferative estrogen that may contribute to breast tenderness and heavy bleeding, etc.
16-Hydroxy-Estone (16-OH-E1)
Phase 2 metabolite that is much more stable than its precursor 2-OH-E1.
2-Methoxy-E1 (also known as 2-Me-E1)
Represents the sum of all estrogen markers.
total estrogen
sulfated and circulating form of DHEA
Alpha DHEA metabolite that is roughly seven times weaker than testosterone; can be used to estimate androgen activity in the tissues.
weak beta DHEA metabolite
major circulating androgen
Alpha metabolite of testosterone and the most potent androgen; roughly three to four times more androgenic than testosterone.
The best marker of 5a-DHT formation and activity in the tissues; can be used to estimate androgen activity in the tissues.
Weak beta androgen metabolite of testosterone that does not contribute to symptoms of androgen excess.
Not an androgenic hormone but produced in approximately the same amount as testosterone by the testes. Can be used to distinguish a truly low testosterone from a falsely low measurement due to the UGT genetic variant, see “UGT Deletion” on page 23 for more information.
A compound that is produced from the metabolism of creatine from the kidneys and excreted in the urine. In order to provide the most accurate results, the DUTCH Test uses creatinine excretion to control for hydration status.
Daily diurnal (circadian) rhythm of active cortisol that is normally highest in the morning and lowest at night.
free cortisol diurnal pattern