DT Reading II Flashcards
finally, at last, in the end
censeo, -ere, censui, census
think, suppose, judge, recommend
consto, -are
agree, correspond, be certain, consistent, decided
quum (prep.)
+ abl. with, together, with, at the same time with
quum (conj.)
when, while, as, since
connecto, -ere, connexi, connexus
join, fasten, link together
uter, utra, utrum
which (of two), whichever no matter which
praecedo, -ere, praecessi, praecessus
go before, procede, surpass
aspicio, -ere, aspexi, aspectus
look/gaze at
intuor/intueor, intui/intueri, intuitus sum
look at, consider, regard (Dep.)
straightforward, immediately
polleo, -ere, –, –
exert power or influence, be strong
dos, dotis
dowry, dower, talent, quality
by no means
drop by drop
coelum/us, -i
sky, heaven, heavens
stillo, -are
falls in drops, drip
deduco, -ere, deduxi, deductus
lead/draw/pull down, bring downstream
tenuitas, -atis
thinness, fineness, leanness
praesertim (adv.)
especially, particularly
deicio, -ere, deieci, deiectus
throw/bring/send down, cause to fall
defectio, -onis
desertion, revolt, defection, failure, deficiency
cogo, -ere, coegi, coactus
collect, gather, round up
expergefacio, -ere, -feci, -factus
awaken, wake up (from sleep)
reperio, -ire, repperi, repertus
discover, learn, light on, find, obtain
spolio, -iare
rob, strip, despoil
orno, -are
equip, dress, decorate
probrum, probri
disgrace, abuse, insult
detego, -ere, detexi, detectus
uncover, disclose, reveal, expose
instigo, -are
urge on, incite, rouse
congeries, congeriei
heap, pile, collection, the ruins, chaos
adv. partly, for the most part
partim. ..partim… = some…others
inrogo, -are
impose, inflict (penatly), demand, propose
monstrum, -i
monster, portent, unnatural
agnosco, -ere, -agnovi, agnitus
recognize, realize, discern, acknowledge, claim
proculco, -are
trample on
proicio, -ere, proieci, projectus
throw down, throw out, abandon
contraho, -ere, contraxi, contractus
enter into relationship/agreement, deal with, assemble together
velum, -i
sail, covering, curtain
velo, -are
veil, cover, enfold
conloquor, -loqui, conlocutus
talk/speak with, talk together, converse
submoveo, -ere, submovi, submotus
remove, drive off, dislodge
nequeo, -uire, nequivi, nequitus
be unable, cannot
accedo, -ere, accessi, accessus
come near, approach
omitto, -ere, omisi, omissus
lay aside, omit, let go, disregard
semen, seminis
usurpo, -are
seize upon, usurp, use