Duck’s Phase Model Flashcards
When do Duck’s phases begin?
A partners perception of the relationship changes and so the breakdown down begins when a partner realises their own dissatisfaction
What happens in the Intra-Psychic Phase?
Cognitive processes which occur Partner weighs up the pros and cons of relationship Evaluate against alternatives Broods on reasons for dissatisfaction Possibly confide in a trusted person Begins to make plans for the future
What happens in the Dyadic Phase?
Interpersonal processes
Series of confrontations where dissatisfaction is aired, lack of equity etc
Can no longer avoid talking about the relationship
EITHER determination to end relationship or renewed desire for reparations
What happens in the Social Phase?
Wider process3s which involove the couples social network
Find support and form pacts
mutual friends usually have to pick a side
Gossiping-friends provide reassurance and reinforcement
Many different responses- secret info revealed & supportiveness
Usually the point of no return as relationship takes momentum of social forces
What happens in the Grave Dressing Phase?
Favourable story for public consumption
Find personal story
Dissatisfied partner moves on
Try to maintain some ‘social credit’ ususally by showing partner in bad light
Orginal positive traits of partner now negative traits
Evaluation-Culture Bias/Imposed Etic
Research based on Western individualistic cultures
Individualistic cultures find it easier to separate compared to colectivist cultures where it may be more difficult to do so.
Maghaddam et al found that collectivist relationship are commonly obligatory or permanent.
Evaluation-Couple Counselling
By identifying which stage a partner/couple are in the therapist is able to attempt to resolve issues relating to said phase.
Different strategies are used in different phases in attempt to salvage the relationship e.g dyadic phase recommends working on communication
Evalution-Rigidity of orginal model
Some people leave saying little, others in a fit of rage.
Some actively try to rescue relationship, other try to end quickly.
Duck said too simplistic and later added that progression through the phase model is not inevitable
Returning to previous phase is possible
Breakdown more complex than first suggested.