Duolingo Flashcards
Si veľmi ticho.
You seem very guiet.
Oni jedia z tanierov.
They eat off the plates.
Idú von na večeru.
They gou out to dinner.
Idem von po večeri.
I go out after dinner.
Žena pláva medzi korytnačkami
The woman swims among the turtles.
Mačka je za ňou.
The cat is behind her.
Idem po večeri von.
I go out after dinner.
Sme medzi ženami
We are among women.
Prosím dajte si dole svoje topánky.
Pleas take off your shoes.
Som proti nej.
I am against her.
Idem smerom k nemu
I go towards him.
Nie sme proti tomu.
We are not against it.
Jem ovocie okrem jabĺk.
I eat friut except for apples.
Pes ide smerom k mačke.
The dog goes towards the cat.
Chcem ju blízko seba.
I want her near me.
Medzi nami je koniec.
It is over between us.
Psi spia blízko nás.
The dogs sleep near us.
Rado sa stalo.
You are welcome.
Si ako ryba na suchu.
You are like a fish out of water.
Čia je to kniha?
Whose book is it?
Tie šaty sú za tými kabátmi.
The dress is behind the coats.
Má on kone?
Does he have a horses?
Kto má dotazy?
Who has questions?
Čí je to čaj?
Whose tea is ti?
Ja nemám odpoveď.
I do not have answer.
Ktorá je tvoja kniha?
Which is your book?
Prosím vyzujte si topánky.
Please take off your shoes.
My čítame noviny.
We read a newspaper.
Ja mám tie sendviče.
I have the sandwiches.
Ako je chlapcom?
How are the boys?
Ktorá sukňa je modrá?
Which skirt is blue?
Oni pijú kávu po obede.
They drink coffee after lunch.
Pavúk je pod tvojím klobúkom.
The spider is under your hat.
Daj si dole čiapku!
Take your hat off!
Ja som za tebou.
I am behind you.
Kto je za tebou?
Who is behind you?
Nie počas večere.
Not during dinner.
Sme medzi ženami.
We are among women.
Jej dotazy prosím.
Her question, please.
Ktoré kone sú naše?
Which horses are ours?
Potrebujem noviny v angličtine.
I need a newspaper in Englisch.
Je to medzi novinami.
It is between the newspaper.