Duchess of Malfi critical quotes (ao5) Flashcards
the Duchess - Susan Baker
“The Duchess does not…”
the Duchess does not develop, or grow, or learn anything significant from any of her experiences
the Duchess - Elizabeth Oakes
“The Duchess’ widowhood is not..”
the Duchess’ widowhood is not the cause but the context of her martyrdom
the Duchess - P.Murray
“the radiant spirit…”
the radiant spirit of the Duchess cannot be killed
the Duchess - Elizabeth Oakes
“The Duchess becomes the woman…”
the Duchess becomes the woman carved in stone that Ferdinand wanted her to be
the Duchess - Nanci Roider
“the play is a cautionary…”
the play is a cautionary tale which shows what can happen when women marry without the proper consent
the Duchess - Muriel Bradbrook
“Julia is a foil to the Duchess…”
Julia is a foil to the Duchess… who takes a man as she feels the impulse
the play - Travis Bogard
“the ultimate tragedy of Webster’s world…”
the ultimate tragedy of Webster’s world is not the death of any individual but rather the presence of evil and decay which drags all mankind to death
the play - David Cecil
“all the play’s apparent beauties…”
all the play’s apparent beauties are all snares and delusions
the play - T.S.Eliot
“Webster is a great literary and…”
webster is a great literary and a dramatic genius directed towards chaos
the play - David Cecil
“the world as seen by Webster…”
the world as seen by Webster is, of it’s nature, incurably corrupt
the play - Martha Lofston
“the play does not…”
the play does not provide easy answers
Bosola - Christopher Hart
“a twisted…”
a twisted misanthrope and cut throat
Bosola - William Beard
“we should never…”
we should never climb higher than “our sources permit”
Bosola - Bowers
“a misfit, a man of…”
a misfit, a man of worthier talents forced into a degrading position
Bosola - Daniel Weston
“Bosola, it appears, develops into…”
Bosola, it appears, develops into something like a fully rounded character, complete with complexities and contradictions
Bosola - Brian Gibbons
“the malcontent is not just a hired…”
the malcontent is not just a hired contract killer, he is given much more prominence and stronger motivation
Bosola - Muriel Bradbrook
“The Duchess’ death…”
the Duchess’ death converts Bosola, the expected miracle
Ferdinand - Frank Wigham
“Antonio’s successful move up…”
Antonio’s successful move up the social scale has caused Ferdinand’s incestuous feelings for his sister
Ferdinand - R.S.White
“he does not exactly repent…”
he does not exactly take repent, but rather refuses to take responsibility to the murder he has committed
Ferdinand - R.S.White
“Ferdinand’s future degradation into…”
Ferdinand’s future degradation into the form of madness of lycanthropy can be seen as a mental refuge from accepting responsibility
Ferdinand - Michael Neill
“the inverted wolfskin…”
the inverted wokfskin is an image both of secret viciousness and of the inward suffering that ensues from it
Ferdinand - Christopher Hart
“the 2 brothers are not driven by…”
the 2 brothers are not driven by any sense of possessive outrage, however warped, but by a delight in malice itself
Cardinal/Julia - Kathleen McKluskie
“the Cardinal regards Julia…”
the Cardinal regards Julia as completely his creature with no independent contribution to make to the affair
the Cardinal - Lee Bliss
“rather an automaton…”
rather an automaton than a trickster villain
the Cardinal - Lee Bliss
“the Cardinal’s cool, unemotional detachment…”
the Cardinal’s cool, unemotional detachment is more terrifying than Ferdinand’s impassioned raving
the Cardinal - Muriel Bradbrook
“the Cardinal knows…”
the Cardinal knows already that he is in Hell
Cardinal/Julia - Christina Luckyj
“it is wrong to characterise Julia as a…”
it is wrong to characterise Julia as a “wanton, promiscuous and morally reprehensible woman” like in the 1960 RSC production
Cardinal/Julia - Christina Luckyj
“Julia’s wooing of Bosola…”
Julia’s wooing of Bosola in Act 5 seems deliberately designed to recall the Duchess’ wooing of Antonio in Act 1
Cardinal/Julia - William Poel
“Julia is designed to set off to the Duchess; and instance of…”
Julia is designed as a set off to the Duchess; as an instance of unholy love in contrast to the chaste love of the Duchess
Antonio - John Seltzer
“he is very conscious of his social station…”
he is very conscious of his social station; he makes sure that his love is not mistaken for ambition
Antonio - Nanci Roider
“with his marriage to the duchess, all social boundaries have been…”
with his marriage to the Duchess, all social boundaries have been torn down, and Antonio is left without any usable frame of social reference
Antonio - Muriel Bradbrook
“Antonia simply does not belong with the ‘great ones’”
Antonio simply does not belong with the “great ones”; his role in the marriage is passive