DSM 5 Diagnoses COPY Flashcards
Histrionic Personality Disorder
pervasive need for attention - seductive bx/dress
rapid shifts shallow expression of emotions
physical appearance is very important (vain)
dramatic/exaggerated expression of emotion
Borderline Personality Disorder
instability in their relationships due to:
black and white thinking
mood instability
feelings of empty-ness
rage & lack of ability to control emotions
recurrent suicidal attempts/gestures
self-mutilating behaviors
fear of abandonment & identity disturbances
Antisocial Personality Disorder
must be 18 & over & conduct disorder before age 15
pervasive pattern disregard & violation of others
deception repeatedly for profit &/or pleasure
indifferent or rationalize hurting others or mistreating them
lack of remorse
law breaking
Avoidant Personality Disorder
lack of relationships
fears being around others or interacting with them
express a fear of being ridiculed, poor self-image, a preoccupation with being criticized, loneliness, and social isolation.
Despite this, they have a strong desire for social relationships, but find it difficult to take that personal risk
feelings of inadequacy
Dependent Personality Disorder
difficulty making decisions w/o reassurance from others
need others to take responsibility
difficulty disagreeing for fear of loss/disappointment
easy going - don’t speak up, don’t argue
lack confidence in their judgement
excessive lengths to gain approval of others
feel scared & helpless when alone
preoccupied by fear of unable to care for themselves
lack self-confidence
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
rigid conformity to rules/moral codes excessive orderliness perfectionist hard time delegating workaholic anal controlling things lined up/orderly no awareness that this is an issue (ego-syntonic) can be functioning normal people
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Pre-cursor to Schizophrenia NO psychotic episode bizarre fantasies irrational beliefs extreme social anxiety lack of close friends odd behavior & thinking & speaking idea of reference: think magazines/newspapers have a message directly for them magical thinking: feeling sixth sense some suspicion/paranoid thinking may dress kind of bizarre
Delusional Disorder
ONLY delusions bizarre: no possible or non-bizarre: possible, but not plausible personality disorder has been ruled out first
No issue seen
behavior is not seen problematic
part of themselves
usually result of early life neglect/trauma/abuse
they believe their values and behaviors are acceptable and consistent with their self-concept
*usually seen with Personality Disorders
Aware of & problematic
they do not like it
want to change
Schizoid Personality Disorder
lack of interest in social relationships
withdrawn - do not want to connect
pervasive over lifetime
they don’t have a desire for relationships
Substance Use Disorder
continuum of mild to severe
more severe: increased tolerance
depends on how many of criteria they meet
failure to perform obligations (work/home/school)
impacts social interactions
efforts to stop & can’t stop
use becomes excessive & problematic & inferences with functioning
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
pervasive pattern of grandiosity of self need admiration & lack of empathy rude exaggerate achievements & arrogant expect to be treated as superior fantasies of unlimited success & power
Gambling Disorder
compulsive gambling even when they are having financial damage
increased amounts of money that they are spending towards it
pre-occupation w idea of gambling
even after loosing they will continue to gamble
gamble when distressed to avoid negative emotions
lie about gambling
jeopardize personal relationships
borrow to gamble &/or extreme debt
R/O: Manic Phase - cannot be explained by manic episode
Substance Intoxication
different symptoms depending on
Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
lack of sexual interest/arousal
decline or lack of intimacy
may be temporary, but not permanent
mood disorders would need to be ruled out first
Paranoid Personality Disorder
irrational suspicions & distrust of others
pervasive across all different domains
w/o basis & experiences the world as hostile
constantly worried & holds grudges
read into messages & remarks
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
problems controlling aggressive impulses
assaultive behavior
verbally abusive
outbursts are disproportionate to stressor
R/O: Other personality Disorder or Substance Use
sudden attack of sleep
sudden loss of muscle tone
possible hallucinations while going & in out of sleep
daytime fatigue
Nightmare Disorder
wakes up nightmare
quickly oriented & can recall contents of nightmare
all same symptoms timeline determines diagnosis
5 Categories
1. Delusions - belief that is false - a) Non-Bizarre Delusion: possible, but not probable b) Bizarre Delusion - not possible
2.Hallucinations - visual & auditory
3. Disorganized Speech - rambling, incoherent
4. Disorganized Behaviors - moving, gestures, impulsive reactions (usually reacting to hallucinations)
5. Negative Symptoms - flat affect, quiet, problems w movement/stiff
Primary Insomnia Disorder
sleeplessness that cannot be attributed to an existing medial, psychiatric or environmental cause (such as drug abuse or medications)
difficulty sleeping at least 3 nights a week for 3 mo
difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, early morning wakings & multiple wakes during night
feeling tired
R/O: manic phase, major depressive, anxiety
Dissociative Amnesia
sudden forgetting of pertinent personal info
usually occurs in time of extreme stress & shock
impulsively wandering away from home
inability to recall past events,
Substance Withdrawal
different symptoms depending on
