Duchess textual quotations Flashcards
What is wrong with the court?
the “flattering sycophants”
Antonio’s appreciation of the Duchess
“the stains the time past, lights the time to come”
Bosola as a servant
“I am your familiar”
Ferdinand and Cardinal threatening the Duchess
“The marriage night/is the entrance into some prison”
Ferdinand as the disdained lover
“Vulcan’s engine” “lusty widow”
Duchess being naive
“make them my low footsteps”
Duchess is flesh and blood
“Not the figure cut in alabaster/Kneels at my husband’s tomb”
Their marriage is valid
“What can the church force more?”
Cariola being a misogynist
“Whether the spirit of greatness or of woman/Reign most in her”
Duchess’ wandering womb
“I am/ So troubled with the mother”
Duchess as lustful
“How greedily she eats them!”
Antonio is useless
“I am lost in amazement”
Antonio is useful
“You are an impudent snake”
Baby’s horoscope
“short life” “a violent death”
Bosola on lust
“She’s oft found witty, but never wise”
Julia and religion
“old anchorite”
Cardinal to Julia
“I have taken you off your melancholy perch”
Cardinal being manipulative
“spake like one in physic”
Ferdinand’s obsession with nobility
“purge infected blood”, “while my blood ran pure in’t”
What does Ferdinand want to do?
“Burn in a coal pit…sulphur”
Healthy lust
“She’s the sprawlingest bedfellow/I shall like her the better for that”
Duchess’ masculine nobility
“do both like a prince”
Ridiculous that they are disdaining second marriage
“I have not gone about to create any new world or custom”
Duchess is the woman with a plan
“I have fashioned it already”
Duchess being blabbermouth
“That good one you speak of is my husband”
Duchess disdaining religion
“Thou art a superstitious fool.”
Duchess dying nobly
“till in the fisher’s basket we be shown”
Women are noble in silence
“Her silence/expresseth more than if she spoke”
Duchess’ defiance
“I am Duchess of Malfi still”
Duchess as jesus
“I forgive them.”
Ferdinand being remorseful/weirdo
“Mine eyes dazzle!”
Ferdinand is not remorseful
“a good actor…cursed/For playing a villain’s part”
Bosola getting blindsided
“I served your tyranny…to appear a true servant”
Antonio disdaining religion
“You are still an heretic”
Julia’s debased courtly love
“I have already suffered for thee so much pain”
What does Julia call herself?
“great women of pleasure”
Julia being manipulative
“wind my tongue about his heart/Like a skein of silk”
Julia’s eternal damnation
“I go, I know not whither”
Antonio’s dying wish
“let my son fly the courts of princes”
Ferdinand blames his sister
“like diamonds, we are cut with our own dust”