*Dulce et Decorum Est* - Wilfred Owen Flashcards
Context for dulce:
Wilfred Owen
influenced by Siegfried Sassoon who he met in Craiglockhart Hospital while being treated for PTSD
returned to trenches and died 1 week before end of WW1
propaganda against war - trying to show the reality
‘All went lame; all
blind; Drunk with fatigue’ - image of fragility of the soldiers
boys’ - emphasises the cruelty as the soldiers were young
helmets’ - the adjective shows how unprepared the soldiers were for battle and the unfairness.
‘under a green sea,
i saw him drowning’ - metaphor showing the terribleness of war. ‘drowning’ is a horrible way to die.
‘In all my dreams,
he plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning’ - ‘dreams’ links to the PTSD of Wilfred Owen. Tricolon showing the haunting memories of war
‘the wagon
that we flung him in’ - carelessness, desensitised to the death
‘incurable sores
on innocent tongues’ - the war has taken away their freedom (taken away their speech). ‘incurable’ shows the everlasting affects of war
‘the old lie’
blaming the government for lying about war and convincing people to join as it is ‘sweet and honourable’