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
pain or fear of pain during intercourse
pelvic floor muscles tense during vaginal intercourse
great displeasure at thought of sex
result of sexual trauma (active or history)
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
present in reality but report feeling outside of body
dream like state
do not feel connected to reality
world feels surreal
Hypersomnolence Disorder
sleeping more than 7 hours & wanting to sleep more
difficulty being fully awake (groggy, sluggish)
could be result of overweight, substance
R/O: Major Depressive Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder
2 or more distinct personality states
one state cannot remember stuff from another state
occurs result of early trauma experiences
Unspecified Eating Disorder
not met the criteria of other eating disorders
could be purging w/o binging
normal weight obsession/anxiety body image
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
cannot be about weight
dissatisfied w specific body part
intrusive or preoccupying thoughts regarding an imagined or slight defect on the body
Major Neurocognitive Disorder
serious decline in functioning that requires accommodations
impacts attention, executive functioning, language, memory, cognition, social skills, motor skills
looses independence
NOT aware of memory loss
Bulimia Nervosa
binge eating & purging
fear of weight gain
use vomiting/laxatives/other means to get ride of weight
excessive exercise
Binge Eating Disorder
ONLY binge eating
shame & disgust after eating
Factitious Disorder
likes to get attention of being sick
act like they are sick in order to go to MD & get attention of being patient
V Code
faking illness in order to gain/avoid
Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Disorder
recurrent episodes of incomplete waking
can’t recall dreams/nightmare content
sleep walking
don’t remember waking up
rapid onset usually in hospital setting
marked shift in someone’s awareness process
impairs: memory, executive functioning, language
mumbling, illusions, hallucinations
lasts a few hours or up to 24 hours
biochemical change due to meds/drugs/med condition
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
obsessive thoughts & compulsive behaviors
thoughts are intrusive that run a person’s life
behaviors excessive, debilitating & noticeable (counting, checking)
treatment needed due to impairment
Mild Neurocognitive Disorder
pre-cursor to major neurocognitive disorder
noticeable decline in functioning but still able to keep independence
pay bills on time & make it to appointments
people being to notice forgetfulness
may need increase in support
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
symptoms must be present for AT LEAST 6 mo.
biological problems present (sleep, diet)
worried about numerous things
across multiple domains
affects attention
Anxiety Disorder Unspecified
symptoms present for LESS than 6 mo. (regardless of severity)
symptoms present for MORE than 6 mo. but symptoms NOT SEVERE
some elements of anxiety but does not meet full criteria
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
symptoms are the same: timeline defines diagnosis
experience or witness event experienced to be life threatening
intrusive thoughts
not trying to think about it
negative mood: frequent shame, survivor’s guilt
hyper-arousal (startle response) : jumpy & tense
easily agitated
avoid situations/places may be triggering
Acute Stress Disorder
symptoms are the same: timeline defines diagnosis
experience or witness event experienced to be life threatening
intrusive thoughts
not trying to think about it
negative mood: frequent shame, survivor’s guilt
hyper-arousal (startle response) : jumpy & tense
easily agitated
avoid situations/places may be triggering
Anxiety Disorder Unspecified
symptoms of anxiety are linked to even but it was not life threatening
Brief Psychotic Disorder
all same symptoms timeline determines diagnosis
5 Categories
1. Delusions - belief that is false - a) Non-Bizarre Delusion: possible, but not probable b) Bizarre Delusion - not possible
2.Hallucinations - visual & auditory
3. Disorganized Speech - rambling, incoherent
4. Disorganized Behaviors - moving, gestures, impulsive reactions (usually reacting to hallucinations)
5. Negative Symptoms - flat affect, quiet, problems w movement/stiff
grieving the death significant loved one/pet
feelings of loss, anger, despair, self-blame
can be a trigger of major depressive disorder
Adjustment Disorder w Depressed Mood
not diagnosed w Bereavement (pick bereavement over this)
reaction to something that happens in environment - recent life stressor
timeline: symptoms present WITHIN 3 mo of the stressor & cannot go BEYOND 6 mo
fear of leaving the house
fear of going out in public
must be in at least 2 different situations
fear is excessive to the point of impaired functioning
avoids situations in public places or areas where an immediate escape might be difficult
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
make seomeon else appear sick or actually make them sick to get the attention of being the caregiver
Bipolar I Disorder w Psychotic Features
Mood disorder (primary) w psychotic features (secondary)
Panic Disorder
reoccurring unexpected panic attacks
live in constant fear of the recurrence
panic attack feels like they are going to die - very unpleasant & overwhelming experience
shape life around trying to avoid panic attack - impairs functioning
Separation Anxiety Disorder
specific anxiety separating attachment figures/caregiver
in children: at least 4 weeks
in adults: at least 6 mo
anticipatory anxiety & constant worrying about caregiver
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
problems w authority
