Duan: Lipoprotein metabolism overview (TMI...) Flashcards
protein-lipid complexes responsible for transport of plasma lipids
What makes up the surface of lipoproteins? What makes up the core?
surface: phospholipids, unesterified cholesterol, Apolipoproteins (Apo)
core: cholesterol esters and TAGs
Which lipoproteins have the greatest diameter and the greatest percentage of total lipids?
chylomicrons (greatest diameter, 99% lipid, 1% protein)
VLDL (large diameter, 92% lipid, 8% protein)
Which lipoproteins have intermediate/small diameter and the greatest percentage of total protein?
LDL: 80% lipid, 20% protein
HDL: 50% lipid, 50% protein
Recall the progression in diameter and density in the different lipoproteins
chylomicrons (largest, most lipids, least protein)
VLDL (large, mostly lipids, little protein)
LDL (small, mostly lipids, 20% protein)
HDL (smallest, 1/2 lipid, 1/2 protein)
What are the two pathways for lipoprotein metabolism?
exogenous/chylomicron pathway (dietary fat) endogenous pathway (lipids synthesized by the liver)
Briefly discuss the exogenous pathway of lipoprotein metabolism
Bile emulsifies fat in the chyme of the stomach
Pancreatic lipase cleaves TAGs into 2 FA + 1 MAG
Enterocytes of gut absorb these molecules - inside the enterocytes, they reform into TAGs
Then the TAGs gain APOB-48 and become chylomicrons
Chylomicrons move through lymphatic system into the blood stream
In the blood, HDL donates APOCII and APOE to the chylomicron making it “mature”
Through APOCII, chylomicrons activate LPL on endothelial cells lining blood vessels
This converts the TAGs to glycerol and FAs which can cross into the tissues and be stored in adipose or muscle tissue
The rest of the chylomicron which has lost TGs (chylomicron remnant) continues circulating thru the blood until its APOC is gone.
Then it travels to the liver and thru its APOE receptor is endocytosed into the liver
In the liver, FA and glycerol can be stored for later use
Briefly discuss the endogenous pathway for lipoprotein metabolism
In the liver hepatocytes, TAGsare assembled with CEs and APOB100 to form VLDL particles. These are released into the bloodstream.
They pick up APOCII and APOE from HDL in the blood. They are mature.
They encounter LPL on endothelial cells of vessels and are absorbed into peripheral tissues (adipose and muscle) and deliver TAG contents.
The remnant becomes an IDL and can return to the liver, where they can release more glycerol and FAs.
They become LDL
LDL circulates and releases lipids, like cholesterol in the body.
What does HDL donate to circulating chylomicrons and VLDL?
cholesterol esters
This component of chylomicrons and VLDLs activates lipoprotein lipase and causes the hydrolysis of TGs into glycerol and FFAs
The primary carrier of cholesterol
Component of VLDL, IDL, and LDL, which is positively correlated with cardiovascular disease
What happens when LDL binds to LDL receptors on hepatic tissues and extrahepatic tissues?
the LDL complex get endocytosed and releases free cholesterol into the cytoplasm, which can be used in membranes
Transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues to liver