DSM structucture and HiTOP Flashcards
dimensions of five factor model
- emotional stability
- extraversion
- openness
- agreeableness
- conscientiousness
alternative model of personality disorders
- negative affectivity (vs emotional stability)
- detachment (vs extraversion)
- psychoticism (vs openness more or less)
- antagonism (vs agreeableness)
- disinhibition (vs conscientiousness)
HiTOP spectra
- somatoform (negative affectivity)
- internalizing (negative affectivity)
- detatchment (detachment)
- thought disorder (psychoticism)
- antagonist externalizing (antagonism)
- disinhibited externalizing (disinhibition)
DSM-5 sections
section I: basics
section II: diagnostic criteria and codes
- 22 chapters
section II: emerging models and measures
somatoform spectrum
- chapter and disorders
chapter 3: somatic symptom and related syndromes
- somatic symptoms
- illness anxiety
- conversion
syndromes not included in the HiTOP
- autism spectrum
- sleep-wake problems
- elimination syndromes
- gender dysphoria
- dissociation
- neurocognitive syndromes
itnernalizing spectrum sub-domains
- sexual problems
- eating problems
- fear
- distress
sexual problems
- chapter and syndromes
chapter 13: sexual syndromes
- delayed ejaculation
- erectile syndrome
- female orgasmic syndrome
- female sexual interest/arousal syndrome
- male hypoactive sexual desire syndrome
- genito-pelvic pain/penetration syndrome
- premature ejacualtion
eating problems
- chapter and syndrome
chapter 10: feedign and eating pathologies
- pica
- rumination
- eliminative/restricitve food intake
- anorexia nervosa
- bulimisa nervosa
- binge-eating syndrome
- chapter and syndromes (only general name)
- anxiety syndromes (chapter 5)
- obsessive-compulsive and realted disorders (chapter 6)
anxiety syndromes
- separation anxiety
- selective mutism
- specific phobia
- social anxiety syndrome
- panic syndromes
- panic attack specifier
- agoraphobia
- generalized anxiety
obsessive- compulsive and related
- other related to obsession (skin picking, body dismorphia…)
- chapter and syndromes (only general name)
- generalized anxiety (chapter 5)
- depressive syndromes (chapter 4)
- trauma- and stressor-related syndromes (chapter 7)
depressive syndromes
- distruptive mood dysregulation syndrome
- major depressive syndrome
- persistent depressive syndrome (dysthymia)
- premenstrual dysphoric syndrome
- chapter and syndromes
- HiTOP spectrum
chapter 8: dissociative syndromes
- dissociative identity
- dissociative amnesia
- depersonalization/derealization
HiTOP: internalising