Duolingo 21 Flashcards
the gold
la pierre
the stone
the silver, money
le fer
the iron
le papier
the paper
le sable
the sand
la glace
the glass
le cuir
the leather
le métal
the metal
the steel
le cuivre
the copper
le coton
the cotton
le pétrole
the oil, petroleum
le bois
the wood
la poussière
the dust
le plastique
the plastic
la laine
the wool
the work
la musique
the music
le théâtre
the theatre
la mode
the fashion
la peinture
the painting
le spectacle
the show, performance
la note
the grade, mark
le cinéma
the cinema
le rythme
the rhythm
la poésie
the poetry
the artist
le film
the film
the instrument
the writer, author
le dessin
the drawing
le tableau
the chalkboard, board
la chanson
the song
le masque
the mask
le roman
the novel
le poème
the poem
la scène
the stage
le musicien
the musician
la photographie
the photography
la littérature
the literature
la caméra
the camera