refuse to comply w any kind of directives
don’t want to do anything anyone tells them
problematic - impairs function
Conduct Disorder
violation or rights of others
law breaking activity - stealing, vandalism, property destruction
violent behavior
lack of remorse
*this is a criteria to diagnose anti-social personality disorder as an adult**
Disruptive Mood Disregulation Disorder
used to be known as “bipolar in children”
diagnosed usually 6-10 but up to 17
chronically irritable/moody
re-occuring temper tantrums
outbursts happen at least 3x/week
generally negative mood even w/o outbursts
Schizoaffective Disorder
psychotic features present at all times
mood disorder comes & goes (experiencing depressive or manic symptoms)
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
*shows up early 9mo-5yrs - result of pervasive neglect/abuse/change in caregivers* no boundaries overly comfortable w strangers attach easily w strangers behaviors stand out not the normal interactions w strangers
1 MO - 6 MO
all same symptoms timeline determines diagnosis
5 Categories
1. Delusions - belief that is false - a) Non-Bizarre Delusion: possible, but not probable b) Bizarre Delusion - not possible
2.Hallucinations - visual & auditory
3. Disorganized Speech - rambling, incoherent
4. Disorganized Behaviors - moving, gestures, impulsive reactions (usually reacting to hallucinations)
5. Negative Symptoms - flat affect, quiet, problems w movement/stiff
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
specific context of being w group of people
fear social situations
concerns of being judged, rejected, observed
keep to people they are comfortable w
can be w strangers or people you know (there is a range)
self-conscious and anxious in front of others to the point that it gets in the way of doing things
Language Disorder
difficulty building vocabulary
reduced vocabulary
significantly below normal
uses simple sentences & difficulty w anything longer than a 5 word sentence
impairs ability to communicate but can produce sounds and speech is understandable
Reactive Attachment Disorder
*shows up early 9mo-5yrs - result of pervasive neglect/abuse/change in caregivers* must have an onset before age 5 have given up that anyone cares about them withdrawn do not seek comfort don't respond irritable limited range of affect often sad & fearful little excitement focused on themselves don't act out difficulty engaging w others bc focused on themselves
Anorexia Nervosa
restricts dietary intake to the point of not meeting their needed intake
less than minimal weight
intense fear of weight gain/fat
distorted body image
compensate; excessive exercise
coordination w MD necessary for treatment
at least five years old and is unintentionally urinating twice a week, generally for about 3 months
Tourette’s Disorder
BOTH motor & vocal tics
Selective Mutism
individual fails to speak in particular situations (usually w kids at school but fine at home)
impairment of ability to participate
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
impaired social communication
Above Age 4
Pattern of soiling themselves
Rumination Disorder
repeated involuntary regurgitation of food that’s not related to any other food disorder
reflux disorder
eat food & regurgitate it
Pica Disorder
persistent eating of non-food substances
Persistent Motor/Vocal Tic Disorder
EITHER motor or vocal tic
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
symptoms present before age 12 2 or more contexts (home/school/work) inattention procrastination cannot sustain attention interrupts hyperactive restless hard time doing mental tasks moves often hard time staying still fidgets seeks stimulation frequently hard time organized unable to complete tasks/follow directions
Child Onset Fluency Disorder
sound or syllable repeated
broken words (long pause between two syllable words)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
shows up young 0-5 deficiencies in social communication & interaction poor eye contact lack social reciprocity poor non-verbal communication limited or no play stereotyped behaviors & speech hard time transitions hyper/hypo sensitivity to inputs
Cyclothymic Disorder
symptoms present for AT LEAST 2 years
hypomanic symptoms/state and milder depressive symptoms (unspecified depressive disorder)
ADHD can be diagnosed only if the symptoms were present before age of ____
12 years old
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
repetitive movements generally start at a younger age (than compared to Tourette’s disorder) and the movements last longer than tics would
Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
persistent or recurrently deficient sexual or erotic thoughts, fantasies, and desire for sexual activity.
These symptoms must have persisted for a minimum of six months, and they must cause clinically significant distress.
The disorder is specified by severity level and subtyped into lifelong versus acquired, generalized versus situational.
What psychotropic medication is commonly used to treat Bipolar Disorder?
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
Doesn’t meet the full criteria of Major Depressive Disorder
individual is still functioning
mild disturbances of biological functioning
Secondary Insomnia Disorder
symptoms of insomnia arise from a primary medical illness, mental disorders or other sleep disorders
Illness Anxiety Disorder
preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness
No or very MILD somatic symptoms
high level of anxiety about health & easily alarmed about personal health status
performs excessive health related behaviors
failure to have actual medical condition diagnosed
intense fear that they have serious issue despite MD reassurance they don’t
shop around MD & do a lot of research
present for AT LEAST 6 mo.
