Duffy critics Flashcards
An Economist reviewer
Duffy’s verses are typically “spoken in the voices of the urban disaffected, people on the margins of society who harbour resentments and grudges against the world.”
Michael Woods (1)
“At the heart of Carol Anne Duffy’s poetry is a continual acknowledgement and exploration of the limits of language.”
Poems: Disgrace, Havisham
Michael Woods (2)
Duffy’s poems are “concerned with with capturing and renovating experience from mean time, the inexorable process that seems internet on robbing is of our being”
Poems: Captain, Pluto, Havisham
Duffy (1)
“Poets are ultimately celebrators , of life and of poetry itself”
Rees- Jones
Litany explores “anxieties about the idea of the unsayable”
Elizabeth O’Riley
Away and See “is convincingly an exploration of the deepest recess of human emotion, both joy and pain”
Duffy (2)
‘I’m aware of the limits of language how it barely stretches to hold whatever one wants to say unless it’s “pass the salt”’
David Kennedy
“Her poetry emerges as an interrogation of contemporary culture”
Jane Thomas
“Duffy’s poetry suggests the potential for disruption and destabilisation of the dominant norms”
Poems:Havisham, Valentine
Deryn Rees Jones
“Duffy addresses complex philosophical issues about the function of language and the construction of the self”
Duffy (3)
“I like to use simple words but in a complicated way so that you can see the lies and truths within the poem”
Jody Allen
“Duffy shares Larkin’s tragic views of life”