A willingness to consider the possibility that no serious disease actually exists
According to the DSM-V, for Substance Use Disorder to be in Sustained Full Remission, the length of the absence of the symptoms must be
One Year
Korsakoff Syndrome
generally the result of chronic alcohol abuse
Symptoms of Schizophrenia most commonly occur within the age range of?
What is the biggest differential between Avoidant Personality Disorder & Schizoid Personality Disorder?
Avoidant Personality Disorder: WANT to connect but fear to do so
Schizoid Personality Disorder: prefer to be ALONE, social connection is not needed
What is the difference between Schizoid Personality Disorder & Autism Spectrum Disorder?
1.Cold, unresponsive, or neglectful parents increase the risk of schizoid personality. Autism begins in utero and is never caused by bad parenting
2. Schizoid people are aloof and do not care much about others. Autistic people often care deeply, but show it differently, and may withdraw because it is overwhelming
3. Some autistic people want close relationships, but do not know how to obtain them.
4. People with schizoid PD have little or no desire to find love and marry. Many autistic people enjoy romantic relationships and may get married.
While autistic people may have unique body language, they will almost always react. People with schizoid personality disorder will appear indifferent.
5. Most autistic people have or want close relationships with a few loved ones, such as family or friends. People with schizoid PD will remain indifferent.
An autistic person may not pick up on subtle social cues like body language. A person who has schizoid personality disorder might over-interpret these things, often in a suspicious way
6.Social differences in schizoid PD are caused mainly by a lack of interest, while in autism, they are caused by confusion and lack of skills.
7. Autistic children develop at their own pace, meeting milestones more slowly, more quickly, or out of order. Unless another disability is present, people with schizoid traits will follow the expected timeline
8.Someone with schizoid PD shows little interest in hobbies and other activities, having no or very few activities they enjoy. Autistic people typically have a few “special interests,” which are narrow, intense, and extremely passionate
9. Autism becomes visible in childhood, while schizoid PD usually begins around early adulthood.
Conversion Disorder
Psychological issue converts into somatic
have actual physical symptoms such as blindness or paralysis that have no medical explanation
ex: “blind rage” or if there is trauma then they loose function or paralyze limb
characterized by a compulsive urge to pull out one’s own hair especially when stressed
Major Symptoms of Amphetamine Intoxication
may experience psychosis, particularly in individuals who are heavy users
may also experience palpitations, disorientation, and rapid/tangential speech
Gender Dysphoria
reporting conflict between physical gender and identified gender
Excoriation Disorder
(skin picking)
will pick or scratch at their skin to the point where damage is caused
often done when the individual is feeling anxious or stressed
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
symptoms occur within the week before menstrual cycle and then disappear.
experience depressive symptoms within 5-11 days before their menstrual cycle
These symptoms then lessen or disappear completely once it has started.
Restless Leg Syndrome
reporting sensations and discomfort in legs during times when trying to rest.
Moving the legs helps for a little bit, but does not always fully relieve the discomfort
Major Depressive Disorder
at least 2 weeks negative mood lack of enjoyment & motivation changes in biological functioning suicidal ideation hopelessness/worthlessness, feelings of burden can be w bereavement
Persistent Depressive Disorder
depressed mood at least 2 years for adults ( 1 yr for youth)
not as severe as major depressive disorder
on & off symptoms
basically unspecified but chronic condition
Bipolar I Disorder
MANIA: evalated mood that leads to significant impairment for at least 1 week - feeling positive, grandiose thoughts, risky behaviors) unusual for the person to behave like this - excessive energy/lack of sleep, euphoria denial of manic episode damage done to relationships usually followed by depressive episode a lot of exercise
Bipolar II Disorder
milder form of mood elevation (hypomania)
hypomania state alternates with severe depression
hypomania not as impaired as mania & not as severe problems are caused
Somatic Symptom Disorder
somatic issue present & documented by MD
severe health related anxiety
devote time & energy to symptoms which decrease functioning
present for at least 6 months
Central Sleep Apnea
stops breathing while asleep
when they resume breathing : loud snore/gasp
disrupt quality of sleep - really tired
compulsive stealing NOT for need but for fun
Specific Learning Disorder
related to math/reading/writing skills - specify based on presentation
difficulty learning basic academic skills that should be able to be learned based on age & IQ (unable to learn the way most do)
need to get info. in a diff. way - auditory, visual, repetition (explained differently)
not processing information in meaning way - cause disruption behaviors issues
important to rule out when considering ADHD
Schizoid Personality Disorder
lack of interest in social relationships
withdrawn - do not want to connect
pervasive over lifetime